Description du code
ExportControl.cs est un fichier du projet BiblioBrol.Ce fichier est situé dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/src/.
Projet BiblioBrol :
Gestion de media en CSharp.
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Code source ou contenu du fichier
Code c# (ExportControl.cs) (653 lignes)
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.model; using System.Threading; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.view.dialogs; using be.gaudry.observer; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.config; namespace be.gaudry.bibliobrol.view.utils { internal delegate void ChangeTextDelegateHandler(Control control, String text); internal delegate void AppendTextDelegateHandler(RichTextBox rtb, String text); internal delegate void SetProgressBarDelegateHandler(ProgressBar pgb, int value); internal delegate void IncreaseProgressBarDelegateHandler(ProgressBar pgb, int value); internal delegate void ThreadHasFinishDelegateHandler(); public partial class ExportControl : UserControl, IObserver { #region Constructors and declarations /// <summary> /// MediaBrols ids or Brols ids to export /// </summary> private List<int> ids; private ChangeTextDelegateHandler ChangeTextDelegate; private AppendTextDelegateHandler AppendTextDelegate; private SetProgressBarDelegateHandler SetProgressBarDelegate; private IncreaseProgressBarDelegateHandler IncreaseProgressBarDelegate; private ThreadHasFinishDelegateHandler ThreadHasFinishedDelegate; private Thread exportationThread; /// <summary> /// Form containing this user control. /// We use it to add delegate on close form event, and to get selected ids to export /// </summary> private MediabrolForm f; /// <summary> /// Used to set button text /// </summary> private String showDetails, hideDetails; /// <summary> /// Used to store data needed by update method /// </summary> private IAsyncResult ia, ia2; /// <summary> /// Used to read fileName from another thread /// </summary> String exportFileName; /// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public ExportControl() { InitializeComponent(); initControls(); initProgressBar(); } #endregion #region initializations private void initControls() { exportViewRTB.Text = String.Empty; exportExtCB.SelectedIndex = 0; fillExportName(); progressGB.Visible = false; exportViewRTB.Visible = false; showDetails = "Afficher les détails"; hideDetails = "Masquer les détails"; } private void initProgressBar() { this.threadPriorityCB.SelectedIndex = 2; this.threadPriorityCB.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(threadPriorityCB_SelectedIndexChanged); } #endregion #region public methods /// <summary> /// Set the form from which we need to read datagridview values /// Add event to abort threads which may be still alive on BIblioItemForm closing /// </summary> /// <param name="f">BIblioItemForm</param> public void setBIblioItemForm(MediabrolForm f) { this.f = f; } #endregion #region manage file name /// <summary> /// Used to init fields values. /// fill path textbox with application directory path /// fill filename with preformated name (with date) /// </summary> private void fillExportName() { dirPathTB.Text = Config.ExportDir; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; str.Append(dt.Year); if (dt.Month < 10) str.Append("0"); str.Append(dt.Month); if (dt.Day < 10) str.Append("0"); str.Append(dt.Day); fileNameTB.Text = str.ToString(); } /// <summary> /// Set full name with directory path, filename, and extension /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private void setExportName() { str.Append(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); str.Append(fileNameTB.Text); str.Append("."); switch (exportExtCB.SelectedIndex) { case 0: str.Append("bed"); break; case 3: str.Append("xls"); break; default: str.Append(((String)exportExtCB.SelectedItem).ToLower()); break; } exportFileName = str.ToString(); } /// <summary> /// Allow to browse to get directory path and fill textbox with it /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void browseDirBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { fbDia.Description = "Dossier des fichiers à exporter ou importer"; //fbDia.RootFolder = Application.StartupPath; fbDia.ShowNewFolderButton = true; fbDia.SelectedPath = Config.ExportDir; //Application.StartupPath; if (fbDia.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { dirPathTB.Text = fbDia.SelectedPath; } else { dirPathTB.Text = ""; } } private bool testFileName(String fileName) { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dirPathTB.Text)) { StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.opsResult, "Exportation", String.Format("Le chemin {0} n'est pas valide.", fileName), this)); return false; } return true; } #endregion #region export / import /// <summary> /// Abort thread which is doing the exportation /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void cancelExportBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Invoke(ThreadHasFinishedDelegate); exportClosing(null,null); appendText(exportViewRTB, "Opération annulée"); } /// <summary> /// Export data with selected parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void exportBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { setExportName(); if (!testFileName(exportFileName)) return; /*foreach (DataRow row in f.dataTable.Rows) { ids.Add((int)row["mbId"]); }*/ //int nbExp = f.dataTable.Rows.Count; int nbExp = f.MediabrolIds.Count; if (nbExp < 1) { StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.opsResult, "Exportation", "Aucun élément à exporter", this)); return; } DialogResult r = MessageBox.Show( this, "Exporter les " + nbExp + " éléments sélectionnés vers \n" + exportFileName, "Exportation", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (r == DialogResult.OK) { switch(exportExtCB.SelectedIndex) { #region binary export case 0: showProgression(); switch (testPerformsCB.SelectedIndex) { case 1 : //notifications and single thread ModelAdapter.addImportExporterObserver(this); ModelAdapter.removeImportExporterObserver(this); break; case 2: //no notifications and separated thread this.exportationThread.Name = "ExportThread"; this.exportationThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; this.exportationThread.Start(); break; case 3: //no notifications and single thread ModelAdapter.addImportExporterObserver(this); ModelAdapter.removeImportExporterObserver(this); break; default: //notifications and separated thread this.exportationThread.Name = "ExportThread"; this.exportationThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; this.exportationThread.Start(); break; } break; #endregion //binary export #region xml export case 1 : ModelAdapter.addImportExporterObserver(this); ModelAdapter.exportXMLMediaBrol(ids.ToArray(), exportFileName); ModelAdapter.removeImportExporterObserver(this); break; #endregion #region csv export case 2: ModelAdapter.addImportExporterObserver(this); ModelAdapter.exportExcelMediaBrol(ids.ToArray(), exportFileName,1); ModelAdapter.removeImportExporterObserver(this); break; #endregion #region MS Excel export case 3: ModelAdapter.addImportExporterObserver(this); ModelAdapter.exportExcelMediaBrol(ids.ToArray(), exportFileName,2); ModelAdapter.removeImportExporterObserver(this); break; #endregion #region default default : break; #endregion } } } /// <summary> /// Set stepControls to show the progression /// </summary> private void showProgression() { progressGB.Visible = true; exportViewRTB.Text = String.Empty; exportViewRTB.Visible = false; cancelExportBtn.Visible = true; exportBtn.Visible = false; } /// <summary> /// Used to call export method, with parameters, in a thread throught a delegate. /// Call the same method as executeExport(), but without notifications (to test performances) /// </summary> public void executeTest() { ModelAdapter.addImportExporterObserver(this); } /// <summary> /// Used to call export method, with parameters, in a thread throught a delegate /// </summary> public void executeExport() { ModelAdapter.addImportExporterObserver(this); } /// <summary> /// Used to call export method, with parameters, in a thread throught a delegate /// </summary> public void executeImport() { ModelAdapter.addImportExporterObserver(this); ModelAdapter.importBinaryMediaBrol(exportFileName); } /// <summary> /// Fill a RichTextBox with exported file content /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void fetchDataBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { setExportName(); if (!testFileName(exportFileName)) return; exportViewRTB.Visible = true; exportViewRTB.Text = string.Empty; exportViewRTB.Visible = true; System.IO.StreamReader sr = null; try { string data = sr.ReadLine(); while (data != null) { exportViewRTB.AppendText(data + "\r\n"); data = sr.ReadLine(); } } catch (System.IO.IOException ioe) { StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Exportation", "Erreur de lecture du fichier exporté", ioe, this)); exportViewRTB.Visible = false; } finally { if (sr != null)sr.Close(); } } /// <summary> /// Fetch titles into and send ops result as notification /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void importBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { setExportName(); if (!testFileName(exportFileName)) return; if (((String)exportExtCB.SelectedItem).Equals("Binaire")) { /*ModelAdapter.addImportExporterObserver(this); ModelAdapter.importBinaryMediaBrol(exportFileName); ModelAdapter.removeImportExporterObserver(this);*/ showProgression(); this.exportationThread.Name = "ExportThread"; this.exportationThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; this.exportationThread.Start(); } else { StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.opsResult, "Exportation", "Fonctionnalité en cours d'élaboration pour " + (String)exportExtCB.SelectedItem, this)); } } #endregion #region progress bars /// <summary> /// Abort exportationThread if needed /// </summary> private void exportClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { // If the thread is still alive if (this.exportationThread != null && this.exportationThread.IsAlive) { this.exportationThread.Abort(); this.exportationThread = null; } } /// <summary> /// Increase progress bar /// </summary> /// <param name="pgb">increaseProgressBar to increase</param> /// <param name="value">(int) Value of increase</param> private void increaseProgressBar(ProgressBar pgb, int value) { pgb.Increment(value); } /// <summary> /// Set max value of progress bar /// </summary> /// <param name="pgb">increaseProgressBar to set max value</param> /// <param name="value">(int) max value</param> private void setProgressBar(ProgressBar pgb, int value) { pgb.Maximum = value; pgb.Value = 0; } /// <summary> /// Called when the thread has finish /// </summary> private void threadHasFinish() { ModelAdapter.removeImportExporterObserver(this); progressGB.Visible = false; exportViewRTB.Visible = true; cancelExportBtn.Visible = false; exportBtn.Visible = true; } /// <summary> /// Modify text of a Control /// </summary> /// <param name="control">Control which we need to modify text</param> /// <param name="text">(String) text to modify</param> private void changeText(Control control, String text) { control.Text = text; } /// <summary> /// Append text for a RichTextBox /// </summary> /// <param name="rtb">RichTextBox which we need to append text</param> /// <param name="text">(String) text to modify</param> private void appendText(RichTextBox rtb, String text) { rtb.AppendText("\n"); rtb.AppendText(text); rtb.ScrollToCaret(); } /// <summary> /// Modify Thread priority /// </summary> private void threadPriorityCB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.exportationThread != null) { switch (this.threadPriorityCB.SelectedIndex) { case 0: this.exportationThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; break; case 1: