Class ServiceDelegate

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServiceDelegate

        protected ServiceDelegate()
    • Method Detail

      • getPort

        public abstract <T> T getPort(QName portName,
                    Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface)
        The getPort method returns a proxy. A service client uses this proxy to invoke operations on the target service endpoint. The serviceEndpointInterface specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by the created dynamic proxy instance.
        portName - Qualified name of the service endpoint in the WSDL service description
        serviceEndpointInterface - Service endpoint interface supported by the dynamic proxy
        Object Proxy instance that supports the specified service endpoint interface
        WebServiceException - This exception is thrown in the following cases:
        • If there is an error in creation of the proxy
        • If there is any missing WSDL metadata as required by this method
        • If an illegal serviceEndpointInterface or portName is specified
        See Also:
        Proxy, InvocationHandler
      • getPort

        public abstract <T> T getPort(QName portName,
                    Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface,
                    WebServiceFeature... features)
        The getPort method returns a proxy. A service client uses this proxy to invoke operations on the target service endpoint. The serviceEndpointInterface specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by the created dynamic proxy instance.
        portName - Qualified name of the service endpoint in the WSDL service description
        serviceEndpointInterface - Service endpoint interface supported by the dynamic proxy or instance
        features - A list of WebServiceFeatures to configure on the proxy. Supported features not in the features parameter will have their default values.
        Object Proxy instance that supports the specified service endpoint interface
        WebServiceException - This exception is thrown in the following cases:
        • If there is an error in creation of the proxy
        • If there is any missing WSDL metadata as required by this method
        • If an illegal serviceEndpointInterface or portName is specified
        • If a feature is enabled that is not compatible with this port or is unsupported.
        JAX-WS 2.1
        See Also:
        Proxy, InvocationHandler, WebServiceFeature
      • getPort

        public abstract <T> T getPort(EndpointReference endpointReference,
                    Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface,
                    WebServiceFeature... features)
        The getPort method returns a proxy. The parameter endpointReference specifies the endpoint that will be invoked by the returned proxy. If there are any reference parameters in the endpointReference, then those reference parameters MUST appear as SOAP headers, indicating them to be reference parameters, on all messages sent to the endpoint. The endpointReference's address MUST be used for invocations on the endpoint. The parameter serviceEndpointInterface specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by the returned proxy. In the implementation of this method, the JAX-WS runtime system takes the responsibility of selecting a protocol binding (and a port) and configuring the proxy accordingly from the WSDL associated with this Service instance or from the metadata from the endpointReference. If this Service instance has a WSDL and the endpointReference metadata also has a WSDL, then the WSDL from this instance MUST be used. If this Service instance does not have a WSDL and the endpointReference does have a WSDL, then the WSDL from the endpointReference MAY be used. The returned proxy should not be reconfigured by the client. If this Service instance has a known proxy port that matches the information contained in the WSDL, then that proxy is returned, otherwise a WebServiceException is thrown.

        Calling this method has the same behavior as the following

         port = service.getPort(portName, serviceEndpointInterface);
        where the portName is retrieved from the metadata of the endpointReference or from the serviceEndpointInterface and the WSDL associated with this Service instance.
        endpointReference - The EndpointReference for the target service endpoint that will be invoked by the returned proxy.
        serviceEndpointInterface - Service endpoint interface.
        features - A list of WebServiceFeatures to configure on the proxy. Supported features not in the features parameter will have their default values.
        Object Proxy instance that supports the specified service endpoint interface.
        WebServiceException -
        • If there is an error during creation of the proxy.
        • If there is any missing WSDL metadata as required by this method.
        • If the endpointReference metadata does not match the serviceName of this Service instance.
        • If a portName cannot be extracted from the WSDL or endpointReference metadata.
        • If an invalid endpointReference is specified.
        • If an invalid serviceEndpointInterface is specified.
        • If a feature is enabled that is not compatible with this port or is unsupported.
        JAX-WS 2.1
      • getPort

        public abstract <T> T getPort(Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface)
        The getPort method returns a proxy. The parameter serviceEndpointInterface specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by the returned proxy. In the implementation of this method, the JAX-WS runtime system takes the responsibility of selecting a protocol binding (and a port) and configuring the proxy accordingly. The returned proxy should not be reconfigured by the client.
        serviceEndpointInterface - Service endpoint interface
        Object instance that supports the specified service endpoint interface
        WebServiceException -
        • If there is an error during creation of the proxy
        • If there is any missing WSDL metadata as required by this method
        • If an illegal serviceEndpointInterface is specified
      • getPort

        public abstract <T> T getPort(Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface,
                    WebServiceFeature... features)
        The getPort method returns a proxy. The parameter serviceEndpointInterface specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by the returned proxy. In the implementation of this method, the JAX-WS runtime system takes the responsibility of selecting a protocol binding (and a port) and configuring the proxy accordingly. The returned proxy should not be reconfigured by the client.
        serviceEndpointInterface - Service endpoint interface
        features - An array of WebServiceFeatures to configure on the proxy. Supported features not in the features parameter will have their default values.
        Object instance that supports the specified service endpoint interface
        WebServiceException -
        • If there is an error during creation of the proxy
        • If there is any missing WSDL metadata as required by this method
        • If an illegal serviceEndpointInterface is specified
        • If a feature is enabled that is not compatible with this port or is unsupported.
        JAX-WS 2.1
        See Also:
      • createDispatch

