
Class HTMLEditorKit

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Accessible

    public class HTMLEditorKit
    extends StyledEditorKit
    implements Accessible
    The Swing JEditorPane text component supports different kinds of content via a plug-in mechanism called an EditorKit. Because HTML is a very popular format of content, some support is provided by default. The default support is provided by this class, which supports HTML version 3.2 (with some extensions), and is migrating toward version 4.0. The <applet> tag is not supported, but some support is provided for the <object> tag.

    There are several goals of the HTML EditorKit provided, that have an effect upon the way that HTML is modeled. These have influenced its design in a substantial way.

    Support editing
    It might seem fairly obvious that a plug-in for JEditorPane should provide editing support, but that fact has several design considerations. There are a substantial number of HTML documents that don't properly conform to an HTML specification. These must be normalized somewhat into a correct form if one is to edit them. Additionally, users don't like to be presented with an excessive amount of structure editing, so using traditional text editing gestures is preferred over using the HTML structure exactly as defined in the HTML document.

    The modeling of HTML is provided by the class HTMLDocument. Its documention describes the details of how the HTML is modeled. The editing support leverages heavily off of the text package.

    To maximize the usefulness of this kit, a great deal of effort has gone into making it extendable. These are some of the features.
    1. The parser is replacable. The default parser is the Hot Java parser which is DTD based. A different DTD can be used, or an entirely different parser can be used. To change the parser, reimplement the getParser method. The default parser is dynamically loaded when first asked for, so the class files will never be loaded if an alternative parser is used. The default parser is in a separate package called parser below this package.
    2. The parser drives the ParserCallback, which is provided by HTMLDocument. To change the callback, subclass HTMLDocument and reimplement the createDefaultDocument method to return document that produces a different reader. The reader controls how the document is structured. Although the Document provides HTML support by default, there is nothing preventing support of non-HTML tags that result in alternative element structures.
    3. The default view of the models are provided as a hierarchy of View implementations, so one can easily customize how a particular element is displayed or add capabilities for new kinds of elements by providing new View implementations. The default set of views are provided by the HTMLFactory class. This can be easily changed by subclassing or replacing the HTMLFactory and reimplementing the getViewFactory method to return the alternative factory.
    4. The View implementations work primarily off of CSS attributes, which are kept in the views. This makes it possible to have multiple views mapped over the same model that appear substantially different. This can be especially useful for printing. For most HTML attributes, the HTML attributes are converted to CSS attributes for display. This helps make the View implementations more general purpose

    Asynchronous Loading
    Larger documents involve a lot of parsing and take some time to load. By default, this kit produces documents that will be loaded asynchronously if loaded using JEditorPane.setPage. This is controlled by a property on the document. The method createDefaultDocument can be overriden to change this. The batching of work is done by the HTMLDocument.HTMLReader class. The actual work is done by the DefaultStyledDocument and AbstractDocument classes in the text package.

    Customization from current LAF
    HTML provides a well known set of features without exactly specifying the display characteristics. Swing has a theme mechanism for its look-and-feel implementations. It is desirable for the look-and-feel to feed display characteristics into the HTML views. An user with poor vision for example would want high contrast and larger than typical fonts.

    The support for this is provided by the StyleSheet class. The presentation of the HTML can be heavily influenced by the setting of the StyleSheet property on the EditorKit.

    Not lossy
    An EditorKit has the ability to be read and save documents. It is generally the most pleasing to users if there is no loss of data between the two operation. The policy of the HTMLEditorKit will be to store things not recognized or not necessarily visible so they can be subsequently written out. The model of the HTML document should therefore contain all information discovered while reading the document. This is constrained in some ways by the need to support editing (i.e. incorrect documents sometimes must be normalized). The guiding principle is that information shouldn't be lost, but some might be synthesized to produce a more correct model or it might be rearranged.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HTMLEditorKit

        public HTMLEditorKit()
        Constructs an HTMLEditorKit, creates a StyleContext, and loads the style sheet.
    • Method Detail

