Sodium Funktionen
- sodium_add — Add large numbers
- sodium_base642bin — Description
- sodium_bin2base64 — Description
- sodium_bin2hex — Encode to hexadecimal
- sodium_compare — Compare large numbers
- sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt — Decrypt in combined mode with precalculation
- sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_encrypt — Encrypt in combined mode with precalculation
- sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available — Check if hardware supports AES256-GCM
- sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_keygen — Get random bytes for key
- sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_decrypt — Verify that the ciphertext includes a valid tag
- sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt — Encrypt a message
- sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt — Verify that the ciphertext includes a valid tag
- sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt — Encrypt a message
- sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen — Get random bytes for key
- sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_keygen — Get random bytes for key
- sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt — Description
- sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt — Description
- sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen — Description
- sodium_crypto_auth_keygen — Get random bytes for key
- sodium_crypto_auth_verify — Verifies that the tag is valid for the message
- sodium_crypto_auth — Compute a tag for the message
- sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey — Description
- sodium_crypto_box_keypair — Randomly generate a secret key and a corresponding public key
- sodium_crypto_box_open — Verify and decrypt a ciphertext
- sodium_crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey — Description
- sodium_crypto_box_publickey — Description
- sodium_crypto_box_seal_open — Decrypt the ciphertext
- sodium_crypto_box_seal — Encrypt a message
- sodium_crypto_box_secretkey — Description
- sodium_crypto_box_seed_keypair — Deterministically derive the key pair from a single key
- sodium_crypto_box — Encrypt a message
- sodium_crypto_generichash_final — Complete the hash
- sodium_crypto_generichash_init — Initialize a hash
- sodium_crypto_generichash_keygen — Get random bytes for key
- sodium_crypto_generichash_update — Add message to a hash
- sodium_crypto_generichash — Get a hash of the message
- sodium_crypto_kdf_derive_from_key — Derive a subkey
- sodium_crypto_kdf_keygen — Get random bytes for key
- sodium_crypto_kx_client_session_keys — Description
- sodium_crypto_kx_keypair — Creates a new sodium keypair
- sodium_crypto_kx_publickey — Description
- sodium_crypto_kx_secretkey — Description
- sodium_crypto_kx_seed_keypair — Description
- sodium_crypto_kx_server_session_keys — Description
- sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_str_verify — Verify that the password is a valid password verification string
- sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_str — Get an ASCII encoded hash
- sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256 — Derives a key from a password
- sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_needs_rehash — Description
- sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_verify — Verifies that a password matches a hash
- sodium_crypto_pwhash_str — Get an ASCII-encoded hash
- sodium_crypto_pwhash — Derive a key from a password
- sodium_crypto_scalarmult_base — Alias von sodium_crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey
- sodium_crypto_scalarmult — Compute a shared secret given a user's secret key and another user's public key
- sodium_crypto_secretbox_keygen — Get random bytes for key
- sodium_crypto_secretbox_open — Verify and decrypt a ciphertext
- sodium_crypto_secretbox — Encrypt a message
- sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull — Description
- sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_push — Description
- sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_keygen — Description
- sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_pull — Description
- sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_push — Description
- sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_rekey — Description
- sodium_crypto_shorthash_keygen — Get random bytes for key
- sodium_crypto_shorthash — Compute a fixed-size fingerprint for the message
- sodium_crypto_sign_detached — Sign the message
- sodium_crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519 — Convert an Ed25519 public key to a Curve25519 public key
- sodium_crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519 — Convert an Ed25519 secret key to a Curve25519 secret key
- sodium_crypto_sign_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey — Description
- sodium_crypto_sign_keypair — Randomly generate a secret key and a corresponding public key
- sodium_crypto_sign_open — Check that the signed message has a valid signature
- sodium_crypto_sign_publickey_from_secretkey — Extract the public key from the secret key
- sodium_crypto_sign_publickey — Description
- sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey — Description
- sodium_crypto_sign_seed_keypair — Deterministically derive the key pair from a single key
- sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached — Verify signature for the message
- sodium_crypto_sign — Sign a message
- sodium_crypto_stream_keygen — Get random bytes for key
- sodium_crypto_stream_xor — Encrypt a message
- sodium_crypto_stream — Generate a deterministic sequence of bytes from a seed
- sodium_hex2bin — Decodes a hexadecimally encoded binary string
- sodium_increment — Increment large number
- sodium_memcmp — Test for equality in constant-time
- sodium_memzero — Overwrite buf with zeros
- sodium_pad — Add padding data
- sodium_unpad — Remove padding data
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Dokument erstellt 30/01/2003, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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