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By default, it waits for the cluster to achieve STARTED status, in which all nodes have started and connected to the cluster. All NDB 8.0 releases Usage ndb_waiter [-c connection_string] Additional Options --no-contact, -n Instead of waiting for the ... ndb_waiter repeatedly (each 100 milliseconds) prints out the status of all cluster data nodes until either the cluster reaches a given status or the --timeout limit is exceeded, then ...
When entering single user mode, connections to all other API nodes are closed gracefully and all running transactions are aborted. Note When the preceding command is invoked, all transactions running on the designated node are aborted, the ...
This section discusses several SQL statements that can prove useful in managing and monitoring a MySQL server that is connected to an NDB Cluster, and in some cases provide information about the cluster itself. SHOW ENGINE NDB STATUS, SHOW ENGINE ...See Section, “SHOW ENGINE Statement”, for a usage example and more detailed ...
For example, the statement/com/Connect and statement/com/Init DB instruments correspond to the COM_CONNECT and COM_INIT_DB commands. The instruments associated with listening sockets for TCP/IP or Unix socket file connections have a socket_type ...
As the number of slaves connecting to a master increases, the load, although minimal, also increases, as each slave uses a client connection to the master. If you are using a large number of slaves connected to one master, and that master is also ...Also, as each slave must receive a full copy of the master binary log, the network load on the master may also increase and create a ...
Like user accounts, roles can have privileges granted to and revoked from them. A user account can be granted roles, which grants to the account the privileges associated with each role. This enables assignment of sets of privileges to accounts and ...
If you do not get an error message like telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused, some other program is using the TCP/IP port that mysqld is trying to use. In this case, specify the same non-default port number for client ...
Given a connection ID, disables Performance Schema instrumentation for the thread. Disable a specific connection by its connection ID: mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_thread(225); +-------------------+ | summary | +-------------------+ | Disabled ...This is a value of the type given in the PROCESSLIST_ID column of the Performance Schema threads table or the Id column of SHOW PROCESSLIST ...
Given a connection ID, enables Performance Schema instrumentation for the thread. Enable a specific connection by its connection ID: mysql> CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_thread(225); +------------------+ | summary | +------------------+ | Enabled 1 ...
For each connection, this view displays the SSL version, cipher, and count of reused SSL sessions. The session_ssl_status view has these columns: thread_id The thread ID for the connection.
Displaying 261 to 270 of 703 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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