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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 211 to 220 of 703 total results
Input-Line Editing Disabling Interactive History Unicode Support on Windows Displaying Query Results Vertically Using Safe-Updates Mode (--safe-updates) Disabling mysql Auto-Reconnect mysql Client Parser Versus Server Parser Input-Line Editing mysql ... This section provides information about techniques for more effective use of mysql and about mysql operational ...
The user connects to the server using an encrypted connection and supplies an SSL certificate with the designated Subject value. Such a user then connects to the server with the certificate and any other SSL options required to establish an ... SET ...
Locking also lowers the total time for multiple-connection tests, although the maximum wait time for individual connections might go up because they wait for locks. Suppose that five clients attempt to perform inserts simultaneously as follows: ...
PS_CURRENT_THREAD_ID() Returns a BIGINT UNSIGNED value representing the Performance Schema thread ID assigned to the current connection. mysql> SELECT PS_CURRENT_THREAD_ID(); +------------------------+ | PS_CURRENT_THREAD_ID() | ... As of MySQL ...
The following Performance Schema replication tables continue to be populated when the Performance Schema is disabled: replication_connection_configuration replication_connection_status replication_applier_configuration replication_applier_status ...
In addition, for servers in a replication topology, consider implementing the following security measures: Set up masters and slaves to use encrypted connections to transfer the binary log, which protects this data in motion. Encryption for these ...
If you have never assigned a root password for MySQL, the server does not require a password at all for connecting as root. You should now be able to connect to the MySQL server as root using the new password. You should now be able to connect to ...For instructions on assigning a password, see Section 2.10.4, “Securing the Initial MySQL ...
MySQL distributions include several plugins that implement server extensions: Plugins for authenticating attempts by clients to connect to MySQL Server. A connection-control plugin that enables administrators to introduce an increasing delay after a ... MySQL supports a plugin API that enables creation of server ...
-DODBC_INCLUDES=dir_name The location of the ODBC includes directory, and may be used while configuring Connector/ODBC. -DODBC_LIB_DIR=dir_name The location of the ODBC library directory, and may be used while configuring Connector/ODBC. The CMake ...
Modifications to audit_log_include_accounts or audit_log_exclude_accounts affect only connections created subsequent to the modification, not existing connections. audit_log_connection_policy: Logging policy for connection events ... Note This ...
Displaying 211 to 220 of 703 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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