this.exportationThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; break; case 2: this.exportationThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; break; case 3: this.exportationThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; break; case 4: this.exportationThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest; break; default: this.exportationThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; break; } } } #endregion #region IObserver Members /// <summary> /// Call needed functions to use progress bars and display infos /// </summary> /// <param name="n">(Notification) Notified infos</param> public void update(Notification n) { int bCount, bCount2; switch(n.Level) { case Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification : try { switch (n.Title) { case "count": Int32.TryParse(n.Msg, out bCount); // set main progress bax max value this.Invoke(SetProgressBarDelegate, this.pgbTotal, bCount); break; case "brolStart": if (showHideDetailsBtn.Text.Equals(hideDetails)) { // modify current asynchronous (non bloquant) mediabrol loading ia = this.BeginInvoke(ChangeTextDelegate, this.lblCurrentFile, n.Msg); } break; case "brolEnd": // asynchronous increase of main progress bar ia2 = this.BeginInvoke(IncreaseProgressBarDelegate, this.pgbTotal, 1); if (showHideDetailsBtn.Text.Equals(hideDetails)) { this.EndInvoke(ia); } this.EndInvoke(ia2); break; case "pb2": //increase details progress bar if (showHideDetailsBtn.Text.Equals(hideDetails)) { this.Invoke(IncreaseProgressBarDelegate, this.pgbCurrent, 1); } break; case "Info": this.Invoke(ChangeTextDelegate, this.lblCurrentFile, n.Msg); break; case "End": this.Invoke(ThreadHasFinishedDelegate); this.Invoke(AppendTextDelegate, this.exportViewRTB, n.Msg); break; case "count2": if (showHideDetailsBtn.Text.Equals(hideDetails)) { Int32.TryParse(n.Msg, out bCount2); this.Invoke(SetProgressBarDelegate, this.pgbCurrent, bCount2); } break; default: //modify general info label this.Invoke(AppendTextDelegate, this.exportViewRTB, n.Msg); break; } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { //this.Invoke(ThreadHasFinishedDelegate); } break; /* No need if we add console as importExporter observer case Notification.VERBOSE.criticalError: System.Console.WriteLine(n.Title + " : " + n.Msg); StaticObservable.notify(n); break; case Notification.VERBOSE.opsResult: System.Console.WriteLine(n.Title + " : " + n.Msg); StaticObservable.notify(n); break; */ } } #endregion #region private methods /// <summary> /// If we don't export mediabrols, anonymous has no sense with only brols. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void expMediabrolChkB_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { { anonymousChkB.Enabled = true; } else { anonymousChkB.Enabled = false; } } /// <summary> /// Show or hide progress details panel /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void showHideDetailsBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { showHideDetailsBtn.Text = (!progressDetailsPanel.Visible) ? hideDetails : showDetails; progressDetailsPanel.Visible = !progressDetailsPanel.Visible; } #endregion #region help /// <summary> /// Display MessageBox with info about export mediabrol option /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void expMediabrolInfoBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { str.AppendLine("Si cette case est cochée, les exemplaires des ouvrages sont exportés (sans les emprunts)."); str.AppendLine("Sinon, seuls les informations relatives aux ouvrages sont sélectionnés."); MessageBox.Show( str.ToString(), "Info bibliobrol", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } /// <summary> /// Display MessageBox with info about export all brols option /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void expAllBrolInfoBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { str.AppendLine("Si cette case est cochée, tous les ouvrages existants seront exportés."); str.AppendLine("Sinon, seuls les ouvrages dont les exemplaires sont sélectionnés seront exportés."); MessageBox.Show( str.ToString(), "Info bibliobrol", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } /// <summary> /// Display MessageBox with info about anonymous option /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void anonymousInfoBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { str.AppendLine("Si cette case est cochée, le nom du propriétaire ne sera pas exporté pour les exemplaires."); MessageBox.Show( str.ToString(), "Info bibliobrol", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } #endregion private void testImgsBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { iif.ShowDialog(this); } } }
Structure et Fichiers du projet
Afficher/masquer...Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
Pas de sous-répertoires. | |||
Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
![]() | Répertoire parent | 0 octets | 1742470508 20/03/2025 12:35:08 |
Utilisation de l'explorateur de code
- Navigation :
- Un clic sur une icône de répertoire ouvre ce répertoire pour en afficher les fichiers.
- Lorsque le répertoire en cours ne contient pas de sous-répertoires il est possible de remonter vers le répertoire parent.
- La structure de répertoires en treetable (tableau en forme d'arborescence) n'est plus possibledans cette version.
- Un clic sur une icône de fichier ouvre ce fichier pour en afficher le code avec la coloration syntaxique adaptée en fonction du langage principal utilisé dans le fichier.
- Affichage :
- Il est possible de trier les répertoires ou les fichiers selon certains critères (nom, taille, date).
- Actions :
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Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Dokument erstellt 16/10/2009, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
Quelle des gedruckten Dokuments:https://www.gaudry.be/de/cs-bibliobrol-source-rf-view/utils//ExportControl.cs.html
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