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Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 8.0.20-ndb-8.0.20 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. mysqli_connect_error()); $query = "SELECT Name, Population FROM City ORDER BY Population DESC LIMIT 5"; # if no errors... In a similar fashion, you can ... Note The information in this section applies to NDB Cluster running on both Unix and Windows ...
The NDB Cluster codebase provides for four different transporters: TCP/IP using 100 Mbps or gigabit Ethernet, as discussed in Section, “NDB Cluster TCP/IP Connections”. See Section, “NDB Cluster TCP/IP Connections Using ...
When using multiple management servers: If any of the management servers are running on the same host, you must give nodes explicit IDs in connection strings because automatic allocation of node IDs does not work across multiple management servers ...The following are issues relating to the use of multiple MySQL servers as NDB Cluster SQL nodes, and are specific to the NDBCLUSTER storage engine: No distributed table ...
If it has more than 1 row for longer than a few moments, then either not all nodes are connected to the arbitrator, or all nodes are connected, but do not agree on the same arbitrator. arb_connected shows whether this node is connected to the ...
ndbinfo is included with NDB Cluster support in the MySQL Server; no special compilation or configuration steps are required; the tables are created by the MySQL Server when it connects to the cluster. NDB Cluster also maintains tables in the ...
Your MySQL connection id is 2 Server version: 8.0.20-cluster Source distribution Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. MySQL NDB Cluster is a high-availability, high-redundancy version of MySQL adapted for the distributed computing environment. The most ...
const char *mysql_get_ssl_cipher(MYSQL *mysql) mysql_get_ssl_cipher() returns the encryption cipher used for the given connection to the server. A string naming the encryption cipher used for the connection, or NULL if the connection is not ...
This dba.upgradeMetadata() operation compares the version of the metadata schema found on the cluster MySQL Shell is currently connected to with the version of the metadata schema supported by this MySQL Shell version. To upgrade a cluster's ... As ...
MySQL Shell uses the host value of the provided connection parameters as the target hostname used for AdminAPI operations, namely to register the instance in the metadata (for the dba.createCluster() and Cluster.addInstance() operations). However, ...When the report_host variable is set to empty, Group Replication uses an empty value for the host but AdminAPI (for example in commands such as dba.checkInstanceConfiguration(), dba.configureInstance(), dba.createCluster(), and so on) reports the hostname as the value used which is inconsistent with the value reported by Group ...
unsigned long mysql_thread_id(MYSQL *mysql) Returns the thread ID of the current connection. If the connection is lost and you reconnect with mysql_ping(), the thread ID changes. To get the connection ID, execute a SELECT CONNECTION_ID() query and ...This value can be used as an argument to mysql_kill() to kill the ...
Displaying 291 to 300 of 716 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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