- Einführung
- Installation/Konfiguration
- Beispiele
- Event flags
- About event persistence
- Event callbacks
- Constructing signal events
- Event — The Event class
- Event::add — Makes event pending
- Event::addSignal — Makes signal event pending
- Event::addTimer — Makes timer event pending
- Event::__construct — Constructs Event object
- Event::del — Makes event non-pending
- Event::delSignal — Makes signal event non-pending
- Event::delTimer — Makes timer event non-pending
- Event::free — Make event non-pending and free resources allocated for this event
- Event::getSupportedMethods — Returns array with of the names of the methods supported in this version of Libevent
- Event::pending — Detects whether event is pending or scheduled
- Event::set — Re-configures event
- Event::setPriority — Set event priority
- Event::setTimer — Re-configures timer event
- Event::signal — Constructs signal event object
- Event::timer — Constructs timer event object
- EventBase — The EventBase class
- EventBase::__construct — Constructs EventBase object
- EventBase::dispatch — Dispatch pending events
- EventBase::exit — Stop dispatching events
- EventBase::free — Free resources allocated for this event base
- EventBase::getFeatures — Returns bitmask of features supported
- EventBase::getMethod — Returns event method in use
- EventBase::getTimeOfDayCached — Returns the current event base time
- EventBase::gotExit — Checks if the event loop was told to exit
- EventBase::gotStop — Checks if the event loop was told to exit
- EventBase::loop — Dispatch pending events
- EventBase::priorityInit — Sets number of priorities per event base
- EventBase::reInit — Re-initialize event base(after a fork)
- EventBase::stop — Tells event_base to stop dispatching events
- EventBuffer — The EventBuffer class
- EventBuffer::add — Append data to the end of an event buffer
- EventBuffer::addBuffer — Move all data from a buffer provided to the current instance of EventBuffer
- EventBuffer::appendFrom — Moves the specified number of bytes from a source buffer to the end of the current buffer
- EventBuffer::__construct — Constructs EventBuffer object
- EventBuffer::copyout — Copies out specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer
- EventBuffer::drain — Removes specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer without copying it anywhere
- EventBuffer::enableLocking — Beschreibung
- EventBuffer::expand — Reserves space in buffer
- EventBuffer::freeze — Prevent calls that modify an event buffer from succeeding
- EventBuffer::lock — Acquires a lock on buffer
- EventBuffer::prepend — Prepend data to the front of the buffer
- EventBuffer::prependBuffer — Moves all data from source buffer to the front of current buffer
- EventBuffer::pullup — Linearizes data within buffer and returns it's contents as a string
- EventBuffer::read — Read data from an evbuffer and drain the bytes read
- EventBuffer::readFrom — Read data from a file onto the end of the buffer
- EventBuffer::readLine — Extracts a line from the front of the buffer
- EventBuffer::search — Scans the buffer for an occurrence of a string
- EventBuffer::searchEol — Scans the buffer for an occurrence of an end of line
- EventBuffer::substr — Substracts a portion of the buffer data
- EventBuffer::unfreeze — Re-enable calls that modify an event buffer
- EventBuffer::unlock — Releases lock acquired by EventBuffer::lock
- EventBuffer::write — Schreibt den Inhalt des Puffers in eine Datei oder ein Socket
- EventBufferEvent — The EventBufferEvent class
- EventBufferEvent::close — Closes file descriptor associated with the current buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::connect — Connect buffer event's file descriptor to given address or UNIX socket
- EventBufferEvent::connectHost — Connects to a hostname with optionally asyncronous DNS resolving
- EventBufferEvent::__construct — Constructs EventBufferEvent object
- EventBufferEvent::createPair — Creates two buffer events connected to each other
- EventBufferEvent::disable — Disable events read, write, or both on a buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::enable — Enable events read, write, or both on a buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::free — Free a buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::getDnsErrorString — Returns string describing the last failed DNS lookup attempt
- EventBufferEvent::getEnabled — Returns bitmask of events currently enabled on the buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::getInput — Returns underlying input buffer associated with current buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::getOutput — Returns underlying output buffer associated with current buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::read — Read buffer's data
- EventBufferEvent::readBuffer — Drains the entire contents of the input buffer and places them into buf
- EventBufferEvent::setCallbacks — Assigns read, write and event(status) callbacks
- EventBufferEvent::setPriority — Assign a priority to a bufferevent
- EventBufferEvent::setTimeouts — Set the read and write timeout for a buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::setWatermark — Adjusts read and/or write watermarks
- EventBufferEvent::sslError — Returns most recent OpenSSL error reported on the buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::sslFilter — Create a new SSL buffer event to send its data over another buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherInfo — Returns a textual description of the cipher
- EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherName — Returns the current cipher name of the SSL connection
- EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherVersion — Returns version of cipher used by current SSL connection
- EventBufferEvent::sslGetProtocol — Returns the name of the protocol used for current SSL connection
- EventBufferEvent::sslRenegotiate — Tells a bufferevent to begin SSL renegotiation
- EventBufferEvent::sslSocket — Creates a new SSL buffer event to send its data over an SSL on a socket
- EventBufferEvent::write — Fügt Daten zum Ausgabepuffer eines Pufferereignises hinzu
- EventBufferEvent::writeBuffer — Adds contents of the entire buffer to a buffer event's output buffer
