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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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All nonempty geometries include at least one pair of (X,Y) coordinates. It is a noninstantiable class but has a number of properties, described in the following list, that are common to all geometry values created from any of the Geometry subclasses. Geometry Properties A geometry value has the following properties: Its ...
The instantiable subclasses of Geometry are restricted to zero-, one-, and two-dimensional geometric objects that exist in two-dimensional coordinate space. All instantiable geometry classes are defined so that valid instances of a geometry class ...
For geometry values, MySQL distinguishes between the concepts of syntactically well-formed and geometrically valid. Syntactic well-formedness is also checked for attempts to store geometries into tables. It is permitted to insert, select, and ...
In this model, each geometric object has the following general properties: It is associated with a spatial reference system, which describes the coordinate space in which the object is defined. The set of geometry types proposed by OGC's SQL with ...
The descriptions of the instantiable geometric classes given under Section 11.5.2, “The OpenGIS Geometry Model” include the specific conditions that cause class instances to be classified as not simple. For example: SET @g1 = ... The functions ...
GTID_SUBTRACT() Return all GTIDs in set that are not in subset. JSON_CONTAINS() Whether JSON document contains specific object at path JSON_CONTAINS_PATH() Whether JSON document contains any data at path JSON_DEPTH() Maximum depth of JSON document ...
The following table lists each spatial function and provides a short description of each one.
OpenGIS proposes a number of functions that can produce geometries. These arguments are byte string values produced by the ST_Buffer_Strategy() function, to be used for point, join, and end strategies: Point strategies apply to Point and MultiPoint ...These functions support all argument type combinations except those that are inapplicable according to the Open Geospatial Consortium ...
MySQL supports the functions listed in this section for converting geometry values from internal geometry format to WKT or WKB format, or for swapping the order of X and Y coordinates. There are also functions to convert a string from WKT or WKB ...
GeomCollection() returns all the proper geometries contained in the arguments even if a nonsupported geometry is present. GeometryCollection() returns all the proper geometries contained in the arguments even if a nonsupported geometry is present.
Displaying 1 to 10 of 64 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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