Interface ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcas- ter

  • All Superinterfaces:
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    public interface ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
    extends NotificationBroadcaster
    This interface must be implemented by the ModelMBeans. An implementation of this interface must be shipped with every JMX Agent.

    Java resources wishing to be manageable instantiate the ModelMBean using the MBeanServer's createMBean method. The resource then sets the ModelMBeanInfo (with Descriptors) for the ModelMBean instance. The attributes and operations exposed via the ModelMBeanInfo for the ModelMBean are accessible from MBeans, connectors/adaptors like other MBeans. Through the ModelMBeanInfo Descriptors, values and methods in the managed application can be defined and mapped to attributes and operations of the ModelMBean. This mapping can be defined during development in an XML formatted file or dynamically and programmatically at runtime.

    Every ModelMBean which is instantiated in the MBeanServer becomes manageable: its attributes and operations become remotely accessible through the connectors/adaptors connected to that MBeanServer. A Java object cannot be registered in the MBeanServer unless it is a JMX compliant MBean. By instantiating a ModelMBean, resources are guaranteed that the MBean is valid.

    MBeanException and RuntimeOperationsException must be thrown on every public method. This allows for wrapping exceptions from distributed communications (RMI, EJB, etc.). These exceptions do not have to be thrown by the implementation except in the scenarios described in the specification and javadoc.

    • Method Detail

      • sendNotification

        void sendNotification(Notification ntfyObj)
                              throws MBeanException,
        Sends a Notification which is passed in to the registered Notification listeners on the ModelMBean as a jmx.modelmbean.generic notification.
        ntfyObj - The notification which is to be passed to the 'handleNotification' method of the listener object.
        MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException: The Notification object passed in parameter is null.
      • sendNotification

        void sendNotification(String ntfyText)
                              throws MBeanException,
        Sends a Notification which contains the text string that is passed in to the registered Notification listeners on the ModelMBean.
        ntfyText - The text which is to be passed in the Notification to the 'handleNotification' method of the listener object. the constructed Notification will be: type "jmx.modelmbean.generic" source this ModelMBean instance sequence 1
        MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException: The Notification text string passed in parameter is null.
      • sendAttributeChangeNotification

        void sendAttributeChangeNotification(AttributeChangeNotification notification)
                                             throws MBeanException,
        Sends an attributeChangeNotification which is passed in to the registered attributeChangeNotification listeners on the ModelMBean.
        notification - The notification which is to be passed to the 'handleNotification' method of the listener object.
        MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException: The AttributeChangeNotification object passed in parameter is null.
      • sendAttributeChangeNotification

        void sendAttributeChangeNotification(Attribute oldValue,
                                           Attribute newValue)
                                             throws MBeanException,
        Sends an attributeChangeNotification which contains the old value and new value for the attribute to the registered AttributeChangeNotification listeners on the ModelMBean.

        oldValue - The original value for the Attribute
        newValue - The current value for the Attribute

         The constructed attributeChangeNotification will be:
           type        "jmx.attribute.change"
           source      this ModelMBean instance
           sequence    1
           attributeName oldValue.getName()
           attributeType oldValue's class
           attributeOldValue oldValue.getValue()
           attributeNewValue newValue.getValue()
        MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException: An Attribute object passed in parameter is null or the names of the two Attribute objects in parameter are not the same.
      • addAttributeChangeNotificationListener

        void addAttributeChangeNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener,
                                                  String attributeName,
                                                  Object handback)
                                                    throws MBeanException,
        Registers an object which implements the NotificationListener interface as a listener. This object's 'handleNotification()' method will be invoked when any attributeChangeNotification is issued through or by the ModelMBean. This does not include other Notifications. They must be registered for independently. An AttributeChangeNotification will be generated for this attributeName.
        listener - The listener object which will handles notifications emitted by the registered MBean.
        attributeName - The name of the ModelMBean attribute for which to receive change notifications. If null, then all attribute changes will cause an attributeChangeNotification to be issued.
        handback - The context to be sent to the listener with the notification when a notification is emitted.
        IllegalArgumentException - The listener cannot be null.
        MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
        RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException The attribute name passed in parameter does not exist.
        See Also:
        removeAttributeChangeNotificationListener(, java.lang.String)

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Dokument erstellt 11/06/2005, zuletzt geändert 04/03/2020
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