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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 111 to 120 of 701 total results
The host_cache table has these columns: IP The IP address of the client that connected to the server, expressed as a string. While HOST_VALIDATED is NO, DNS resolution is attempted for each connection attempt, until it eventually completes with ...
A migration server (that is, a server started in key migration mode) does not accept client connections. In this case, the migration server connects to the running server and instructs it to pause keyring operations while key migration is in ... The ...
mysqlbinlog can read log files directly from the local file system, or, with the --read-from-remote-server option, it can connect to a server and request binary log contents from that server. It can also make a continuous (“live”) backup, ... By ...
Dual passwords, to enable clients to connect using either a primary or secondary password. The mysql.user system table indicates for each account when its password was last changed, and the server automatically treats the password as expired at ...
Applications that use the database should also configure their connection to the server each time they connect. This can be done by executing a SET NAMES 'latin1' statement after connecting. The statement can be used regardless of connection method ... For applications that store data using the default MySQL character set and collation (utf8mb4, utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci), no special configuration should be ...
Support for DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE, and UPDATE to return the number of rows that were changed (affected), or to return the number of rows matched instead by setting a flag when connecting to the server. Password security by encryption of all ...
Usage ndb_top [-h hostname] [-t port] [-u user] [-p pass] [-n node_id] ndb_top connects to a MySQL Server running as an SQL node of the cluster. By default, it attempts to connect to a mysqld running on localhost and port 3306, as the MySQL root ...
In most cases, you need an account to connect to the MySQL server instance. After you have installed and started MySQL server, connect MySQL Shell to the server instance. You need to know the address of the MySQL server instance you plan to connect ... This quick-start guide assumes a certain level of familiarity with MySQL ...
Current sessions are no longer logged unless they disconnect and reconnect, or execute a change-user operation. New connections for the user are filtered using the default account filter if there is one, and are not logged otherwise. The filter is ...Unless those components are installed, the audit_log plugin operates in legacy ...
The Group Replication plugin has a configuration option to determine from which hosts an incoming Group Communication System connection can be accepted. If you set this option on a server s1, then when server s2 is establishing a connection to s1 ...If you do not specify a whitelist explicitly, the group communication engine (XCom) automatically scans active interfaces on the host, and identifies those with addresses on private ...
Displaying 111 to 120 of 701 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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