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Connect to the server and flush the log file so the plugin closes it and reopens a new audit.log file: SET GLOBAL audit_log_flush = ON; audit_log_flush is special in that its value remains OFF so that you need not disable it explicitly before ...
For additional usage instructions, see Section 6.3.1, “Configuring MySQL to Use Encrypted Connections”. After executing the script, use the files for SSL connections as described in Section 6.3.1, “Configuring MySQL to Use Encrypted ... This ...
You can disable it for a specific connection through the sql_log_off configuration option. The performance of inserts is a key factor in data warehouse systems that load millions of rows into tables, and OLTP systems where many concurrent ... These ...
For groups operating in single-primary mode, the asynchronous replication connection to the old group must send data to the primary in the new group, for a multi-primary group the asynchronous replication channel can connect to any primary. Wait ...
The hosts table contains a row for each host from which clients have connected to the MySQL server. For each host name, the table counts the current and total number of connections. For a description of how the Performance Schema maintains rows in ...To set the table size explicitly, set the performance_schema_hosts_size system variable at server ...
Options typically indicate the type of connection a program should make to the server or affect its operational mode. The most frequently used of these are the --host (or -h), --user (or -u), and --password (or -p) options that specify connection ...
In this environment, the client with respect to the MySQL server actually is the Web server, not a remote program being run by users who connect to the Web server. To avoid connecting to untrusted servers, clients can establish a secure connection ... The LOAD DATA statement can load a file located on the server host, or, if the LOCAL keyword is specified, on the client ...
To shut down the servers, connect to each using the appropriate port number: C:\> C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin --port=3307 --host= --user=root --password shutdown C:\> C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin --port=3308 --host= --user=root --password ... The procedure for starting a single MySQL server manually from the command line is described in Section, “Starting MySQL from the Windows Command ...
Each reportable event can be distinguished according to three different criteria: Category: This can be any one of the following values: STARTUP, SHUTDOWN, STATISTICS, CHECKPOINT, NODERESTART, CONNECTION, ERROR, or INFO. The most common types of ...
In some cases, you may wish to use non-default settings for the installer, such as specifying HTTPS for connections, or a different port for the Auto-Installer's included web server to run on, in which case you must invoke with one or ... The NDB Cluster Auto-Installer interface is made up of several pages, each corresponding to a step in the process used to configure and deploy an NDB ...
Displaying 221 to 230 of 703 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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