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NoChangeBrolDao.cs est un fichier du projet BiblioBrol.Ce fichier est situé dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/src/.
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Gestion de media en CSharp.
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Code c# (NoChangeBrolDao.cs) (1437 lignes)
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.model.identity; using be.gaudry.model.exceptions; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.config; namespace be.gaudry.bibliobrol.model.dao.mysql { public sealed class NoChangeBrolDao : Observable, IBrolDao { private String conStr; #region singleton static NoChangeBrolDao instance = null; private DbProviderFactory dbpf; NoChangeBrolDao() { dbpf = ((MySQLFactory)MySQLFactory.Instance).getDbpf(); conStr = ((MySQLFactory)MySQLFactory.Instance).getConnectionString(); } public static NoChangeBrolDao Instance { get { lock (padlock) { if (instance == null) { } return instance; } } } #endregion #region private methods internal bool tryToAddRelation(DataSet ds, DataRelation dr) { try { ds.Relations.Add(dr); strRel.Append(dr.RelationName); strRel.Append(" pour le DataSet "); strRel.Append(ds.DataSetName); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; } /// <summary> /// Lock or unlock a row into item table /// </summary> /// <param name="id">(int) item identifier</param> /// <param name="toLocked">(bool) true to lock; false to unlock</param> /// <returns>(bool) true if one and only one row is updated</returns> private bool lockUnlockItem(int id, bool toLocked) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.UpdateCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); str.Append((toLocked) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); str.Append(" WHERE id="); str.Append(id); dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); int r = 0; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText, this)); try { r = dbDa.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { } dbCon.Close(); return (r == 1); } internal BrolCategory getCategory(DataRow row) { { //todo : fetch media type ? } return cat; } internal Actor getActor(DataRow row) { { actor.FirstName = (String)row["firstName"]; } { } { actor.Pseudo = (String)row["pseudo"]; } { SEX sex; try { } catch (Exception) { sex = SEX._; } actor.Sex = sex; } { actor.Birthdate = (DateTime)row["birthdate"]; } return actor; } internal Serie getSerie(DataRow row) { return serie; } internal SerieItem getSerieItem(DataRow row) { { serieItem.setRank((string)row["rank"]); } return serieItem; } internal Brol getBrol(DataRow row) { { brol.Title = (String)row["itemTitle"]; } { brol.Synopsis = (String)row["synopsis"]; } { brol.Cotation = (int)row["cote"]; } { brol.Comment = (String)row["comment"]; } { brol.Date = (DateTime)row["pubDate"]; } { } return brol; } /// <summary> /// We may only add or delete a relation with an existing category /// </summary> /// <param name="brol"></param> /// <param name="dbCon"></param> /// <param name="dbDa"></param> private void updateCategoriesRelations(Brol brol, DbConnection dbCon, DbDataAdapter dbDa) { dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbDa.DeleteCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); foreach (BrolCategory category in brol.Categories) { switch (category.Status) { case STATUS.toAdd: addCategoryRelation(category, brol.Id, dbDa.InsertCommand); break; case STATUS.toDelete: deleteCategoryRelation(category, brol.Id, dbDa.DeleteCommand); break; } } } /// <summary> /// We may only add or delete a relation with an existing serie /// </summary> /// <param name="brol"></param> /// <param name="dbCon"></param> /// <param name="dbDa"></param> private void updateSerieItemsRelations(Brol brol, DbConnection dbCon, DbDataAdapter dbDa) { dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbDa.DeleteCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); foreach (SerieItem serieItem in brol.SerieItems) { switch (serieItem.getSerie().Status) { case STATUS.toAdd: addSerieItemsRelation(serieItem, brol.Id, dbDa.InsertCommand); break; case STATUS.toDelete: deleteSerieItemRelation(serieItem, brol.Id, dbDa.DeleteCommand); break; } } } /// <summary> /// Insert a new relation between a brol and a category /// </summary> /// <param name="category">Category to add</param> /// <param name="brolId"></param> /// <param name="com"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal bool addCategoryRelation(BrolCategory category, int brolId, DbCommand