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(PHP 5, PHP 7)

mysqli::real_connect -- mysqli_real_connectOpens a connection to a mysql server

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Objektorientierter Stil

mysqli::real_connect ([ string $host [, string $username [, string $passwd [, string $dbname [, int $port [, string $socket [, int $flags ]]]]]]] ) : bool

Prozeduraler Stil

mysqli_real_connect ( mysqli $link [, string $host [, string $username [, string $passwd [, string $dbname [, int $port [, string $socket [, int $flags ]]]]]]] ) : bool

Establish a connection to a MySQL database engine.

This function differs from mysqli_connect():

  • mysqli_real_connect() needs a valid object which has to be created by function mysqli_init().

  • With the mysqli_options() function you can set various options for connection.

  • There is a flags parameter.

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Nur bei prozeduralem Aufruf: Ein von mysqli_connect() oder mysqli_init() zurückgegebenes Verbindungsobjekt.


Can be either a host name or an IP address. Passing the NULL value or the string "localhost" to this parameter, the local host is assumed. When possible, pipes will be used instead of the TCP/IP protocol.


The MySQL user name.


If provided or NULL, the MySQL server will attempt to authenticate the user against those user records which have no password only. This allows one username to be used with different permissions (depending on if a password as provided or not).


If provided will specify the default database to be used when performing queries.


Specifies the port number to attempt to connect to the MySQL server.


Specifies the socket or named pipe that should be used.


Specifying the socket parameter will not explicitly determine the type of connection to be used when connecting to the MySQL server. How the connection is made to the MySQL database is determined by the host parameter.


With the parameter flags you can set different connection options:

Supported flags
Name Description
MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS Use compression protocol
MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS return number of matched rows, not the number of affected rows
MYSQLI_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE Allow spaces after function names. Makes all function names reserved words.
MYSQLI_CLIENT_INTERACTIVE Allow interactive_timeout seconds (instead of wait_timeout seconds) of inactivity before closing the connection
MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL Use SSL (encryption)
MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT Like MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL, but disables validation of the provided SSL certificate. This is only for installations using MySQL Native Driver and MySQL 5.6 or later.


For security reasons the MULTI_STATEMENT flag is not supported in PHP. If you want to execute multiple queries use the mysqli_multi_query() function.

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Version Beschreibung
5.6.16 Added the MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT flag for MySQL Native Driver

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Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.

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Beispiel #1 mysqli::real_connect() example

Objektorientierter Stil


if (!
$mysqli) {
'mysqli_init failed');

if (!
$mysqli->options(MYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND'SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0')) {
'Setting MYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND failed');

if (!
$mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT5)) {

if (!
$mysqli->real_connect('localhost''my_user''my_password''my_db')) {
'Connect Error (' mysqli_connect_errno() . ') '

'Success... ' $mysqli->host_info "\n";


Objektorientierter Stil when extending mysqli class


class foo_mysqli extends mysqli {
    public function 
__construct($host$user$pass$db) {

        if (!
'Setting MYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND failed');

        if (!
parent::options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT5)) {

        if (!
parent::real_connect($host$user$pass$db)) {
'Connect Error (' mysqli_connect_errno() . ') '

$db = new foo_mysqli('localhost''my_user''my_password''my_db');

'Success... ' $db->host_info "\n";


Prozeduraler Stil


if (!
$link) {
'mysqli_init failed');

if (!
mysqli_options($linkMYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND'SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0')) {
'Setting MYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND failed');

if (!
mysqli_options($linkMYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT5)) {

if (!
mysqli_real_connect($link'localhost''my_user''my_password''my_db')) {
'Connect Error (' mysqli_connect_errno() . ') '

'Success... ' mysqli_get_host_info($link) . "\n";


Die obigen Bespiele erzeugen folgende Ausgabe:

Success... MySQL host info: localhost via TCP/IP

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MySQLnd nimmt immer den Standardzeichensatz des Servers an. Dieser Zeichensatz wird während des Aufbaus der Verbindung bzw. der Authentifizierung übermittelt und danach von MySQLnd verwendet.

Libmysqlclient verwendet als Standardzeichensatz den, der in der Datei my.cnf angegeben oder durch einen Aufruf von mysqli_options() vor dem Aufruf von mysqli_real_connect() aber nach mysqli_init() gesetzt wurde.

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Dokument erstellt 30/01/2003, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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