        public abstract <T> Dispatch<T> createDispatch(QName portName,
                                     Class<T> type,
                                     Service.Mode mode)
        Creates a Dispatch instance for use with objects of the user's choosing.
        portName - Qualified name for the target service endpoint
        type - The class of object used for messages or message payloads. Implementations are required to support javax.xml.transform.Source and javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage.
        mode - Controls whether the created dispatch instance is message or payload oriented, i.e. whether the user will work with complete protocol messages or message payloads. E.g. when using the SOAP protocol, this parameter controls whether the user will work with SOAP messages or the contents of a SOAP body. Mode MUST be MESSAGE when type is SOAPMessage.
        Dispatch instance
        WebServiceException - If any error in the creation of the Dispatch object
        See Also:
        Source, SOAPMessage
      • createDispatch

        public abstract <T> Dispatch<T> createDispatch(QName portName,
                                     Class<T> type,
                                     Service.Mode mode,
                                     WebServiceFeature... features)
        Creates a Dispatch instance for use with objects of the user's choosing.
        portName - Qualified name for the target service endpoint
        type - The class of object used for messages or message payloads. Implementations are required to support javax.xml.transform.Source and javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage.
        mode - Controls whether the created dispatch instance is message or payload oriented, i.e. whether the user will work with complete protocol messages or message payloads. E.g. when using the SOAP protocol, this parameter controls whether the user will work with SOAP messages or the contents of a SOAP body. Mode MUST be MESSAGE when type is SOAPMessage.
        features - A list of WebServiceFeatures to configure on the proxy. Supported features not in the features parameter will have their default values.
        Dispatch instance
        WebServiceException - If any error in the creation of the Dispatch object or if a feature is enabled that is not compatible with this port or is unsupported.
        JAX-WS 2.1
        See Also:
        Source, SOAPMessage, WebServiceFeature
      • createDispatch

        public abstract <T> Dispatch<T> createDispatch(EndpointReference endpointReference,
                                     Class<T> type,
                                     Service.Mode mode,
                                     WebServiceFeature... features)
        Creates a Dispatch instance for use with objects of the user's choosing. If there are any reference parameters in the endpointReference, then those reference parameters MUST appear as SOAP headers, indicating them to be reference parameters, on all messages sent to the endpoint. The endpointReference's address MUST be used for invocations on the endpoint. In the implementation of this method, the JAX-WS runtime system takes the responsibility of selecting a protocol binding (and a port) and configuring the dispatch accordingly from the WSDL associated with this Service instance or from the metadata from the endpointReference. If this Service instance has a WSDL and the endpointReference also has a WSDL in its metadata, then the WSDL from this instance MUST be used. If this Service instance does not have a WSDL and the endpointReference does have a WSDL, then the WSDL from the endpointReference MAY be used. An implementation MUST be able to retrieve the portName from the endpointReference metadata.

        This method behaves the same as calling

         dispatch = service.createDispatch(portName, type, mode, features);
        where the portName is retrieved from the WSDL or EndpointReference metadata.
        endpointReference - The EndpointReference for the target service endpoint that will be invoked by the returned Dispatch object.
        type - The class of object used to messages or message payloads. Implementations are required to support javax.xml.transform.Source and javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage.
        mode - Controls whether the created dispatch instance is message or payload oriented, i.e. whether the user will work with complete protocol messages or message payloads. E.g. when using the SOAP protocol, this parameter controls whether the user will work with SOAP messages or the contents of a SOAP body. Mode MUST be MESSAGE when type is SOAPMessage.
        features - An array of WebServiceFeatures to configure on the proxy. Supported features not in the features parameter will have their default values.
        Dispatch instance
        WebServiceException -
        • If there is any missing WSDL metadata as required by this method.
        • If the endpointReference metadata does not match the serviceName or portName of a WSDL associated with this Service instance.
        • If the portName cannot be determined from the EndpointReference metadata.
        • If any error in the creation of the Dispatch object.
        • If a feature is enabled that is not compatible with this port or is unsupported.
        JAX-WS 2.1
        See Also:
        Source, SOAPMessage, WebServiceFeature
      • createDispatch

        public abstract Dispatch<Object> createDispatch(QName portName,
                                      JAXBContext context,
                                      Service.Mode mode)
        Creates a Dispatch instance for use with JAXB generated objects.
        portName - Qualified name for the target service endpoint
        context - The JAXB context used to marshall and unmarshall messages or message payloads.
        mode - Controls whether the created dispatch instance is message or payload oriented, i.e. whether the user will work with complete protocol messages or message payloads. E.g. when using the SOAP protocol, this parameter controls whether the user will work with SOAP messages or the contents of a SOAP body.
        Dispatch instance
        WebServiceException - If any error in the creation of the Dispatch object
        See Also:
      • createDispatch