com) { if (!category.Status.Equals(STATUS.toAdd)) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "ERREUR insertCategory() : status de la catégorie != toAdd", this)); return false; } str.Append("INSERT INTO categoryItemRelation (itemId, categoryId) VALUES("); str.Append(brolId); str.Append(","); str.Append(category.Id); str.Append(");"); com.CommandText = str.ToString(); int r = 0; try { r = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Ajout d'une catégorie pour un ouvrage", e, this)); } return r==1; } /// <summary> /// Insert a new relation between a brol and a serie /// </summary> /// <param name="serie">Serie to add</param> /// <param name="brolId"></param> /// <param name="com"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal bool addSerieItemsRelation(SerieItem serieItem, int brolId, DbCommand com) { if (!serieItem.getSerie().Status.Equals(STATUS.toAdd)) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "ERREUR insertSerie() : status de la série != toAdd", this)); return false; } str.Append("INSERT INTO serieItemRelation (itemId, serieId, rank) VALUES("); str.Append(brolId); str.Append(","); str.Append(serieItem.getSerie().Id); str.Append(",'"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(serieItem.getRank())); str.Append("');"); com.CommandText = str.ToString(); int r = 0; try { r = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { } return r == 1; } /// <summary> /// Delete a relation between a brol and a category /// </summary> /// <param name="catId"></param> /// <param name="brolId"></param> /// <param name="com"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool deleteCategoryRelation(BrolCategory category, int brolId, DbCommand com) { if (!category.Status.Equals(STATUS.toDelete)) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "ERREUR deleteCategory() : status de la catégorie != toDelete", this)); return false; } com.CommandText = "DELETE FROM categoryItemRelation WHERE itemId = " + brolId + " AND categoryId = " + category.Id; int r = 0; try { r = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation, "Suppression d'une catégorie pour un ouvrage", e, this)); } return r == 1; } /// <summary> /// Delete a relation between a brol and a serie /// </summary> /// <param name="brolId"></param> /// <param name="com"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool deleteSerieItemRelation(SerieItem serieItem, int brolId, DbCommand com) { if (!serieItem.getSerie().Status.Equals(STATUS.toDelete)) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "ERREUR deleteSerie() : status de la série != toDelete", this)); return false; } com.CommandText = "DELETE FROM serieItemRelation WHERE itemId = " + brolId + " AND serieId = " + serieItem.getSerie().Id; int r = 0; try { r = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation, "Suppression d'une série pour un ouvrage", e, this)); } return r == 1; } /// <summary> /// We may only add or delete a relation with an existing person, or update infos /// </summary> /// <param name="brol"></param> /// <param name="dbCon"></param> /// <param name="dbDa"></param> private void updateActors(Brol brol, DbConnection dbCon, DbDataAdapter dbDa) { dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbDa.DeleteCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); foreach (Actor actor in brol.Actors) { switch (actor.Status) { case STATUS.toAdd: insertActorRole(actor, brol, dbDa.InsertCommand); break; case STATUS.toDelete: deleteActorRole(actor, brol.Id, dbDa.DeleteCommand); break; case STATUS.toUpdate: updateActorRole(actor, brol.Id, dbDa.DeleteCommand); break; } } } /// <summary> /// Insert a new relation between a brol and an actor /// </summary> /// <param name="actor">(Actor) actor to add into relation</param> /// <param name="brolId">(int) Brol identifier</param> /// <param name="com">(DbCommand) command unsed into connection</param> /// <returns></returns> internal bool insertActorRole(Actor actor, Brol brol, DbCommand com) { if (!actor.Status.Equals(STATUS.toAdd)) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Impossible d'ajouter le rôle pour la personne", this)); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Le status de l'acteur est différent de \"toAdd\"", this)); return false; } /* * No need to insert here into role table, because only existing role value * may be here. Roles management is for another method. */ StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO actor (itemId, personId, roleId, roleValue) VALUES("); str.Append(brol.Id); str.Append(", "); str.Append(actor.Id); str.Append(", "); str.Append((actor.Role != null) ? actor.Role.RoleId.ToString() : "0"); str.Append(", '"); if (actor.Role != null && actor.Role.Value != null) { if (actor.Role.Value.Length >= 100) { actor.Role.Value = actor.Role.Value.Remove(96) + "..."; } str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(actor.Role.Value)); } str.Append("');"); com.CommandText = str.ToString(); int r = 0; try { r = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation,"Ajout d'un rôle pour une personne", e, this)); } return r == 1; } /// <summary> /// Delete a relation between a brol and an actor /// </summary> /// <param name="actorId">(int) Person identifier</param> /// <param name="brolId">(int) Brol identifier</param> /// <param name="com"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool deleteActorRole(Actor actor, int brolId, DbCommand com) { if (!actor.Status.Equals(STATUS.toDelete)) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Rôle non supprimé : " + actor.ToString(), this)); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Le status de l'acteur est différent de \"toDelete\"", this)); return false; } if (brolId==Config.BibliobrolId) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Impossible de supprimer le rôle par défaut", this)); return false; } str.Append("DELETE FROM actor WHERE itemId = "); str.Append(brolId); str.Append(" AND personId = "); str.Append(actor.Id); com.CommandText = str.ToString(); int r = 0; try { r = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation, "Suppression du rôle " + actor.ToString(), e, this)); } return r > 0; } /// <summary> /// Update the infos of an existing relation between a brol and an actor /// </summary> /// <param name="actor">(Actor) actor to retreive relation's infos</param> /// <param name="brolId">(int) Brol identifier</param> /// <param name="com">(DbCommand) command unsed into connection</param> /// <returns></returns> internal bool updateActorRole(Actor actor, int brolId, DbCommand com) { /* * No need to insert here into role table, because only existing role value * may be here. Roles management is for another method. */ if (actor.Role != null && actor.Role.Value != null) { if (actor.Role.Value.Length >= 100) { actor.Role.Value = actor.Role.Value.Remove(96) + "..."; } str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(actor.Role.Value)); } str.Append("' WHERE itemId="); str.Append(brolId); str.Append(" AND personId="); str.Append(actor.Id); str.Append(" AND roleId="); str.Append((actor.Role != null) ? actor.Role.RoleId.ToString() : "0"); com.CommandText = str.ToString(); int r = 0; try { r = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation, "Ajout d'un rôle pour une personne", e, this)); } return r == 1; } #endregion #region IBrolDao Members /// <summary> /// Load roles for a person /// </summary> /// <param name="person"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<ActorRole> loadRoles(Person person) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("SELECT role.roleName, as brolId, a.roleValue, p.lastName,, item.itemTitle"); str.Append(" FROM role RIGHT JOIN ("); str.Append("person AS p INNER JOIN ("); str.Append("item INNER JOIN actor AS a ON = a.itemId"); str.Append(") ON = a.personId) ON = a.roleId"); str.Append(" WHERE ("); str.Append(person.Id); str.Append(" AND a.itemId>0);"); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(rolesDt); foreach (DataRow row in rolesDt.Rows) { { roles.Add( ); } } } catch (Exception e) { } rolesDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return roles; } /// <summary> /// Load the default role for a person /// </summary> /// <param name="person"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActorRole loadDefaultRole(Person person) { ActorRole role = null; DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; str.Append(" FROM role RIGHT JOIN (actor AS a) ON = a.roleId"); str.Append(" WHERE a.personId="); str.Append(person.Id); str.Append(" AND a.itemId = "); str.Append(Config.BibliobrolId); str.Append(";"); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(rolesDt); foreach (DataRow row in rolesDt.Rows) { { } } } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Chargement du rôle par défaut d'une personne", e, this)); } rolesDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return role; } /// <summary> /// set the default role for a person /// </summary> /// <param name="person"></param> /// <param name="role"></param> public void setDefaultRole(Person person, ActorRole role) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); DbCommand com = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); str.Append(role.RoleId); str.Append(", roleValue = '"); if (role.Value != null) str.Append(role.Value); str.Append("' WHERE personId = "); str.Append(person.Id); str.Append(" AND itemId = "); str.Append(Config.BibliobrolId); str.Append(");"); com.CommandText = str.ToString(); int r = 0; try { r = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { try { if (r < 1) { str.Append(Config.BibliobrolId); str.Append(", "); str.Append(person.Id); str.Append(", "); str.Append(role.RoleId); str.Append(", '"); if (role.Value != null) str.Append(role.Value); str.Append("');"); com.CommandText = str.ToString(); r = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation, "Définition du rôle par défaut pour une personne", e, this)); } } dbCon.Close(); } /// <summary> /// get a roles with the id /// </summary> /// <param name="roleId">(int) id of the requested role</param> /// <returns>(ActorRole) requested role</returns> public ActorRole loadRole(int roleId) { ActorRole role = null; DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = String.Format( "SELECT id, roleName, info FROM role WHERE id = {0}", roleId ); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(rolesDt); if (rolesDt.Rows.Count == 1) { (int)rolesDt.Rows[0]["id"], rolesDt.Rows[0]["roleName"] as String, "", ); } } catch (Exception e) { } rolesDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return role; } /// <summary> /// get a roles with the name /// </summary> /// <param name="roleName">(string) name of the requested role</param> /// <returns>(ActorRole) requested role</returns> public ActorRole loadRole(string roleName) { ActorRole role = null; DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = String.Format( "SELECT id, roleName, info FROM role WHERE roleName = '{0}'", roleName ); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(rolesDt); if (rolesDt.Rows.Count == 1) { (int)rolesDt.Rows[0]["id"], rolesDt.Rows[0]["roleName"] as String, "", ); } } catch (Exception e) { } rolesDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return role; } /// <summary> /// get a list of roles with the same name /// </summary> /// <param name="roleName">(string) name of the requested roles</param> /// <returns>(List of ActorRole) requested roles</returns> public List<ActorRole> loadRoles(string roleName) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = String.Format( "SELECT id, roleName, info FROM role WHERE UCASE(roleName) LIKE UCASE('{0}')", roleName ); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(rolesDt); foreach(DataRow row in rolesDt.Rows) { roles.Add( new ActorRole( (int)row["id"], row["roleName"] as String, "", ) ); } } catch (Exception e) { } rolesDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return roles; } /// <summary> /// Insert a new role. Don't check if the role name exists in the db. You must do it before. /// </summary> /// <param name="actor">(ActorRole) role to add</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool insertRole(ActorRole role) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); DbCommand com = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); com.CommandText = string.Format( "INSERT INTO role (roleName, info) VALUES('{0}','{1}');", role.Name, role.Info ); int r = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); dbCon.Close(); return r == 1; } /// <summary> /// Load all roles strings /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List<ActorRole> loadRoles() { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; String str = "SELECT id, roleName FROM role"; dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(rolesDt); foreach (DataRow row in rolesDt.Rows) { { } } } catch (Exception e) { } rolesDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return roles; } /// <summary> /// Load roles strings for a brolType /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<ActorRole> loadRoles(BrolType type) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; String str = "SELECT id, roleName FROM role WHERE typeId = " + type.Id; dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(rolesDt); foreach (DataRow row in rolesDt.Rows) { { } } } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation, "Chargement des rôles de personnes", e, this)); } rolesDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return roles; } /// <summary> /// Load all available categories for a type from the Access