
Class NamingException

    • Constructor Detail

      • NamingException

        public NamingException(String explanation)
        Constructs a new NamingException with an explanation. All unspecified fields are set to null.
        explanation - A possibly null string containing additional detail about this exception.
        See Also:
      • NamingException

        public NamingException()
        Constructs a new NamingException. All fields are set to null.
    • Method Detail

      • getResolvedName

        public Name getResolvedName()
        Retrieves the leading portion of the name that was resolved successfully.
        The part of the name that was resolved successfully. It is a composite name. It can be null, which means the resolved name field has not been set.
        See Also:
        getResolvedObj(), setResolvedName(javax.naming.Name)
      • getResolvedObj

        public Object getResolvedObj()
        Retrieves the object to which resolution was successful. This is the object to which the resolved name is bound.
        The possibly null object that was resolved so far. null means that the resolved object field has not been set.
        See Also:
        getResolvedName(), setResolvedObj(java.lang.Object)
      • getExplanation

        public String getExplanation()
        Retrieves the explanation associated with this exception.
        The possibly null detail string explaining more about this exception. If null, it means there is no detail message for this exception.
        See Also:
      • setResolvedName

        public void setResolvedName(Name name)
        Sets the resolved name field of this exception.

        name is a composite name. If the intent is to set this field using a compound name or string, you must "stringify" the compound name, and create a composite name with a single component using the string. You can then invoke this method using the resulting composite name.

        A copy of name is made and stored. Subsequent changes to name does not affect the copy in this NamingException and vice versa.

        name - The possibly null name to set resolved name to. If null, it sets the resolved name field to null.
        See Also:
      • setRemainingName

        public void setRemainingName(Name name)
        Sets the remaining name field of this exception.

        name is a composite name. If the intent is to set this field using a compound name or string, you must "stringify" the compound name, and create a composite name with a single component using the string. You can then invoke this method using the resulting composite name.

        A copy of name is made and stored. Subsequent changes to name does not affect the copy in this NamingException and vice versa.

        name - The possibly null name to set remaining name to. If null, it sets the remaining name field to null.
        See Also:
        getRemainingName(), appendRemainingName(javax.naming.Name), appendRemainingComponent(java.lang.String)
      • setResolvedObj

        public void setResolvedObj(Object obj)
        Sets the resolved object field of this exception.
        obj - The possibly null object to set resolved object to. If null, the resolved object field is set to null.
        See Also:
      • appendRemainingName

        public void appendRemainingName(Name name)
        Add components from 'name' as the last components in remaining name.

        name is a composite name. If the intent is to append a compound name, you should "stringify" the compound name then invoke the overloaded form that accepts a String parameter.

        Subsequent changes to name does not affect the remaining name field in this NamingException and vice versa.

        name - The possibly null name containing ordered components to add. If name is null, this method does not do anything.
        See Also:
        setRemainingName(javax.naming.Name), getRemainingName(), appendRemainingComponent(java.lang.String)
      • getRootCause

        public Throwable getRootCause()
        Retrieves the root cause of this NamingException, if any. The root cause of a naming exception is used when the service provider wants to indicate to the caller a non-naming related exception but at the same time wants to use the NamingException structure to indicate how far the naming operation proceeded.

        This method predates the general-purpose exception chaining facility. The getCause() method is now the preferred means of obtaining this information.

        The possibly null exception that caused this naming exception. If null, it means no root cause has been set for this naming exception.
        See Also:
        setRootCause(java.lang.Throwable), rootException, getCause()
      • setRootCause

        public void setRootCause(Throwable e)
        Records the root cause of this NamingException. If e is this, this method does not do anything.

        This method predates the general-purpose exception chaining facility. The initCause(Throwable) method is now the preferred means of recording this information.

        e - The possibly null exception that caused the naming operation to fail. If null, it means this naming exception has no root cause.
        See Also:
        getRootCause(), rootException, initCause(java.lang.Throwable)
      • getCause

        public Throwable getCause()
        Returns the cause of this exception. The cause is the throwable that caused this naming exception to be thrown. Returns null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.
        getCause in class Throwable
        the cause of this exception, or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.
        See Also:
      • initCause

        public Throwable initCause(Throwable cause)
        Initializes the cause of this exception to the specified value. The cause is the throwable that caused this naming exception to be thrown.

        This method may be called at most once.

        initCause in class Throwable
        cause - the cause, which is saved for later retrieval by the getCause() method. A null value indicates that the cause is nonexistent or unknown.
        a reference to this NamingException instance.
        IllegalArgumentException - if cause is this exception. (A throwable cannot be its own cause.)
        IllegalStateException - if this method has already been called on this exception.
        See Also:
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Generates the string representation of this exception. The string representation consists of this exception's class name, its detailed message, and if it has a root cause, the string representation of the root cause exception, followed by the remaining name (if it is not null). This string is used for debugging and not meant to be interpreted programmatically.
        toString in class Throwable
        The non-null string containing the string representation of this exception.
      • toString

        public String toString(boolean detail)
        Generates the string representation in more detail. This string representation consists of the information returned by the toString() that takes no parameters, plus the string representation of the resolved object (if it is not null). This string is used for debugging and not meant to be interpreted programmatically.
        detail - If true, include details about the resolved object in addition to the other information.
        The non-null string containing the string representation.

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Dokument erstellt 11/06/2005, zuletzt geändert 04/03/2020
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