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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 1 to 10 of 106 total results
[QUICK | EXTENDED] CHECKSUM TABLE reports a checksum for the contents of a table. You can use this statement to verify that the contents are the same before and after a backup, rollback, or other operation that is intended to put the data back to a ...
This tool reads an InnoDB tablespace file, calculates the checksum for each page, compares the calculated checksum to the stored checksum, and reports mismatches, which indicate damaged pages. It was originally developed to speed up verifying the ...
After you have downloaded a MySQL package, you should make sure that its MD5 checksum matches the one provided on the MySQL download pages. Each package has an individual checksum that you can verify against the package that you downloaded. The ...
CHECKSUM TABLE returns a checksum that is calculated row by row, using a method that depends on the table row storage format. The storage format is not guaranteed to remain the same between MySQL versions, so the checksum value might change ...
System variables that are true or false can be enabled at server startup by naming them, or disabled by using a --skip- prefix. For example, to enable or disable the InnoDB adaptive hash index, you can use --innodb-adaptive-hash-index or ...
After downloading the MySQL package that suits your needs and before attempting to install it, make sure that it is intact and has not been tampered with. There are three means of integrity checking: MD5 checksums Cryptographic signatures using ...
Startup Options Used with Binary Logging System Variables Used with Binary Logging You can use the mysqld options and system variables that are described in this section to affect the operation of the binary log as well as to control which ...
ibd2sdi is a utility for extracting serialized dictionary information (SDI) from InnoDB tablespace files. ibd2sdi can be run on file-per-table tablespace files (*.ibd files), general tablespace files (*.ibd files), system tablespace files (ibdata* ...
The listings in this section provide information about parameters used in the [computer], [tcp], [shm], and [sci] sections of a config.ini file for configuring NDB Cluster. For detailed descriptions and additional information about individual ...
Communications between NDB cluster nodes are normally handled using TCP/IP. The shared memory (SHM) transporter is distinguished by the fact that signals are transmitted by writing in memory rather than on a socket. The shared-memory transporter ...
Displaying 1 to 10 of 106 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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