
Description du code

ImageStatistics.cs est un fichier du projet PhotoBrol.
Ce fichier est situé dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/photobrol/.

Projet PhotoBrol :

Editeur d'images en CSharp.

Code source ou contenu du fichier

  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Text;
  4. using System.Drawing.Imaging;
  5. using System.Drawing;
  6. using be.gaudry.model.math;
  7. using be.gaudry.model.config;
  8. using be.gaudry.model.drawing.colors.converter;
  10. namespace be.gaudry.photobrol.model.image
  11. {
  12. /// <summary>
  13. /// Gather statistics about the image in RGB color space
  14. /// </summary>
  15. ///
  16. /// <remarks></remarks>
  17. ///
  18. public class ImageStatistics
  19. {
  20. private Histogram red;
  21. private Histogram green;
  22. private Histogram blue;
  23. private Histogram gray;
  25. private Histogram redWithoutBlack;
  26. private Histogram greenWithoutBlack;
  27. private Histogram blueWithoutBlack;
  28. private Histogram grayWithoutBlack;
  30. private int pixels;
  31. private int pixelsWithoutBlack;
  32. private bool grayscale;
  34. /// <summary>
  35. /// Histogram of red channel
  36. /// </summary>
  37. ///
  38. public Histogram Red
  39. {
  40. get { return red; }
  41. }
  43. /// <summary>
  44. /// Histogram of green channel
  45. /// </summary>
  46. ///
  47. public Histogram Green
  48. {
  49. get { return green; }
  50. }
  52. /// <summary>
  53. /// Histogram of blue channel
  54. /// </summary>
  55. ///
  56. public Histogram Blue
  57. {
  58. get { return blue; }
  59. }
  61. /// <summary>
  62. /// Histogram of gray channel (intensities)
  63. /// </summary>
  64. ///
  65. public Histogram Gray
  66. {
  67. get { return gray; }
  68. }
  70. /// <summary>
  71. /// Histogram of the channel excluding black pixels
  72. /// </summary>
  73. ///
  74. public Histogram RedWithoutBlack
  75. {
  76. get { return redWithoutBlack; }
  77. }
  79. /// <summary>
  80. /// Histogram of green channel excluding black pixels
  81. /// </summary>
  82. ///
  83. public Histogram GreenWithoutBlack
  84. {
  85. get { return greenWithoutBlack; }
  86. }
  88. /// <summary>
  89. /// Histogram of blue channel excluding black pixels
  90. /// </summary>
  91. ///
  92. public Histogram BlueWithoutBlack
  93. {
  94. get { return blueWithoutBlack; }
  95. }
  97. /// <summary>
  98. /// Histogram of gray channel (intensities) channel excluding black pixels
  99. /// </summary>
  100. ///
  101. public Histogram GrayWithoutBlack
  102. {
  103. get { return grayWithoutBlack; }
  104. }
  106. /// <summary>
  107. /// Total pixel count of the image
  108. /// </summary>
  109. ///
  110. public int PixelsCount
  111. {
  112. get { return pixels; }
  113. }
  115. /// <summary>
  116. /// Total pixel count of the image excluding black pixels
  117. /// </summary>
  118. ///
  119. public int PixelsCountWithoutBlack
  120. {
  121. get { return pixelsWithoutBlack; }
  122. }
  124. /// <summary>
  125. /// Value wich specifies if the image is color or grayscale
  126. /// </summary>
  127. ///
  128. public bool IsGrayscale
  129. {
  130. get { return grayscale; }
  131. }
  133. /// <summary>
  134. /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ImageStatistics"/> class
  135. /// </summary>
  136. ///
  137. /// <param name="image">Image to gather statistics about</param>
  138. ///
  139. /// <remarks>24 bit per pixel or 8 bit indexed (grayscale) images
  140. /// are supported only.</remarks>
  141. ///
  142. public ImageStatistics(Bitmap image)
  143. {
  144. PixelFormat fmt = (image.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed) ?
  145. PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed : PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb;
  147. // lock bitmap data
  148. BitmapData imageData = image.LockBits(
  149. new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height),
  150. ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, fmt);
  152. // gather statistics
  153. ProcessImage(imageData);
  155. // unlock image
