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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 51 to 60 of 85 total results
pre-space The number of decimal columns that are stored with leading spaces. When the table is used later, the server reads into memory the information needed to decompress columns. This results in much better performance when accessing individual ...
The value is one of int, uint (unsigned integer), double, decimal, datetime, or string (includes character and binary strings). The column_statistics data dictionary table stores histogram statistics about column values, for use by the optimizer in ...
The storage method of the new DECIMAL data type changed between MySQL 5.0.3 and 5.0.5. option: { FOR UPGRADE | QUICK | FAST | MEDIUM | EXTENDED | CHANGED } CHECK TABLE checks a table or tables for errors. CHECK TABLE can also check views for ...
For example, setting UMASK=0600 is equivalent to UMASK=384 because 0600 octal is 384 decimal. If you have problems with file permissions, the UMASK or UMASK_DIR environment variable might be set incorrectly when mysqld starts. For example, MySQL ...
Here, (M,D) means than values can be stored with up to M digits in total, of which D digits may be after the decimal point. The FLOAT and DOUBLE types represent approximate numeric data values. MySQL uses four bytes for single-precision values and ...
If no restrictive modes are enabled, MySQL clips the value to the appropriate endpoint of the column data type range and stores the resulting value instead. When an out-of-range value is assigned to an integer column, MySQL stores the value ...
When a value saved to a column is truncated, such as saving 3.14159 in a DECIMAL(10,1) column, a warning is issued independently of any ON ERROR option. This section contains information about JSON functions that convert JSON data to tabular data.
(This is the same as with partitioning by RANGE and LIST.) Other numeric data types (such as DECIMAL or FLOAT) are not supported as partitioning columns. The next two sections discuss COLUMNS partitioning, which are variants on RANGE and LIST ...
Each of these functions returns an integer only if it is passed an argument of an exact numeric type, such as one of the INT types or DECIMAL. This section discusses limitations in MySQL Partitioning relating specifically to functions used in ...
For other types, inverse aggregation is safe; this includes DECIMAL, which permits a fractional part but is an exact-value type. Window functions affect the strategies the optimizer considers: Derived table merging for a subquery is disabled if the ...
Displaying 51 to 60 of 85 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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