Ncurses Terminal Screen Control
- Einführung
- Installation/Konfiguration
- Vordefinierte Konstanten
- Ncurses Funktionen
- ncurses_addch — Add character at current position and advance cursor
- ncurses_addchnstr — Add attributed string with specified length at current position
- ncurses_addchstr — Add attributed string at current position
- ncurses_addnstr — Add string with specified length at current position
- ncurses_addstr — Output text at current position
- ncurses_assume_default_colors — Define default colors for color 0
- ncurses_attroff — Turn off the given attributes
- ncurses_attron — Turn on the given attributes
- ncurses_attrset — Set given attributes
- ncurses_baudrate — Returns baudrate of terminal
- ncurses_beep — Let the terminal beep
- ncurses_bkgd — Set background property for terminal screen
- ncurses_bkgdset — Control screen background
- ncurses_border — Draw a border around the screen using attributed characters
- ncurses_bottom_panel — Moves a visible panel to the bottom of the stack
- ncurses_can_change_color — Checks if terminal color definitions can be changed
- ncurses_cbreak — Switch off input buffering
- ncurses_clear — Clear screen
- ncurses_clrtobot — Clear screen from current position to bottom
- ncurses_clrtoeol — Clear screen from current position to end of line
- ncurses_color_content — Retrieves RGB components of a color
- ncurses_color_set — Set active foreground and background colors
- ncurses_curs_set — Set cursor state
- ncurses_def_prog_mode — Saves terminals (program) mode
- ncurses_def_shell_mode — Saves terminals (shell) mode
- ncurses_define_key — Define a keycode
- ncurses_del_panel — Remove panel from the stack and delete it (but not the associated window)
- ncurses_delay_output — Delay output on terminal using padding characters
- ncurses_delch — Delete character at current position, move rest of line left
- ncurses_deleteln — Delete line at current position, move rest of screen up
- ncurses_delwin — Delete a ncurses window
- ncurses_doupdate — Write all prepared refreshes to terminal
- ncurses_echo — Activate keyboard input echo
- ncurses_echochar — Single character output including refresh
- ncurses_end — Stop using ncurses, clean up the screen
- ncurses_erase — Erase terminal screen
- ncurses_erasechar — Returns current erase character
- ncurses_filter — Set LINES for iniscr() and newterm() to 1
- ncurses_flash — Flash terminal screen (visual bell)
- ncurses_flushinp — Flush keyboard input buffer
- ncurses_getch — Read a character from keyboard
- ncurses_getmaxyx — Returns the size of a window
- ncurses_getmouse — Reads mouse event
- ncurses_getyx — Returns the current cursor position for a window
- ncurses_halfdelay — Put terminal into halfdelay mode
- ncurses_has_colors — Checks if terminal has color capabilities
- ncurses_has_ic — Check for insert- and delete-capabilities
- ncurses_has_il — Check for line insert- and delete-capabilities
- ncurses_has_key — Check for presence of a function key on terminal keyboard
- ncurses_hide_panel — Remove panel from the stack, making it invisible
- ncurses_hline — Draw a horizontal line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- ncurses_inch — Get character and attribute at current position
- ncurses_init_color — Define a terminal color
- ncurses_init_pair — Define a color pair
- ncurses_init — Initialize ncurses
- ncurses_insch — Insert character moving rest of line including character at current position
- ncurses_insdelln — Insert lines before current line scrolling down (negative numbers delete and scroll up)
- ncurses_insertln — Insert a line, move rest of screen down
- ncurses_insstr — Insert string at current position, moving rest of line right
- ncurses_instr — Reads string from terminal screen
- ncurses_isendwin — Ncurses is in endwin mode, normal screen output may be performed
- ncurses_keyok — Enable or disable a keycode
- ncurses_keypad — Turns keypad on or off
- ncurses_killchar — Returns current line kill character
- ncurses_longname — Returns terminals description
- ncurses_meta — Enables/Disable 8-bit meta key information
- ncurses_mouse_trafo — Transforms coordinates
- ncurses_mouseinterval — Set timeout for mouse button clicks
- ncurses_mousemask — Sets mouse options
- ncurses_move_panel — Moves a panel so that its upper-left corner is at [startx, starty]
- ncurses_move — Move output position
- ncurses_mvaddch — Move current position and add character
- ncurses_mvaddchnstr — Move position and add attributed string with specified length
- ncurses_mvaddchstr — Move position and add attributed string
- ncurses_mvaddnstr — Move position and add string with specified length
- ncurses_mvaddstr — Move position and add string
- ncurses_mvcur — Move cursor immediately
- ncurses_mvdelch — Move position and delete character, shift rest of line left
- ncurses_mvgetch — Move position and get character at new position
- ncurses_mvhline — Set new position and draw a horizontal line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- ncurses_mvinch — Move position and get attributed character at new position