  156. image.UnlockBits(imageData);
  157. SourcesManager.addSource(new Source(
  158. "AForge.NET",
  159. this.ToString(),
  160. "",
  161. "Informations générales sur le traitement d'images"
  162. )
  163. );
  164. }
  166. /// <summary>
  167. /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ImageStatistics"/> class
  168. /// </summary>
  169. ///
  170. /// <param name="imageData">Image data to gather statistics about</param>
  171. ///
  172. /// <remarks>24 bit per pixel or 8 bit indexed (grayscale) images
  173. /// are supported only.</remarks>
  174. ///
  175. public ImageStatistics(BitmapData imageData)
  176. {
  177. ProcessImage(imageData);
  178. SourcesManager.addSource(new Source(
  179. "AForge.NET",
  180. this.ToString(),
  181. "",
  182. "Informations générales sur le traitement d'images"
  183. )
  184. );
  185. }
  187. /// <summary>
  188. /// Gather statistics about specified image
  189. /// </summary>
  190. ///
  191. /// <param name="imageData">Image data</param>
  192. ///
  193. private void ProcessImage(BitmapData imageData)
  194. {
  195. // get image dimension
  196. int width = imageData.Width;
  197. int height = imageData.Height;
  199. pixels = pixelsWithoutBlack = 0;
  201. // check pixel format
  202. if (grayscale = (imageData.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed))
  203. {
  204. // alloc arrays
  205. int[] g = new int[256];
  206. int[] gwb = new int[256];
  208. byte value;
  209. int offset = imageData.Stride - width;
  211. // do the job
  212. unsafe
  213. {
  214. byte* p = (byte*)imageData.Scan0.ToPointer();
  216. // for each pixel
  217. for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
  218. {
  219. // for each pixel
  220. for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, p++)
  221. {
  222. // get pixel value
  223. value = *p;
  225. g[value]++;
  226. pixels++;
  228. if (value != 0)
  229. {
  230. gwb[value]++;
  231. pixelsWithoutBlack++;
  232. }
  233. }
  234. p += offset;
  235. }
  236. }
  238. // create historgram for gray level
  239. gray = new Histogram(g);
  240. grayWithoutBlack = new Histogram(gwb);
  241. }
  242. else
  243. {
  244. // alloc arrays
  245. int[] r = new int[256];
  246. int[] g = new int[256];
  247. int[] b = new int[256];
  249. int[] rwb = new int[256];
  250. int[] gwb = new int[256];
  251. int[] bwb = new int[256];
  253. byte rValue, gValue, bValue;
  254. int offset = imageData.Stride - width * 3;
  256. // do the job
  257. unsafe
  258. {
  259. byte* p = (byte*)imageData.Scan0.ToPointer();
  261. // for each line
  262. for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
  263. {
  264. // for each pixel
  265. for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, p += 3)
  266. {
  267. // get pixel values
  268. rValue = p[RGB.R];
  269. gValue = p[RGB.G];
  270. bValue = p[RGB.B];
  272. r[rValue]++;
  273. g[gValue]++;
  274. b[bValue]++;
  275. pixels++;
  277. if ((rValue != 0) || (gValue != 0) || (bValue != 0))
  278. {
  279. rwb[rValue]++;
  280. gwb[gValue]++;
  281. bwb[bValue]++;
  282. pixelsWithoutBlack++;
  283. }
  284. }
  285. p += offset;
  286. }
  287. }
  289. // create histograms
  290. red = new Histogram(r);
  291. green = new Histogram(g);
  292. blue = new Histogram(b);
  294. redWithoutBlack = new Histogram(rwb);
  295. greenWithoutBlack = new Histogram(gwb);
  296. blueWithoutBlack = new Histogram(bwb);
  297. }
  298. }
  299. }
  300. }

Structure et Fichiers du projet


Répertoires contenus dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/photobrol/model/Image/ 
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Fichiers contenus dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/photobrol/model/Image/ 
Afficher le fichier .cs|.csImageStatistics.cs8.92 Ko31/10/2018 18:32:51-refusé-
Afficher le fichier .cs|.csPhotoBrolImage.cs751 octets31/10/2018 18:32:51-refusé-

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Dokument erstellt 30/10/2009, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
Quelle des gedruckten Dokuments:

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