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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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replication_connection_status: current status of the connection to the master, provides information on the last and current transaction the connection thread queued into the relay log. MySQL supports delayed replication such that a slave server ...
When a slave loses its connection to the master, the slave tries to reconnect immediately and retries periodically if that fails. A slave also is able to deal with network connectivity outages. It is safe to shut down a master server and restart it ...
The network addresses shown are the addresses used to connect clients to the group, and should not be confused with the member's internal group communication address specified by group_replication_local_address. This is the address which clients ...
When a replication slave has GTIDs enabled (GTID_MODE=ON, ON_PERMISSIVE, or OFF_PERMISSIVE ) and the MASTER_AUTO_POSITION option enabled, auto-positioning is activated for connection to the master. The master must have GTID_MODE=ON set in order for ... GTIDs replace the file-offset pairs previously required to determine points for starting, stopping, or resuming the flow of data between master and ...
If you are starting with new servers, see Section, “Creating a User for Replication” for information about adding a specific user for replication connections and Section, “Setting the Replication Master Configuration” for ... This section describes a process for configuring and starting GTID-based replication in MySQL ...
If you set a server ID of 0 on a master, it refuses any connections from slaves, and if you set a server ID of 0 on a slave, it refuses to connect to a master. To configure a master to use binary log file position based replication, you must ensure ...
On each slave that you want to connect to the master, you must configure a unique server ID. Configure the slave with settings for connecting to the master, such as the host name, login credentials, and binary log file name and position. This ...
Each slave that connects to the master requests a copy of the binary log. Because each slave is independent, the replaying of the changes from the master's binary log occurs independently on each slave that is connected to the master. Replication ...
A multi-source replication topology requires at least two masters and one slave configured. In these tutorials, we will assume you have two masters master1 and master2, and a replication slave slavehost. The slave will replicate one database from ...
To monitor the connection status of all channels: mysql> SELECT * FROM replication_connection_status\G; *************************** 1. To monitor the connection status of a named channel, use a WHERE CHANNEL_NAME=channel clause: mysql> SELECT * FROM ... To monitor the status of replication channels the following options exist: Using the replication Performance Schema ...
Displaying 451 to 460 of 721 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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