Class ForwardingJavaFileManager<M extends JavaFileManager>

    • Field Detail

      • fileManager

        protected final M extends JavaFileManager fileManager
        The file manager which all methods are delegated to.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ForwardingJavaFileManager

        protected ForwardingJavaFileManager(M fileManager)
        Creates a new instance of ForwardingJavaFileManager.
        fileManager - delegate to this file manager
    • Method Detail

      • list

        public Iterable<JavaFileObject> list(JavaFileManager.Location location,
                                    String packageName,
                                    Set<JavaFileObject.Kind> kinds,
                                    boolean recurse)
                                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: JavaFileManager
        Lists all file objects matching the given criteria in the given location. List file objects in "subpackages" if recurse is true.

        Note: even if the given location is unknown to this file manager, it may not return null. Also, an unknown location may not cause an exception.

        Specified by:
        list in interface JavaFileManager
        location - a location
        packageName - a package name
        kinds - return objects only of these kinds
        recurse - if true include "subpackages"
        an Iterable of file objects matching the given criteria
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred, or if JavaFileManager.close() has been called and this file manager cannot be reopened
        IllegalStateException - if JavaFileManager.close() has been called and this file manager cannot be reopened
      • isSameFile

        public boolean isSameFile(FileObject a,
                         FileObject b)
        Description copied from interface: JavaFileManager
        Compares two file objects and return true if they represent the same underlying object.
        Specified by:
        isSameFile in interface JavaFileManager
        a - a file object
        b - a file object
        true if the given file objects represent the same underlying object
        IllegalArgumentException - if either of the arguments were created with another file manager and this file manager does not support foreign file objects
      • handleOption

        public boolean handleOption(String current,
                           Iterator<String> remaining)
        Description copied from interface: JavaFileManager
        Handles one option. If current is an option to this file manager it will consume any arguments to that option from remaining and return true, otherwise return false.
        Specified by:
        handleOption in interface JavaFileManager
        current - current option
        remaining - remaining options
        true if this option was handled by this file manager, false otherwise
        IllegalArgumentException - if this option to this file manager is used incorrectly
        IllegalStateException - if JavaFileManager.close() has been called and this file manager cannot be reopened
      • isSupportedOption

        public int isSupportedOption(String option)
        Description copied from interface: OptionChecker
        Determines if the given option is supported and if so, the number of arguments the option takes.
        Specified by:
        isSupportedOption in interface OptionChecker
        option - an option
        the number of arguments the given option takes or -1 if the option is not supported
      • getJavaFileForOutput

        public JavaFileObject getJavaFileForOutput(JavaFileManager.Location location,
                                          String className,
                                          JavaFileObject.Kind kind,
                                          FileObject sibling)
                                            throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: JavaFileManager
        Gets a file object for output representing the specified class of the specified kind in the given location.

        Optionally, this file manager might consider the sibling as a hint for where to place the output. The exact semantics of this hint is unspecified. The JDK compiler, javac, for example, will place class files in the same directories as originating source files unless a class file output directory is provided. To facilitate this behavior, javac might provide the originating source file as sibling when calling this method.

        Specified by:
        getJavaFileForOutput in interface JavaFileManager
        location - a location
        className - the name of a class
        kind - the kind of file, must be one of SOURCE or CLASS
        sibling - a file object to be used as hint for placement; might be null
        a file object for output
        IllegalArgumentException - if sibling is not known to this file manager, or if the location is not known to this file manager and the file manager does not support unknown locations, or if the kind is not valid
        IllegalStateException - JavaFileManager.close() has been called and this file manager cannot be reopened
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred, or if JavaFileManager.close() has been called and this file manager cannot be reopened
      • getFileForInput

        public FileObject getFileForInput(JavaFileManager.Location location,
                                 String packageName,
                                 String relativeName)
                                   throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: JavaFileManager
        Gets a file object for input representing the specified relative name in the specified package in the given location.

        If the returned object represents a source or class file, it must be an instance of JavaFileObject.

        Informally, the file object returned by this method is located in the concatenation of the location, package name, and relative name. For example, to locate the properties file "resources/" in the package "" in the SOURCE_PATH location, this method might be called like so:

        getFileForInput(SOURCE_PATH, "", "resources/");

        If the call was executed on Windows, with SOURCE_PATH set to "C:\Documents and Settings\UncleBob\src\share\classes", a valid result would be a file object representing the file "C:\Documents and Settings\UncleBob\src\share\classes\com\sun\tools\javac\resources\".

        Specified by:
        getFileForInput in interface JavaFileManager
        location - a location
        packageName - a package name
        relativeName - a relative name
        a file object, might return null if the file does not exist
        IllegalArgumentException - if the location is not known to this file manager and the file manager does not support unknown locations, or if relativeName is not valid
        IllegalStateException - if JavaFileManager.close() has been called and this file manager cannot be reopened
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred, or if JavaFileManager.close() has been called and this file manager cannot be reopened
      • getFileForOutput

        public FileObject getFileForOutput(JavaFileManager.Location location,
                                  String packageName,
                                  String relativeName,
                                  FileObject sibling)
                                    throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: JavaFileManager
        Gets a file object for output representing the specified relative name in the specified package in the given location.

        Optionally, this file manager might consider the sibling as a hint for where to place the output. The exact semantics of this hint is unspecified. The JDK compiler, javac, for example, will place class files in the same directories as originating source files unless a class file output directory is provided. To facilitate this behavior, javac might provide the originating source file as sibling when calling this method.

        If the returned object represents a source or class file, it must be an instance of JavaFileObject.

        Informally, the file object returned by this method is located in the concatenation of the location, package name, and relative name or next to the sibling argument. See getFileForInput for an example.

        Specified by:
        getFileForOutput in interface JavaFileManager
        location - a location
        packageName - a package name
        relativeName - a relative name
        sibling - a file object to be used as hint for placement; might be null
        a file object
        IllegalArgumentException - if sibling is not known to this file manager, or if the location is not known to this file manager and the file manager does not support unknown locations, or if relativeName is not valid
        IllegalStateException - if JavaFileManager.close() has been called and this file manager cannot be reopened
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred, or if JavaFileManager.close() has been called and this file manager cannot be reopened
      • close

        public void close()
                   throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: JavaFileManager
        Releases any resources opened by this file manager directly or indirectly. This might render this file manager useless and the effect of subsequent calls to methods on this object or any objects obtained through this object is undefined unless explicitly allowed. However, closing a file manager which has already been closed has no effect.
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface JavaFileManager
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred
        See Also:

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Dokument erstellt 11/06/2005, zuletzt geändert 04/03/2020
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