- ncurses_mvvline — Set new position and draw a vertical line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- ncurses_mvwaddstr — Add string at new position in window
- ncurses_napms — Sleep
- ncurses_new_panel — Create a new panel and associate it with window
- ncurses_newpad — Creates a new pad (window)
- ncurses_newwin — Create a new window
- ncurses_nl — Translate newline and carriage return / line feed
- ncurses_nocbreak — Switch terminal to cooked mode
- ncurses_noecho — Switch off keyboard input echo
- ncurses_nonl — Do not translate newline and carriage return / line feed
- ncurses_noqiflush — Do not flush on signal characters
- ncurses_noraw — Switch terminal out of raw mode
- ncurses_pair_content — Retrieves foreground and background colors of a color pair
- ncurses_panel_above — Returns the panel above panel
- ncurses_panel_below — Returns the panel below panel
- ncurses_panel_window — Returns the window associated with panel
- ncurses_pnoutrefresh — Copies a region from a pad into the virtual screen
- ncurses_prefresh — Copies a region from a pad into the virtual screen
- ncurses_putp — Apply padding information to the string and output it
- ncurses_qiflush — Flush on signal characters
- ncurses_raw — Switch terminal into raw mode
- ncurses_refresh — Refresh screen
- ncurses_replace_panel — Replaces the window associated with panel
- ncurses_reset_prog_mode — Resets the prog mode saved by def_prog_mode
- ncurses_reset_shell_mode — Resets the shell mode saved by def_shell_mode
- ncurses_resetty — Restores saved terminal state
- ncurses_savetty — Saves terminal state
- ncurses_scr_dump — Dump screen content to file
- ncurses_scr_init — Initialize screen from file dump
- ncurses_scr_restore — Restore screen from file dump
- ncurses_scr_set — Inherit screen from file dump
- ncurses_scrl — Scroll window content up or down without changing current position
- ncurses_show_panel — Places an invisible panel on top of the stack, making it visible
- ncurses_slk_attr — Returns current soft label key attribute
- ncurses_slk_attroff — Turn off the given attributes for soft function-key labels
- ncurses_slk_attron — Turn on the given attributes for soft function-key labels
- ncurses_slk_attrset — Set given attributes for soft function-key labels
- ncurses_slk_clear — Clears soft labels from screen
- ncurses_slk_color — Sets color for soft label keys
- ncurses_slk_init — Initializes soft label key functions
- ncurses_slk_noutrefresh — Copies soft label keys to virtual screen
- ncurses_slk_refresh — Copies soft label keys to screen
- ncurses_slk_restore — Restores soft label keys
- ncurses_slk_set — Sets function key labels
- ncurses_slk_touch — Forces output when ncurses_slk_noutrefresh is performed
- ncurses_standend — Stop using 'standout' attribute
- ncurses_standout — Start using 'standout' attribute
- ncurses_start_color — Initializes color functionality
- ncurses_termattrs — Returns a logical OR of all attribute flags supported by terminal
- ncurses_termname — Returns terminals (short)-name
- ncurses_timeout — Set timeout for special key sequences
- ncurses_top_panel — Moves a visible panel to the top of the stack
- ncurses_typeahead — Specify different filedescriptor for typeahead checking
- ncurses_ungetch — Put a character back into the input stream
- ncurses_ungetmouse — Pushes mouse event to queue
- ncurses_update_panels — Refreshes the virtual screen to reflect the relations between panels in the stack
- ncurses_use_default_colors — Assign terminal default colors to color id -1
- ncurses_use_env — Control use of environment information about terminal size
- ncurses_use_extended_names — Control use of extended names in terminfo descriptions
- ncurses_vidattr — Display the string on the terminal in the video attribute mode
- ncurses_vline — Draw a vertical line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- ncurses_waddch — Adds character at current position in a window and advance cursor
- ncurses_waddstr — Outputs text at current postion in window
- ncurses_wattroff — Turns off attributes for a window
- ncurses_wattron — Turns on attributes for a window
- ncurses_wattrset — Set the attributes for a window
- ncurses_wborder — Draws a border around the window using attributed characters
- ncurses_wclear — Clears window
- ncurses_wcolor_set — Sets windows color pairings
- ncurses_werase — Erase window contents
- ncurses_wgetch — Reads a character from keyboard (window)
- ncurses_whline — Draws a horizontal line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- ncurses_wmouse_trafo — Transforms window/stdscr coordinates
- ncurses_wmove — Moves windows output position
- ncurses_wnoutrefresh — Copies window to virtual screen
- ncurses_wrefresh — Refresh window on terminal screen
- ncurses_wstandend — End standout mode for a window
- ncurses_wstandout — Enter standout mode for a window
- ncurses_wvline — Draws a vertical line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
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Dokument erstellt 30/01/2003, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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