
Interface ScriptContext

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ScriptContext
    The interface whose implementing classes are used to connect Script Engines with objects, such as scoped Bindings, in hosting applications. Each scope is a set of named attributes whose values can be set and retrieved using the ScriptContext methods. ScriptContexts also expose Readers and Writers that can be used by the ScriptEngines for input and output.
    • Field Detail


        static final int ENGINE_SCOPE
        EngineScope attributes are visible during the lifetime of a single ScriptEngine and a set of attributes is maintained for each engine.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int GLOBAL_SCOPE
        GlobalScope attributes are visible to all engines created by same ScriptEngineFactory.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • setBindings

        void setBindings(Bindings bindings,
                       int scope)
        Associates a Bindings instance with a particular scope in this ScriptContext. Calls to the getAttribute and setAttribute methods must map to the get and put methods of the Bindings for the specified scope.
        bindings - The Bindings to associate with the given scope
        scope - The scope
        IllegalArgumentException - If no Bindings is defined for the specified scope value in ScriptContexts of this type.
        NullPointerException - if value of scope is ENGINE_SCOPE and the specified Bindings is null.
      • getBindings

        Bindings getBindings(int scope)
        Gets the Bindings associated with the given scope in this ScriptContext.
        The associated Bindings. Returns null if it has not been set.
        IllegalArgumentException - If no Bindings is defined for the specified scope value in ScriptContext of this type.
      • setAttribute

        void setAttribute(String name,
                        Object value,
                        int scope)
        Sets the value of an attribute in a given scope.
        name - The name of the attribute to set
        value - The value of the attribute
        scope - The scope in which to set the attribute
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is empty or if the scope is invalid.
        NullPointerException - if the name is null.
      • getAttribute

        Object getAttribute(String name,
                          int scope)
        Gets the value of an attribute in a given scope.
        name - The name of the attribute to retrieve.
        scope - The scope in which to retrieve the attribute.
        The value of the attribute. Returns null is the name does not exist in the given scope.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is empty or if the value of scope is invalid.
        NullPointerException - if the name is null.
      • removeAttribute

        Object removeAttribute(String name,
                             int scope)
        Remove an attribute in a given scope.
        name - The name of the attribute to remove
        scope - The scope in which to remove the attribute
        The removed value.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is empty or if the scope is invalid.
        NullPointerException - if the name is null.
      • getAttribute

        Object getAttribute(String name)
        Retrieves the value of the attribute with the given name in the scope occurring earliest in the search order. The order is determined by the numeric value of the scope parameter (lowest scope values first.)
        name - The name of the the attribute to retrieve.
        The value of the attribute in the lowest scope for which an attribute with the given name is defined. Returns null if no attribute with the name exists in any scope.
        NullPointerException - if the name is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is empty.
      • getAttributesScope

        int getAttributesScope(String name)
        Get the lowest scope in which an attribute is defined.
        name - Name of the attribute .
        The lowest scope. Returns -1 if no attribute with the given name is defined in any scope.
        NullPointerException - if name is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if name is empty.
      • getWriter

        Writer getWriter()
        Returns the Writer for scripts to use when displaying output.
        The Writer.
      • getErrorWriter

        Writer getErrorWriter()
        Returns the Writer used to display error output.
        The Writer
      • setWriter

        void setWriter(Writer writer)
        Sets the Writer for scripts to use when displaying output.
        writer - The new Writer.
      • setErrorWriter

        void setErrorWriter(Writer writer)
        Sets the Writer used to display error output.
        writer - The Writer.
      • getReader

        Reader getReader()
        Returns a Reader to be used by the script to read input.
        The Reader.
      • setReader

        void setReader(Reader reader)
        Sets the Reader for scripts to read input .
        reader - The new Reader.
      • getScopes

        List<Integer> getScopes()
        Returns immutable List of all the valid values for scope in the ScriptContext.
        list of scope values

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Dokument erstellt 11/06/2005, zuletzt geändert 04/03/2020
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