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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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For example: docker run --name=mysql1 --network=my-custom-net -d mysql/mysql-serverdocker run --name=myapp1 --network=my-custom-net -d myapp The myapp1 container can then connect to the mysql1 container with the mysql1 hostname and vice versa, as ...
For example: ALTER USER 'myuser'@'localhost' PASSWORD EXPIRE; For each connection that uses an account with an expired password, the server either disconnects the client or restricts the client to “sandbox mode,” in which the server permits the ... MySQL provides password-expiration capability, which enables database administrators to require that users reset their ...
For information about the implications of this change of default plugin for server operation and compatibility of the server with clients and connectors, see caching_sha2_password as the Preferred Authentication Plugin. Does MySQL 8.0 have native ...
KILL [CONNECTION | QUERY] processlist_id Each connection to mysqld runs in a separate thread. The value for the current thread is returned by the CONNECTION_ID() function. KILL permits an optional CONNECTION or QUERY modifier: KILL CONNECTION is ...
(Previous to NDB 8.0.18, this range was 1 to 48 inclusive.) # SQL NODE / API NODE PARAMETERS [mysqld] # HostName=sql-node-A-hostname # NodeId=sql-node-A-nodeid [mysqld] [mysqld] # Each API or SQL node that connects to the cluster requires a [mysqld] ...Changes in configuration are also likely to be indicated when changes are made in the platform on which the cluster is run, or in applications that use the NDB Cluster 's ...
Possible startup messages with descriptions are provided in the following list: Initial start, waiting for %s to connect, nodes [ all: %s connected: %s no-wait: %s ] Waiting until nodes: %s connects, nodes [ all: %s connected: %s no-wait: %s ] ...
Disconnecting to allow Management Server to shutdown shell> Because shutting down the management server causes the management client to terminate, you must start the management server from the system shell. This should be similar to what is shown ...
ndb_import requires a connection to an NDB management server (ndb_mgmd) to function; it does not require a connection to a MySQL Server. ndb_import must be able to connect to an NDB Cluster management server; for this reason, there must be an unused ... ndb_import imports CSV-formatted data, such as that produced by mysqldump --tab, directly into NDB using the NDB ...
It is possible to automate much of the process described in the previous section (see Section 22.6.9, “NDB Cluster Backups With NDB Cluster Replication”). The following Perl script serves as an example of how you can do this. # ...
Initialization consists of the following steps: Obtain a node ID Fetch configuration data Allocate ports to be used for inter-node communications Allocate memory according to settings obtained from the configuration file When a data node or SQL node ... This section provides a simplified outline of the steps involved when NDB Cluster data nodes are ...
Displaying 171 to 180 of 702 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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