Package javax. swing. plaf. synth

Synth is a skinnable look and feel in which all painting is delegated.

See: Description

Package javax.swing.plaf.synth Description

Synth is a skinnable look and feel in which all painting is delegated. Synth does not provide a default look. In order to use Synth you need to specify a file, or provide a SynthStyleFactory. Both configuration options require an understanding of the synth architecture, which is described below, as well as an understanding of Swing's architecture.

Unless otherwise specified null is not a legal value to any of the methods defined in the synth package and if passed in will result in a NullPointerException.


Each ComponentUI implementation in Synth associates itself with one SynthStyle per Region, most Components only have one Region and therefor only one SynthStyle. SynthStyle is used to access all style related properties: fonts, colors and other Component properties. In addition SynthStyles are used to obtain SynthPainters for painting the background, border, focus and other portions of a Component. The ComponentUIs obtain SynthStyles from a SynthStyleFactory. A SynthStyleFactory can be provided directly by way of SynthLookAndFeel.setStyleFactory(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyleFactory), or indirectly by way of SynthLookAndFeel.load(, java.lang.Class<?>). The following example uses the SynthLookAndFeel.load() method to configure a SynthLookAndFeel and sets it as the current look and feel:

  SynthLookAndFeel laf = new SynthLookAndFeel();
  laf.load(MyClass.class.getResourceAsStream("laf.xml"), MyClass.class);

Many JComponents are broken down into smaller pieces and identified by the type safe enumeration in Region. For example, a JTabbedPane consists of a Region for the JTabbedPane (Region.TABBED_PANE), the content area (Region.TABBED_PANE_CONTENT), the area behind the tabs (Region.TABBED_PANE_TAB_AREA), and the tabs (Region.TABBED_PANE_TAB). Each Region of each JComponent will have a SynthStyle. This allows you to customize individual pieces of each region of each JComponent.

Many of the Synth methods take a SynthContext. This is used to provide information about the current Component and includes: the SynthStyle associated with the current Region, the state of the Component as a bitmask (refer to SynthConstants for the valid states), and a Region identifying the portion of the Component being painted.

All text rendering by non-JTextComponents is delegated to a SynthGraphicsUtils, which is obtained using the SynthStyle method SynthStyle.getGraphicsUtils(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext). You can customize text rendering by supplying your own SynthGraphicsUtils.

Notes on specific components


Synth provides a region for the cells of a tree: Region.TREE_CELL. To specify the colors of the renderer you'll want to provide a style for the TREE_CELL region. The following illustrates this:

  <style id="treeCellStyle">
    <opaque value="TRUE"/>
      <color value="WHITE" type="TEXT_FOREGROUND"/>
      <color value="RED" type="TEXT_BACKGROUND"/>
    <state value="SELECTED">
      <color value="RED" type="TEXT_FOREGROUND"/>
      <color value="WHITE" type="BACKGROUND"/>
  <bind style="treeCellStyle" type="region" key="TreeCell"/>

This specifies a color combination of red on white, when selected, and white on red when not selected. To see the background you need to specify that labels are not opaque. The following XML fragment does that:

  <style id="labelStyle">
    <opaque value="FALSE"/>
  <bind style="labelStyle" type="region" key="Label"/>

JList and JTable

The colors that the renderers for JList and JTable use are specified by way of the list and table Regions. The following XML fragment illustrates how to specify red on white, when selected, and white on red when not selected:

  <style id="style">
    <opaque value="TRUE"/>
      <color value="WHITE" type="TEXT_FOREGROUND"/>
      <color value="RED" type="TEXT_BACKGROUND"/>
      <color value="RED" type="BACKGROUND"/>
    <state value="SELECTED">
      <color value="RED" type="TEXT_FOREGROUND"/>
      <color value="WHITE" type="TEXT_BACKGROUND"/>
  <bind style="style" type="region" key="Table"/>
  <bind style="style" type="region" key="List"/>

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Dokument erstellt 11/06/2005, zuletzt geändert 04/03/2020
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