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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 361 to 370 of 716 total results
If the slave is running, check whether it established a connection to the master. If the I/O thread state says Connecting to master, check the following: Verify the privileges for the user being used for replication on the master. Check that the ...
After you establish a connection, the server enters Stage 2 of access control. For each request that you issue through that connection, the server determines what operation you want to perform, then checks whether you have sufficient privileges to ...This is where the privilege columns in the grant tables come into ...
This account is locked so that it cannot be used for client connections. This account is locked so that it cannot be used for client connections. This account is locked so that it cannot be used for client connections. One part of the MySQL ...
Note After executing a RESTART statement, the client can expect the current connection to be lost. If auto-reconnect is enabled, the connection will be reestablished after the server restarts. One use for RESTART is when it is not possible or ...
For summary tables aggregated by account, host, or user, truncation removes rows for accounts, hosts, or users with no connections, and resets the summary columns to zero for the remaining rows. In addition, each stage summary table that is ... The ...
For other summary tables aggregated by account, host, or user, truncation removes rows for accounts, hosts, or users with no connections, and resets the summary columns to zero for the remaining rows. In addition, each statement summary table that ... The Performance Schema maintains tables for collecting current and recent statement events, and aggregates that information in summary ...
For operations that convert to character data, the character set and collation of the strings that result from the operations are defined by the character_set_connection and collation_connection system variables that determine the default connection ... MySQL has many operators and functions that return a ...
In addition, you must connect to the server using an encrypted connection and supply an SSL certificate with the Subject value specified by the persist_only_admin_x509_subject system variable. For persist-restricted variables, RESET PERSIST does not ...(For information about dynamic variables, see Section, “Dynamic System Variables”.) For certain global system variables, SET can be used to persist their value to the mysqld-auto.cnf file in the data directory, to affect server operation for subsequent ...
Each client that connects has its own session time zone setting, given by the session time_zone variable. For example: mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p mysql The mysql command shown here assumes that you connect to the ...
CONNECT_THREAD_COUNT The number of threads that are processing or waiting to process connection initialization and authentication. There can be a maximum of four connection threads per thread group; these threads expire after a period of inactivity.
Displaying 361 to 370 of 716 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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