database. /// i.e. for a film : Science-fiction, Horror, etc. /// </summary> /// <param name="typeId">(int) selected type (film, book, etc.) negative value to load all</param> /// <returns>List of BrolCategories</returns> public List<BrolCategory> loadCategories(int typeId) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; String str = "SELECT id, name FROM category"; if(typeId>=0)str+=" WHERE typeId = " + typeId; dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(catsDt); foreach (DataRow row in catsDt.Rows) { { } } } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation, "Chargement des catégories", e, this)); } catsDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return cats; } /// <summary> /// Insert a brol (i.e. a film) into the Access database /// </summary> /// <param name="brol">(Brol) brol to insert</param> /// <returns>(int) new brol id</returns> public int insertBrol(Brol brol) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); insertBrol(brol, dbCon, dbDa, true); dbCon.Close(); return brol.Id; } public int insertBrols(List<Brol> brols, bool insertMediabrol) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); int insertedNb = 0; foreach (Brol brol in brols) { insertBrol(brol, dbCon, dbDa, true); insertedNb++; } dbCon.Close(); return insertedNb; } /// <summary> /// Load a brol with the selected id from the Access database. /// If this brol shoud be modified, editing bool arg is true /// to avoid concurent modifications (nobody else can save this brol). /// </summary> /// <param name="id">(int) Id of the selected bool</param> /// <param name="editing">(bool) Shoud be modified or not</param> /// <returns>Selected bool, or a new bool if _ found</returns> public Brol loadBrol(int id, bool editing) { int[] ids = { id }; Brol brol; List<Brol> brols = NoChangeExporterDao.Instance.loadSelectedBrols(ids); if (brols.Count > 0) { brol = brols[0]; if (editing) lockBrol(id); } return brol; } /// <summary> /// Load all brols for a type from the Access database. /// i.e. films, books, etc. /// typeId 0 allow to load all types /// </summary> /// <returns>List of Brols</returns> public List<Brol> loadBrols(int typeId) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "List<Brol> loadBrols() : NOT IMPLEMENTED", this)); } /// <summary> /// Load all brols for a serie from the Access database. /// </summary> /// <param name="serie"></param> /// <returns>List of Brols</returns> public List<Brol> loadBrols(Serie serie) { } /// <summary> /// Load brols value objects (only selected fields) for a type from the Access database. /// </summary> /// <param name="fields">List of fields to load for the brols</param> /// <param name="typeId"> /// (int) selected type (film, book, etc.) /// 0 allow to load all types /// </param> /// <returns>DataTable with selected fields for Brols</returns> public DataTable loadDataTableVos(List<DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD> fields, int typeId) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD.serie)) { str.Append("DISTINCTROW "); } str.Append(""); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD.title)) { str.Append(", item.itemTitle"); } if (fields.Contains( { str.Append(", item.pubDate"); } if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD.serie)) { str.Append(",' '&serieItemRelation.rank"); } if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD.cotation)) { str.Append(", item.cote "); } if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD.serie)) { str.Append(" FROM serie RIGHT JOIN (item LEFT JOIN serieItemRelation ON = serieItemRelation.itemId) ON = serieItemRelation.serieId"); } else { str.Append(" FROM item "); } if (typeId != 0) { str.Append(" WHERE item.typeId = "); str.Append(typeId); } if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD.serie)) { str.Append(" GROUP BY,"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD.title)) { str.Append(" item.itemTitle,"); } if (fields.Contains( { str.Append(" item.pubDate,"); } if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD.cotation)) { str.Append(" item.cote ,"); } str.Append(" serieItemRelation.rank,"); } else { str.Append(" ORDER BY"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD.title)) { str.Append(" item.itemTitle,"); } if (fields.Contains( { str.Append(" item.pubDate,"); } if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BROL_FIELD.cotation)) { str.Append(" item.cote ,"); } str.Append(""); } /* SELECT DISTINCTROW,' '&serieItemRelation.rank AS [rank], item.itemTitle FROM serie RIGHT JOIN (item LEFT JOIN