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Package javax.sound.sampled

Provides interfaces and classes for capture, processing, and playback of sampled audio data.

See: Description

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    The Clip interface represents a special kind of data line whose audio data can be loaded prior to playback, instead of being streamed in real time.
    DataLine adds media-related functionality to its superinterface, Line.
    The Line interface represents a mono or multi-channel audio feed.
    Instances of classes that implement the LineListener interface can register to receive events when a line's status changes.
    A mixer is an audio device with one or more lines.
    Ports are simple lines for input or output of audio to or from audio devices.
    A source data line is a data line to which data may be written.
    A target data line is a type of DataLine from which audio data can be read.


  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    An instance of the AudioFileFormat class describes an audio file, including the file type, the file's length in bytes, the length in sample frames of the audio data contained in the file, and the format of the audio data.
    An instance of the Type class represents one of the standard types of audio file.
    AudioFormat is the class that specifies a particular arrangement of data in a sound stream.
    The Encoding class names the specific type of data representation used for an audio stream.
    An audio input stream is an input stream with a specified audio format and length.
    The AudioPermission class represents access rights to the audio system resources.
    The AudioSystem class acts as the entry point to the sampled-audio system resources.
    A BooleanControl provides the ability to switch between two possible settings that affect a line's audio.
    An instance of the BooleanControl.Type class identifies one kind of boolean control.
    A CompoundControl, such as a graphic equalizer, provides control over two or more related properties, each of which is itself represented as a Control.
    An instance of the CompoundControl.Type inner class identifies one kind of compound control.
    Lines often have a set of controls, such as gain and pan, that affect the audio signal passing through the line.
    An instance of the Type class represents the type of the control.
    Besides the class information inherited from its superclass, DataLine.Info provides additional information specific to data lines.
    A EnumControl provides control over a set of discrete possible values, each represented by an object.
    An instance of the EnumControl.Type inner class identifies one kind of enumerated control.
    A FloatControl object provides control over a range of floating-point values.
    An instance of the FloatControl.Type inner class identifies one kind of float control.
    A Line.Info object contains information about a line.
    The LineEvent class encapsulates information that a line sends its listeners whenever the line opens, closes, starts, or stops.
    The LineEvent.Type inner class identifies what kind of event occurred on a line.
    The Mixer.Info class represents information about an audio mixer, including the product's name, version, and vendor, along with a textual description.
    The Port.Info class extends Line.Info with additional information specific to ports, including the port's name and whether it is a source or a target for its mixer.
    The ReverbType class provides methods for accessing various reverberation settings to be applied to an audio signal.


  • Exception Summary 
    Exception Description
    A LineUnavailableException is an exception indicating that a line cannot be opened because it is unavailable.
    An UnsupportedAudioFileException is an exception indicating that an operation failed because a file did not contain valid data of a recognized file type and format.


Package javax.sound.sampled Description

Provides interfaces and classes for capture, processing, and playback of sampled audio data. For overviews, tutorials, examples, and guides, please see:

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Dokument erstellt 11/06/2005, zuletzt geändert 04/03/2020
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