- About buffer event callbacks
- EventConfig — The EventConfig class
- EventConfig::avoidMethod — Tells libevent to avoid specific event method
- EventConfig::__construct — Constructs EventConfig object
- EventConfig::requireFeatures — Enters a required event method feature that the application demands
- EventConfig::setMaxDispatchInterval — Prevents priority inversion
- EventDnsBase — The EventDnsBase class
- EventDnsBase::addNameserverIp — Adds a nameserver to the DNS base
- EventDnsBase::addSearch — Adds a domain to the list of search domains
- EventDnsBase::clearSearch — Removes all current search suffixes
- EventDnsBase::__construct — Constructs EventDnsBase object
- EventDnsBase::countNameservers — Gets the number of configured nameservers
- EventDnsBase::loadHosts — Loads a hosts file (in the same format as /etc/hosts) from hosts file
- EventDnsBase::parseResolvConf — Scans the resolv.conf-formatted file
- EventDnsBase::setOption — Set the value of a configuration option
- EventDnsBase::setSearchNdots — Set the 'ndots' parameter for searches
- EventHttp — The EventHttp class
- EventHttp::accept — Makes an HTTP server accept connections on the specified socket stream or resource
- EventHttp::addServerAlias — Adds a server alias to the HTTP server object
- EventHttp::bind — Binds an HTTP server on the specified address and port
- EventHttp::__construct — Constructs EventHttp object(the HTTP server)
- EventHttp::removeServerAlias — Removes server alias
- EventHttp::setAllowedMethods — Sets the what HTTP methods are supported in requests accepted by this server, and passed to user callbacks
- EventHttp::setCallback — Sets a callback for specified URI
- EventHttp::setDefaultCallback — Sets default callback to handle requests that are not caught by specific callbacks
- EventHttp::setMaxBodySize — Sets maximum request body size
- EventHttp::setMaxHeadersSize — Sets maximum HTTP header size
- EventHttp::setTimeout — Sets the timeout for an HTTP request
- EventHttpConnection — The EventHttpConnection class
- EventHttpConnection::__construct — Constructs EventHttpConnection object
- EventHttpConnection::getBase — Returns event base associated with the connection
- EventHttpConnection::getPeer — Gets the remote address and port associated with the connection
- EventHttpConnection::makeRequest — Makes an HTTP request over the specified connection
- EventHttpConnection::setCloseCallback — Set callback for connection close
- EventHttpConnection::setLocalAddress — Sets the IP address from which HTTP connections are made
- EventHttpConnection::setLocalPort — Sets the local port from which connections are made
- EventHttpConnection::setMaxBodySize — Sets maximum body size for the connection
- EventHttpConnection::setMaxHeadersSize — Sets maximum header size
- EventHttpConnection::setRetries — Sets the retry limit for the connection
- EventHttpConnection::setTimeout — Sets the timeout for the connection
- EventHttpRequest — The EventHttpRequest class
- EventHttpRequest::addHeader — Adds an HTTP header to the headers of the request
- EventHttpRequest::cancel — Cancels a pending HTTP request
- EventHttpRequest::clearHeaders — Removes all output headers from the header list of the request
- EventHttpRequest::closeConnection — Closes associated HTTP connection
- EventHttpRequest::__construct — Constructs EventHttpRequest object
- EventHttpRequest::findHeader — Finds the value belonging a header
- EventHttpRequest::free — Frees the object and removes associated events
- EventHttpRequest::getBufferEvent — Returns EventBufferEvent object
- EventHttpRequest::getCommand — Returns the request command(method)
- EventHttpRequest::getConnection — Returns EventHttpConnection object
- EventHttpRequest::getHost — Returns the request host
- EventHttpRequest::getInputBuffer — Returns the input buffer
- EventHttpRequest::getInputHeaders — Returns associative array of the input headers
- EventHttpRequest::getOutputBuffer — Returns the output buffer of the request
- EventHttpRequest::getOutputHeaders — Returns associative array of the output headers
- EventHttpRequest::getResponseCode — Returns the response code
- EventHttpRequest::getUri — Returns the request URI
- EventHttpRequest::removeHeader — Removes an HTTP header from the headers of the request
- EventHttpRequest::sendError — Send an HTML error message to the client
- EventHttpRequest::sendReply — Send an HTML reply to the client
- EventHttpRequest::sendReplyChunk — Send another data chunk as part of an ongoing chunked reply
- EventHttpRequest::sendReplyEnd — Complete a chunked reply, freeing the request as appropriate
- EventHttpRequest::sendReplyStart — Initiate a chunked reply
- EventListener — The EventListener class
- EventListener::__construct — Creates new connection listener associated with an event base
- EventListener::disable — Disables an event connect listener object
- EventListener::enable — Enables an event connect listener object
- EventListener::getBase — Returns event base associated with the event listener
- EventListener::getSocketName — Retreives the current address to which the listener's socket is bound
- EventListener::setCallback — The setCallback purpose
- EventListener::setErrorCallback — Set event listener's error callback
- EventSslContext — The EventSslContext class
- EventSslContext::__construct — Constructs an OpenSSL context for use with Event classes
- EventUtil — The EventUtil class
- EventUtil::__construct — The abstract constructor
- EventUtil::getLastSocketErrno — Returns the most recent socket error number
- EventUtil::getLastSocketError — Returns the most recent socket error
- EventUtil::getSocketFd — Returns numeric file descriptor of a socket, or stream
- EventUtil::getSocketName — Retreives the current address to which the socket is bound
- EventUtil::setSocketOption — Sets socket options
- EventUtil::sslRandPoll — Generates entropy by means of OpenSSL's RAND_poll()
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Dokument erstellt 30/01/2003, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
Quelle des gedruckten Dokuments:https://www.gaudry.be/de//php-rf-book.event.html
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