Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL The ndbinfo membership Table

The membership table describes the view that each data node has of all the others in the cluster, including node group membership, president node, arbitrator, arbitrator successor, arbitrator connection states, and other information.

The following table provides information about the columns in the membership table. For each column, the table shows the name, data type, and a brief description. Additional information can be found in the notes following the table.

Table 22.399 Columns of the membership table

Column Name Type Description
node_id integer This node's node ID
group_id integer Node group to which this node belongs
left node integer Node ID of the previous node
right_node integer Node ID of the next node
president integer President's node ID
successor integer Node ID of successor to president
succession_order integer Order in which this node succeeds to presidency
Conf_HB_order integer -
arbitrator integer Node ID of arbitrator
arb_ticket string Internal identifier used to track arbitration
arb_state Enumeration (see text) Arbitration state
arb_connected Yes or No Whether this node is connected to the arbitrator
connected_rank1_arbs List of node IDs Connected arbitrators of rank 1
connected_rank2_arbs List of node IDs Connected arbitrators of rank 1

The node ID and node group ID are the same as reported by ndb_mgm -e "SHOW".

left_node and right_node are defined in terms of a model that connects all data nodes in a circle, in order of their node IDs, similar to the ordering of the numbers on a clock dial, as shown here:

Figure 22.26 Circular Arrangement of NDB Cluster Nodes

Content is described in the surrounding text.

In this example, we have 8 data nodes, numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, and 15, ordered clockwise in a circle. We determine left and right from the interior of the circle. The node to the left of node 5 is node 15, and the node to the right of node 5 is node 6. You can see all these relationships by running the following query and observing the output:

  1. mysql> SELECT node_id,left_node,right_node
  2.     -> FROM ndbinfo.membership;
  3. +---------+-----------+------------+
  4. | node_id | left_node | right_node |
  5. +---------+-----------+------------+
  6. |       5 |        15 |          6 |
  7. |       6 |         5 |          7 |
  8. |       7 |         6 |          8 |
  9. |       8 |         7 |         12 |
  10. |      12 |         8 |         13 |
  11. |      13 |        12 |         14 |
  12. |      14 |        13 |         15 |
  13. |      15 |        14 |          5 |
  14. +---------+-----------+------------+
  15. 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The designations left and right are used in the event log in the same way.

The president node is the node viewed by the current node as responsible for setting an arbitrator (see NDB Cluster Start Phases). If the president fails or becomes disconnected, the current node expects the node whose ID is shown in the successor column to become the new president. The succession_order column shows the place in the succession queue that the current node views itself as having.

In a normal NDB Cluster, all data nodes should see the same node as president, and the same node (other than the president) as its successor. In addition, the current president should see itself as 1 in the order of succession, the successor node should see itself as 2, and so on.

All nodes should show the same arb_ticket values as well as the same arb_state values. Possible arb_state values are ARBIT_NULL, ARBIT_INIT, ARBIT_FIND, ARBIT_PREP1, ARBIT_PREP2, ARBIT_START, ARBIT_RUN, ARBIT_CHOOSE, ARBIT_CRASH, and UNKNOWN.

arb_connected shows whether this node is connected to the node shown as this node's arbitrator.

The connected_rank1_arbs and connected_rank2_arbs columns each display a list of 0 or more arbitrators having an ArbitrationRank equal to 1, or to 2, respectively.


Both management nodes and API nodes are eligible to become arbitrators.

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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