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10.3.1 Collation Naming Conventions

MySQL collation names follow these conventions:

  • A collation name starts with the name of the character set with which it is associated, generally followed by one or more suffixes indicating other collation characteristics. For example, utf8mb4_general_ci and latin1_swedish_ci are collations for the utf8mb4 and latin1 character sets, respectively. The binary character set has a single collation, also named binary, with no suffixes.

  • A language-specific collation includes a locale code or language name. For example, utf8mb4_tr_0900_ai_ci and utf8mb4_hu_0900_ai_ci sort characters for the utf8mb4 character set using the rules of Turkish and Hungarian, respectively. utf8mb4_turkish_ci and utf8mb4_hungarian_ci are similar but based on a less recent version of the Unicode Collation Algorithm.

  • Collation suffixes indicate whether a collation is case and accent sensitive, or binary. The following table shows the suffixes used to indicate these characteristics.

    Table 10.1 Collation Case/Accent Sensitivity Suffixes

    Suffix Meaning
    _ai Accent insensitive
    _as Accent sensitive
    _ci Case insensitive
    _cs Case sensitive
    _ks Kana sensitive
    _bin Binary

    For nonbinary collation names that do not specify accent sensitivity, it is determined by case sensitivity. If a collation name does not contain _ai or _as, _ci in the name implies _ai and _cs in the name implies _as. For example, latin1_general_ci is explicitly case insensitive and implicitly accent insensitive, latin1_general_cs is explicitly case sensitive and implicitly accent sensitive, and utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci is explicitly case and accent insensitive.

    For Japanese collations, the _ks suffix indicates that a collation is kana sensitive; that is, it distinguishes Katakana characters from Hiragana characters. Japanese collations without the _ks suffix are not kana sensitive and treat Katakana and Hiragana characters equal for sorting.

    For the binary collation of the binary character set, comparisons are based on numeric byte values. For the _bin collation of a nonbinary character set, comparisons are based on numeric character code values, which differ from byte values for multibyte characters. For more information, see Section 10.8.5, “The binary Collation Compared to _bin Collations”.

  • For Unicode character sets, collation names may include a version number to indicate the version of the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) on which the collation is based. UCA-based collations without a version number in the name use the version-4.0.0 UCA weight keys. For example:

  • For Unicode character sets, the xxx_general_mysql500_ci collations preserve the pre-5.1.24 ordering of the original xxx_general_ci collations and permit upgrades for tables created before MySQL 5.1.24 (Bug #27877).

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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