serieItemRelation ON = serieItemRelation.itemId) ON = serieItemRelation.serieId WHERE typeId = 2 GROUP BY, serieItemRelation.rank,, item.itemTitle */ dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(brolDt); } catch (Exception e) { } brolDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return brolDt; } /// <summary> /// Store new values for a brol. /// Verify if some categories or actors had been deleted, and delete it from the persistant layer. /// Add new categories or actors if exists. /// Update existing categories or actors. /// </summary> /// <param name="person">(Brol) brol with new values to store</param> /// <returns>(bool) true if update is done</returns> public bool updateBrol(Brol brol) { strDisp.Append(brol.Title); DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.UpdateCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); if (brol.BrolLocked) { strDisp.Append("\" ne peut être mis à jour car il est déjà ouvert en mode modification."); return false; } bool updated = updateBrol(brol, dbCon, dbDa, true, strDisp); dbCon.Close(); return updated; } /// <summary> /// Lock brol to avoid concurent modifications. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">(int) brol's id to lock</param> /// <returns>(bool) false if a problem occurs (todo : if already locked)</returns> public bool lockBrol(int id) { return lockUnlockItem(id, true); } /// <summary> /// unlock brol to allow modifications. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">(int) brol's id to unlock</param> public void unlockBrol(int id) { lockUnlockItem(id, false); } /// <summary> /// Delete a brol from the Access database, /// and delete all associated actors and categories /// </summary> /// <param name="p">(Brol) brol to delete</param> /// <returns>(bool) true if deleted</returns> public bool deleteBrol(Brol brol) { if (brol.Id == Config.BibliobrolId) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Impossible de supprimer l'application par défaut", this)); return false; } bool deleted = true; DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.DeleteCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); //delete brol String str = "DELETE FROM item WHERE id=" + brol.Id; dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText = str; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText, this)); try { deleted = (dbDa.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Impossible de supprimer l'ouvrage " + brol.Title,e, this)); } //delete actors relations str = "DELETE FROM actor WHERE itemId = " + brol.Id; dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText = str; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Suppression des personnes pour l'ouvrage " + brol.Title,e, this)); } //delete categories relations str = "DELETE FROM categoryItemRelation WHERE itemId = " + brol.Id; dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText = str; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Suppression des catégories pour l'ouvrage " + brol.Title,e, this)); } dbCon.Close(); strDisp.Append(brol.Title); strDisp.Append((deleted) ? "\" est supprimé." : "\" ne peut être supprimé."); return deleted; } private List<String> getBatch() { //strList.Add("Buddy Longway T02 : L'ennemi"); return strList; } public int executeBatch(bool insertMediabrol) { int insertedNb = 0; int modelId = 1063; List<String> strList = getBatch(); if (modelId < 1 || strList.Count < 1) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Impossible d'exécuter le batch (soit la liste est vide, soit le modèle n'est pas valide)", this)); return 0; } DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); insertedNb = insertBrolFromBatch(strList, loadBrol(modelId,false), insertMediabrol, dbCon, dbDa); dbCon.Close(); return insertedNb; } #endregion /// <summary> /// To do : /// - get infos from a dataset or a file /// </summary> /// <param name="batchItems"></param> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="dbCon"></param> /// <param name="dbDa"></param> private int insertBrolFromBatch(List<String> batchItems, Brol model,bool insertMediabrol, DbConnection dbCon, DbDataAdapter dbDa) { int i = 0; MediaBrol mediabrol; foreach (Actor a in model.Actors) { a.Status = STATUS.toAdd; } foreach (BrolCategory c in model.Categories) { c.Status = STATUS.toAdd; } foreach (String batchItem in batchItems) { model.Title = batchItem; model.Id = -1; model.Id = insertBrol(model, dbCon, dbDa, true); if (insertMediabrol) { mediabrol.InsertionDate = DateTime.Now; mediabrol.Owner = Config.Owner; DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().insertMediaBrol(mediabrol); } i++; } notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.opsResult, "Fin des insertions batch : " + i + "/" + batchItems.Count, this)); return i; } internal int insertBrol(Brol brol, DbConnection dbCon, DbDataAdapter dbDa, bool displayNotifications) { if (dbDa.InsertCommand == null) dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); strDisp.Append(brol.Title); if (brol.Id != -1) { strDisp.Append("\" ne peut être ajouté avec le n°"); strDisp.Append(brol.Id); return -1; } if (brol.BrolLocked) { strDisp.Append("\" ne peut être ajouté car il est verrouillé."); return -1; } str.Append("INSERT INTO item (itemTitle,synopsis,cote,itemLocked,typeId,comment"); if (pubDateValid) str.Append(",pubDate"); str.Append(") VALUES ('"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(brol.Title)); str.Append("', '"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(brol.Synopsis)); str.Append("', "); str.Append(brol.Cotation); str.Append(", FALSE, "); str.Append(brol.BrolType.Id); str.Append(", '"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(brol.Comment)); str.Append("'"); if (pubDateValid) { str.Append(", "); str.Append(MySQLUtils.getAccessDate(brol.Date)); } str.Append(")"); dbDa.InsertCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); try { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.InsertCommand.CommandText, this)); dbDa.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); //bad smell code : may not work with concurent acces dbDa.InsertCommand.CommandText = "SELECT @@IDENTITY"; brol.Id = (int)dbDa.InsertCommand.ExecuteScalar(); } catch (Exception ex) { return -1; } foreach (Actor actor in brol.Actors) { if (!insertActorRole(actor, brol, dbDa.InsertCommand)) notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "ERREUR d'insertion de l'acteur " + actor.ToString() + " pour l'ouvrage " + brol.ToString(), this)); } foreach (BrolCategory category in brol.Categories) { if (!addCategoryRelation(category, brol.Id, dbDa.InsertCommand)) notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "ERREUR d'insertion de la catégorie " + category.ToString() + " pour l'ouvrage " + brol.ToString(), this)); } foreach (SerieItem serieItem in brol.SerieItems) { if (!addSerieItemsRelation(serieItem, brol.Id, dbDa.InsertCommand)) notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "ERREUR d'insertion de la série " + serieItem.ToString() + " pour l'ouvrage " + brol.ToString(), this)); } strDisp.Append("\" est ajouté."); if(displayNotifications)notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.opsResult, strDisp.ToString(), this)); return brol.Id; } internal bool updateBrol(Brol brol, DbConnection dbCon, DbDataAdapter dbDa, bool displayNotifications, StringBuilder strDisp) { if (dbDa.UpdateCommand == null) { dbDa.UpdateCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); } str.Append("UPDATE item SET itemTitle='"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(brol.Title)); str.Append("', synopsis='"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(brol.Synopsis)); str.Append("', comment='"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(brol.Comment)); str.Append("', cote="); str.Append(brol.Cotation); { str.Append(", pubDate="); str.Append(MySQLUtils.getAccessDate(brol.Date)); } str.Append(", itemLocked=FALSE WHERE id="); str.Append(brol.Id); //no need to update type : a film may not became a book dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); int r = 0; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText, this)); try { r = dbDa.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (r < 1) { strDisp.Append("\" ne peut être mis à jour."); dbCon.Close(); return false; } updateActors(brol, dbCon, dbDa); updateCategoriesRelations(brol, dbCon, dbDa); updateSerieItemsRelations(brol, dbCon, dbDa); if (displayNotifications) { strDisp.Append("\" est mis à jour ("); strDisp.Append(r); strDisp.Append(" ouvrages mis à jour)."); } return true; } } }
Structure et Fichiers du projet
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Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
| _ | Répertoire parent | 0 octets | 1731745506 16/11/2024 09:25:06 |
| _ | utils | 0 octets | 1541007203 31/10/2018 18:33:23 |
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Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Dokument erstellt 16/10/2009, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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