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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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FULLTEXT indexes are created on text-based columns (CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT columns) to help speed up queries and DML operations on data contained within those columns, omitting any words that are defined as stopwords. A FULLTEXT index is defined as ...Inverted indexes store a list of words, and for each word, a list of documents that the word appears ...
For information about running OPTIMIZE TABLE on tables with FULLTEXT indexes, see Section 12.9.6, “Fine-Tuning MySQL Full-Text Search”. INNODB_FT_DELETED: Stores rows that are deleted from the FULLTEXT index for an InnoDB table.
A collection is a set of one or more columns included in a FULLTEXT index. For natural-language full-text searches, the columns named in the MATCH() function must be the same columns included in some FULLTEXT index in your table. For the preceding ... By default or with the IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE modifier, the MATCH() function performs a natural language search for a string against a text ...
Some variable changes require that you rebuild the FULLTEXT indexes in your tables. Note Minimum and maximum word length full-text parameters do not apply to FULLTEXT indexes created using the ngram parser. After changing any of these options, ...
InnoDB tables require a FULLTEXT index on all columns of the MATCH() expression to perform boolean queries. Boolean queries against a MyISAM search index can work even without a FULLTEXT index, although a search executed in this fashion would be ...
document id In the InnoDB full-text search feature, a special column in the table containing the FULLTEXT index, to uniquely identify the document associated with each ilist value. If InnoDB must add the column to the table while creating a FULLTEXT ... These terms are commonly used in information about the MySQL database ...
Creating a FULLTEXT Index that Uses the ngram Parser To create a FULLTEXT index that uses the ngram parser, specify WITH PARSER ngram with CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or CREATE INDEX. The following example demonstrates creating a table with an ngram ... The built-in MySQL full-text parser uses the white space between words as a delimiter to determine where words begin and end, which is a limitation when working with ideographic languages that do not use word ...
Creating a FULLTEXT Index that uses the MeCab Parser To create a FULLTEXT index that uses the mecab parser, specify WITH PARSER ngram with CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or CREATE INDEX. The built-in MySQL full-text parser uses the white space between ...
MATCH (col1,col2,...) AGAINST (expr [search_modifier]) search_modifier: { IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE | IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE WITH QUERY EXPANSION | IN BOOLEAN MODE | WITH QUERY EXPANSION } MySQL has support for full-text indexing and searching: A ...Full-text indexes can be used only with InnoDB or MyISAM tables, and can be created only for CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT ...
Although FULLTEXT indexes on ucs2 columns cannot be used, you can perform IN BOOLEAN MODE searches on a ucs2 column that has no such index. Although the use of multiple character sets within a single table is supported, all columns in a FULLTEXT ...
Displaying 1 to 10 of 58 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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