Haru PDF
- Einführung
- Installation/Konfiguration
- Vordefinierte Konstanten
- Beispiele
- Builtin Fonts And Encodings
- HaruException — The HaruException class
- HaruDoc — The HaruDoc class
- HaruDoc::addPage — Add new page to the document
- HaruDoc::addPageLabel — Set the numbering style for the specified range of pages
- HaruDoc::__construct — Construct new HaruDoc instance
- HaruDoc::createOutline — Create a HaruOutline instance
- HaruDoc::getCurrentEncoder — Get HaruEncoder currently used in the document
- HaruDoc::getCurrentPage — Return current page of the document
- HaruDoc::getEncoder — Get HaruEncoder instance for the specified encoding
- HaruDoc::getFont — Get HaruFont instance
- HaruDoc::getInfoAttr — Get current value of the specified document attribute
- HaruDoc::getPageLayout — Get current page layout
- HaruDoc::getPageMode — Get current page mode
- HaruDoc::getStreamSize — Get the size of the temporary stream
- HaruDoc::insertPage — Insert new page just before the specified page
- HaruDoc::loadJPEG — Load a JPEG image
- HaruDoc::loadPNG — Load PNG image and return HaruImage instance
- HaruDoc::loadRaw — Load a RAW image
- HaruDoc::loadTTC — Load the font with the specified index from TTC file
- HaruDoc::loadTTF — Load TTF font file
- HaruDoc::loadType1 — Load Type1 font
- HaruDoc::output — Write the document data to the output buffer
- HaruDoc::readFromStream — Read data from the temporary stream
- HaruDoc::resetError — Reset error state of the document handle
- HaruDoc::resetStream — Rewind the temporary stream
- HaruDoc::save — Save the document into the specified file
- HaruDoc::saveToStream — Save the document into a temporary stream
- HaruDoc::setCompressionMode — Set compression mode for the document
- HaruDoc::setCurrentEncoder — Set the current encoder for the document
- HaruDoc::setEncryptionMode — Set encryption mode for the document
- HaruDoc::setInfoAttr — Set the info attribute of the document
- HaruDoc::setInfoDateAttr — Set the datetime info attributes of the document
- HaruDoc::setOpenAction — Define which page is shown when the document is opened
- HaruDoc::setPageLayout — Set how pages should be displayed
- HaruDoc::setPageMode — Set how the document should be displayed
- HaruDoc::setPagesConfiguration — Set the number of pages per set of pages
- HaruDoc::setPassword — Set owner and user passwords for the document
- HaruDoc::setPermission — Set permissions for the document
- HaruDoc::useCNSEncodings — Enable Chinese simplified encodings
- HaruDoc::useCNSFonts — Enable builtin Chinese simplified fonts
- HaruDoc::useCNTEncodings — Enable Chinese traditional encodings
- HaruDoc::useCNTFonts — Enable builtin Chinese traditional fonts
- HaruDoc::useJPEncodings — Enable Japanese encodings
- HaruDoc::useJPFonts — Enable builtin Japanese fonts
- HaruDoc::useKREncodings — Enable Korean encodings
- HaruDoc::useKRFonts — Enable builtin Korean fonts
- HaruPage — The HaruPage class
- HaruPage::arc — Append an arc to the current path
- HaruPage::beginText — Begin a text object and set the current text position to (0,0)
- HaruPage::circle — Append a circle to the current path
- HaruPage::closePath — Append a straight line from the current point to the start point of the path
- HaruPage::concat — Concatenate current transformation matrix of the page and the specified matrix
- HaruPage::createDestination — Create new HaruDestination instance
- HaruPage::createLinkAnnotation — Create new HaruAnnotation instance
- HaruPage::createTextAnnotation — Create new HaruAnnotation instance
- HaruPage::createURLAnnotation — Create and return new HaruAnnotation instance
- HaruPage::curveTo2 — Append a Bezier curve to the current path
- HaruPage::curveTo3 — Append a Bezier curve to the current path
- HaruPage::curveTo — Append a Bezier curve to the current path
- HaruPage::drawImage — Show image at the page
- HaruPage::ellipse — Append an ellipse to the current path
- HaruPage::endPath — End current path object without filling and painting operations
- HaruPage::endText — End current text object
- HaruPage::eofill — Fill current path using even-odd rule
- HaruPage::eoFillStroke — Fill current path using even-odd rule, then paint the path
- HaruPage::fill — Fill current path using nonzero winding number rule
- HaruPage::fillStroke — Fill current path using nonzero winding number rule, then paint the path
- HaruPage::getCharSpace — Get the current value of character spacing
- HaruPage::getCMYKFill — Get the current filling color
- HaruPage::getCMYKStroke — Get the current stroking color
- HaruPage::getCurrentFont — Get the currently used font
- HaruPage::getCurrentFontSize — Get the current font size
- HaruPage::getCurrentPos — Get the current position for path painting
- HaruPage::getCurrentTextPos — Get the current position for text printing
- HaruPage::getDash — Get the current dash pattern
- HaruPage::getFillingColorSpace — Get the current filling color space
- HaruPage::getFlatness — Get the flatness of the page
- HaruPage::getGMode — Get the current graphics mode
- HaruPage::getGrayFill — Get the current filling color
- HaruPage::getGrayStroke — Get the current stroking color
- HaruPage::getHeight — Get the height of the page
- HaruPage::getHorizontalScaling — Get the current value of horizontal scaling
- HaruPage::getLineCap — Get the current line cap style
- HaruPage::getLineJoin — Get the current line join style
- HaruPage::getLineWidth — Get the current line width
- HaruPage::getMiterLimit — Get the value of miter limit
- HaruPage::getRGBFill — Get the current filling color
- HaruPage::getRGBStroke — Get the current stroking color
- HaruPage::getStrokingColorSpace — Get the current stroking color space
- HaruPage::getTextLeading — Get the current value of line spacing
- HaruPage::getTextMatrix — Get the current text transformation matrix of the page