        public abstract Dispatch<Object> createDispatch(QName portName,
                                      JAXBContext context,
                                      Service.Mode mode,
                                      WebServiceFeature... features)
        Creates a Dispatch instance for use with JAXB generated objects.
        portName - Qualified name for the target service endpoint
        context - The JAXB context used to marshall and unmarshall messages or message payloads.
        mode - Controls whether the created dispatch instance is message or payload oriented, i.e. whether the user will work with complete protocol messages or message payloads. E.g. when using the SOAP protocol, this parameter controls whether the user will work with SOAP messages or the contents of a SOAP body.
        features - A list of WebServiceFeatures to configure on the proxy. Supported features not in the features parameter will have their default values.
        Dispatch instance
        WebServiceException - If any error in the creation of the Dispatch object or if a feature is enabled that is not compatible with this port or is unsupported.
        JAX-WS 2.1
        See Also:
        JAXBContext, WebServiceFeature
      • createDispatch

        public abstract Dispatch<Object> createDispatch(EndpointReference endpointReference,
                                      JAXBContext context,
                                      Service.Mode mode,
                                      WebServiceFeature... features)
        Creates a Dispatch instance for use with JAXB generated objects. If there are any reference parameters in the endpointReference, then those reference parameters MUST appear as SOAP headers, indicating them to be reference parameters, on all messages sent to the endpoint. The endpointReference's address MUST be used for invocations on the endpoint. In the implementation of this method, the JAX-WS runtime system takes the responsibility of selecting a protocol binding (and a port) and configuring the dispatch accordingly from the WSDL associated with this Service instance or from the metadata from the endpointReference. If this Service instance has a WSDL and the endpointReference also has a WSDL in its metadata, then the WSDL from this instance MUST be used. If this Service instance does not have a WSDL and the endpointReference does have a WSDL, then the WSDL from the endpointReference MAY be used. An implementation MUST be able to retrieve the portName from the endpointReference metadata.

        This method behavies the same as calling

         dispatch = service.createDispatch(portName, context, mode, features);
        where the portName is retrieved from the WSDL or endpointReference metadata.
        endpointReference - The EndpointReference for the target service endpoint that will be invoked by the returned Dispatch object.
        context - The JAXB context used to marshall and unmarshall messages or message payloads.
        mode - Controls whether the created dispatch instance is message or payload oriented, i.e. whether the user will work with complete protocol messages or message payloads. E.g. when using the SOAP protocol, this parameter controls whether the user will work with SOAP messages or the contents of a SOAP body.
        features - An array of WebServiceFeatures to configure on the proxy. Supported features not in the features parameter will have their default values.
        Dispatch instance
        WebServiceException -
        • If there is any missing WSDL metadata as required by this method.
        • If the endpointReference metadata does not match the serviceName or portName of a WSDL associated with this Service instance.
        • If the portName cannot be determined from the EndpointReference metadata.
        • If any error in the creation of the Dispatch object.
        • if a feature is enabled that is not compatible with this port or is unsupported.
        JAX-WS 2.1
        See Also:
        JAXBContext, WebServiceFeature
      • getServiceName

        public abstract QName getServiceName()
        Gets the name of this service.
        Qualified name of this service
      • getPorts

        public abstract Iterator<QName> getPorts()
        Returns an Iterator for the list of QNames of service endpoints grouped by this service
        Returns java.util.Iterator with elements of type javax.xml.namespace.QName
        WebServiceException - If this Service class does not have access to the required WSDL metadata
      • getWSDLDocumentLocation

        public abstract URL getWSDLDocumentLocation()
        Gets the location of the WSDL document for this Service.
        URL for the location of the WSDL document for this service
      • getHandlerResolver

        public abstract HandlerResolver getHandlerResolver()
        Returns the configured handler resolver.
        HandlerResolver The HandlerResolver being used by this Service instance, or null if there isn't one.
      • setHandlerResolver

        public abstract void setHandlerResolver(HandlerResolver handlerResolver)
        Sets the HandlerResolver for this Service instance.

        The handler resolver, if present, will be called once for each proxy or dispatch instance that is created, and the handler chain returned by the resolver will be set on the instance.

        handlerResolver - The HandlerResolver to use for all subsequently created proxy/dispatch objects.
        See Also:
      • getExecutor

        public abstract Executor getExecutor()
        Returns the executor for this Serviceinstance. The executor is used for all asynchronous invocations that require callbacks.
        The java.util.concurrent.Executor to be used to invoke a callback.
        See Also:
      • setExecutor

        public abstract void setExecutor(Executor executor)
        Sets the executor for this Service instance. The executor is used for all asynchronous invocations that require callbacks.
        executor - The java.util.concurrent.Executor to be used to invoke a callback.
        SecurityException - If the instance does not support setting an executor for security reasons (e.g. the necessary permissions are missing).
        See Also:

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