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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 661 to 670 of 725 total results
To configure the slave to start the replication process at the correct point, you need to note the master's current coordinates within its binary log. Warning This procedure uses FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK, which blocks COMMIT operations for ...
You can change the server_id value dynamically by issuing a statement like this: SET GLOBAL server_id = 21; Note that a value of 0 for the server ID prevents a replication slave from connecting to a master. Each replication slave must have a unique ...
If you use a circular replication topology where multiple servers may have write clients, perform step 2 for each master-slave connection, until you have completed the full circle. This section explains how to monitor a replication topology and ...
RESET SLAVE makes the slave forget its replication position, and clears the relay log, but it does not change any replication connection parameters (such as the master host) or replication filters. The RESET SLAVE statement can be used to reset a ...
However, problems arise when modifications done to nontransactional tables on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible to other connections because these changes may not be written immediately into the binary log. Startup Options Used ...
Semisynchronous replication is implemented using plugins, so the plugins must be installed into the server to make them available. After a plugin has been installed, you control it by means of the system variables associated with it. These system ...
The plugins for the semisynchronous replication capability expose several system and status variables that you can examine to determine its configuration and operational state. To check their values, use SHOW VARIABLES: mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ...
Semisynchronous replication between a master and its slaves operates as follows: A slave indicates whether it is semisynchronous-capable when it connects to the master. In addition to the built-in asynchronous replication, MySQL 8.0 supports an ...
Start the slave threads: mysql> START SLAVE; After you have performed this procedure, the slave connects to the master and replicates any updates that have occurred on the master since the snapshot was taken. Before you proceed, ensure that you ...
To import the data, either copy the dump file to the slave, or access the file from the master when connecting remotely to the slave. If the master database contains existing data it is necessary to copy this data to each slave. There are different ...
Displaying 661 to 670 of 725 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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