- HaruPage::getTextRenderingMode — Get the current text rendering mode
- HaruPage::getTextRise — Get the current value of text rising
- HaruPage::getTextWidth — Get the width of the text using current fontsize, character spacing and word spacing
- HaruPage::getTransMatrix — Get the current transformation matrix of the page
- HaruPage::getWidth — Get the width of the page
- HaruPage::getWordSpace — Get the current value of word spacing
- HaruPage::lineTo — Draw a line from the current point to the specified point
- HaruPage::measureText — Calculate the byte length of characters which can be included on one line of the specified width
- HaruPage::moveTextPos — Move text position to the specified offset
- HaruPage::moveTo — Set starting point for new drawing path
- HaruPage::moveToNextLine — Move text position to the start of the next line
- HaruPage::rectangle — Append a rectangle to the current path
- HaruPage::setCharSpace — Set character spacing for the page
- HaruPage::setCMYKFill — Set filling color for the page
- HaruPage::setCMYKStroke — Set stroking color for the page
- HaruPage::setDash — Set the dash pattern for the page
- HaruPage::setFlatness — Set flatness for the page
- HaruPage::setFontAndSize — Set font and fontsize for the page
- HaruPage::setGrayFill — Set filling color for the page
- HaruPage::setGrayStroke — Sets stroking color for the page
- HaruPage::setHeight — Set height of the page
- HaruPage::setHorizontalScaling — Set horizontal scaling for the page
- HaruPage::setLineCap — Set the shape to be used at the ends of lines
- HaruPage::setLineJoin — Set line join style for the page
- HaruPage::setLineWidth — Set line width for the page
- HaruPage::setMiterLimit — Set the current value of the miter limit of the page
- HaruPage::setRGBFill — Set filling color for the page
- HaruPage::setRGBStroke — Set stroking color for the page
- HaruPage::setRotate — Set rotation angle of the page
- HaruPage::setSize — Set size and direction of the page
- HaruPage::setSlideShow — Set transition style for the page
- HaruPage::setTextLeading — Set text leading (line spacing) for the page
- HaruPage::setTextMatrix — Set the current text transformation matrix of the page
- HaruPage::setTextRenderingMode — Set text rendering mode for the page
- HaruPage::setTextRise — Set the current value of text rising
- HaruPage::setWidth — Set width of the page
- HaruPage::setWordSpace — Set word spacing for the page
- HaruPage::showText — Print text at the current position of the page
- HaruPage::showTextNextLine — Move the current position to the start of the next line and print the text
- HaruPage::stroke — Paint current path
- HaruPage::textOut — Print the text on the specified position
- HaruPage::textRect — Print the text inside the specified region
- HaruFont — The HaruFont class
- HaruFont::getAscent — Get the vertical ascent of the font
- HaruFont::getCapHeight — Get the distance from the baseline of uppercase letters
- HaruFont::getDescent — Get the vertical descent of the font
- HaruFont::getEncodingName — Get the name of the encoding
- HaruFont::getFontName — Get the name of the font
- HaruFont::getTextWidth — Get the total width of the text, number of characters, number of words and number of spaces
- HaruFont::getUnicodeWidth — Get the width of the character in the font
- HaruFont::getXHeight — Get the distance from the baseline of lowercase letters
- HaruFont::measureText — Calculate the number of characters which can be included within the specified width
- HaruImage — The HaruImage class
- HaruImage::getBitsPerComponent — Get the number of bits used to describe each color component of the image
- HaruImage::getColorSpace — Get the name of the color space
- HaruImage::getHeight — Get the height of the image
- HaruImage::getSize — Get size of the image
- HaruImage::getWidth — Get the width of the image
- HaruImage::setColorMask — Set the color mask of the image
- HaruImage::setMaskImage — Set the image mask
- HaruEncoder — The HaruEncoder class
- HaruEncoder::getByteType — Get the type of the byte in the text
- HaruEncoder::getType — Get the type of the encoder
- HaruEncoder::getUnicode — Convert the specified character to unicode
- HaruEncoder::getWritingMode — Get the writing mode of the encoder
- HaruOutline — The HaruOutline class
- HaruOutline::setDestination — Set the destination for the outline
- HaruOutline::setOpened — Set the initial state of the outline
- HaruAnnotation — The HaruAnnotation class
- HaruAnnotation::setBorderStyle — Set the border style of the annotation
- HaruAnnotation::setHighlightMode — Set the highlighting mode of the annotation
- HaruAnnotation::setIcon — Set the icon style of the annotation
- HaruAnnotation::setOpened — Set the initial state of the annotation
- HaruDestination — The HaruDestination class
- HaruDestination::setFit — Set the appearance of the page to fit the window
- HaruDestination::setFitB — Set the appearance of the page to fit the bounding box of the page within the window
- HaruDestination::setFitBH — Set the appearance of the page to fit the width of the bounding box
- HaruDestination::setFitBV — Set the appearance of the page to fit the height of the boudning box
- HaruDestination::setFitH — Set the appearance of the page to fit the window width
- HaruDestination::setFitR — Set the appearance of the page to fit the specified rectangle
- HaruDestination::setFitV — Set the appearance of the page to fit the window height
- HaruDestination::setXYZ — Set the appearance of the page
Deutsche Übersetzung
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Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Dokument erstellt 30/01/2003, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
Quelle des gedruckten Dokuments:https://www.gaudry.be/de//php-rf-book.haru.html
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