Example: CREATE PROCEDURE doiterate(p1 INT) BEGIN label1: LOOP SET p1 = p1 + 1; IF p1 < 10 THEN ITERATE label1; END IF; LEAVE label1; END LOOP label1; SET @x = p1; END; . [begin_label:] LOOP statement_list END LOOP [end_label] LOOP implements a ...
mysql> SELECT ABS(2); -> 2 mysql> SELECT ABS(-32); -> 32 This function is safe to use with BIGINT values. For string or floating-point arguments, the return value has a floating-point type. The argument N is interpreted as an integer, but may be ...
shell> ./mysqlslap --auto-generate-sql --concurrency=100 --iterations=10 --number-of-queries=1000 --number-char-cols=6 --number-int-cols=6; Query the wait event data. A mutex is a synchronization mechanism used in the code to enforce that only one ...
Note As an alternative to a composite index, you can introduce a column that is “hashed” based on information from other columns. MySQL can create composite indexes (that is, indexes on multiple columns). For certain data types, you can index a ...
Example: Suppose that the test database contains a table named mytexttable that has the following definition: CREATE TABLE mytexttable ( id INT NOT NULL, txt TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FULLTEXT (txt) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; The index on id is index 0 ...It reads the MyISAM index file directly, so it must be run on the server host where the table is ...
Table 16.2 MyISAM Storage Engine Features Feature Support B-tree indexes Yes Backup/point-in-time recovery (Implemented in the server, rather than in the storage engine.) Yes Cluster database support No Clustered indexes No Compressed data Yes ...
The tbl_name argument can be either the name of a MyISAM table or the name of its index file, as described in Section 4.6.4, “myisamchk — MyISAM Table-Maintenance Utility”. uint24 NULL 0 1024 Field Start Length Nullpos Nullbit Type 1 1 1 2 2 4 ... To obtain a description of a MyISAM table or statistics about it, use the commands shown ...
int mysql_binlog_fetch(MYSQL *mysql, MYSQL_RPL *rpl) Fetch one event from the replication event stream. For a non-EOF event, size is greater than 0 and the buffer member points to the event contents. After a successful call, the size member ...
int mysql_binlog_open(MYSQL *mysql, MYSQL_RPL *rpl) Open a new replication event stream, to read a MySQL server binary log. rpl: A MYSQL_RPL structure that has been initialized to indicate the replication event stream source. For a description of ...
struct st_mysql_client_plugin *mysql_client_find_plugin(MYSQL *mysql, const char *name, int type) Returns a pointer to a loaded plugin, loading the plugin first if necessary. Specify the parameters as follows: mysql: A pointer to a MYSQL structure.