      • getContentType

        public String getContentType()
        Get the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for. This kit supports the type text/html.
        getContentType in class DefaultEditorKit
        the type
      • getViewFactory

        public ViewFactory getViewFactory()
        Fetch a factory that is suitable for producing views of any models that are produced by this kit.
        getViewFactory in class StyledEditorKit
        the factory
      • createDefaultDocument

        public Document createDefaultDocument()
        Create an uninitialized text storage model that is appropriate for this type of editor.
        createDefaultDocument in class StyledEditorKit
        the model
      • read

        public void read(Reader in,
                Document doc,
                int pos)
                  throws IOException,
        Inserts content from the given stream. If doc is an instance of HTMLDocument, this will read HTML 3.2 text. Inserting HTML into a non-empty document must be inside the body Element, if you do not insert into the body an exception will be thrown. When inserting into a non-empty document all tags outside of the body (head, title) will be dropped.
        read in class DefaultEditorKit
        in - the stream to read from
        doc - the destination for the insertion
        pos - the location in the document to place the content
        IOException - on any I/O error
        BadLocationException - if pos represents an invalid location within the document
        RuntimeException - (will eventually be a BadLocationException) if pos is invalid
      • insertHTML

        public void insertHTML(HTMLDocument doc,
                      int offset,
                      String html,
                      int popDepth,
                      int pushDepth,
                      HTML.Tag insertTag)
                        throws BadLocationException,
        Inserts HTML into an existing document.
        doc - the document to insert into
        offset - the offset to insert HTML at
        popDepth - the number of ElementSpec.EndTagTypes to generate before inserting
        pushDepth - the number of ElementSpec.StartTagTypes with a direction of ElementSpec.JoinNextDirection that should be generated before inserting, but after the end tags have been generated
        insertTag - the first tag to start inserting into document
        RuntimeException - (will eventually be a BadLocationException) if pos is invalid
      • write

        public void write(Writer out,
                 Document doc,
                 int pos,
                 int len)
                   throws IOException,
        Write content from a document to the given stream in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
        write in class DefaultEditorKit
        out - the stream to write to
        doc - the source for the write
        pos - the location in the document to fetch the content
        len - the amount to write out
        IOException - on any I/O error
        BadLocationException - if pos represents an invalid location within the document
      • install

        public void install(JEditorPane c)
        Called when the kit is being installed into the a JEditorPane.
        install in class StyledEditorKit
        c - the JEditorPane
      • deinstall

        public void deinstall(JEditorPane c)
        Called when the kit is being removed from the JEditorPane. This is used to unregister any listeners that were attached.
        deinstall in class StyledEditorKit
        c - the JEditorPane
      • setStyleSheet

        public void setStyleSheet(StyleSheet s)
        Set the set of styles to be used to render the various HTML elements. These styles are specified in terms of CSS specifications. Each document produced by the kit will have a copy of the sheet which it can add the document specific styles to. By default, the StyleSheet specified is shared by all HTMLEditorKit instances. This should be reimplemented to provide a finer granularity if desired.
      • getStyleSheet

        public StyleSheet getStyleSheet()
        Get the set of styles currently being used to render the HTML elements. By default the resource specified by DEFAULT_CSS gets loaded, and is shared by all HTMLEditorKit instances.
      • getActions

        public Action[] getActions()
        Fetches the command list for the editor. This is the list of commands supported by the superclass augmented by the collection of commands defined locally for style operations.
        getActions in class StyledEditorKit
        the command list
      • createInputAttributes

        protected void createInputAttributes(Element element,
                                 MutableAttributeSet set)
        Copies the key/values in elements AttributeSet into set. This does not copy component, icon, or element names attributes. Subclasses may wish to refine what is and what isn't copied here. But be sure to first remove all the attributes that are in set.

        This is called anytime the caret moves over a different location.

        createInputAttributes in class StyledEditorKit
      • setDefaultCursor

        public void setDefaultCursor(Cursor cursor)
        Sets the default cursor.
      • getDefaultCursor

        public Cursor getDefaultCursor()
        Returns the default cursor.
      • setLinkCursor

        public void setLinkCursor(Cursor cursor)
        Sets the cursor to use over links.
      • getLinkCursor

        public Cursor getLinkCursor()
        Returns the cursor to use over hyper links.
      • isAutoFormSubmission

        public boolean isAutoFormSubmission()
        Indicates whether an html form submission is processed automatically or only FormSubmitEvent is fired.
        true if html form submission is processed automatically, false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • setAutoFormSubmission

        public void setAutoFormSubmission(boolean isAuto)
        Specifies if an html form submission is processed automatically or only FormSubmitEvent is fired. By default it is set to true.
        See Also:
        isAutoFormSubmission(), FormSubmitEvent
      • getParser

        protected HTMLEditorKit.Parser getParser()
        Fetch the parser to use for reading HTML streams. This can be reimplemented to provide a different parser. The default implementation is loaded dynamically to avoid the overhead of loading the default parser if it's not used. The default parser is the HotJava parser using an HTML 3.2 DTD.
      • getAccessibleContext

        public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()
        returns the AccessibleContext associated with this editor kit
        Specified by:
        getAccessibleContext in interface Accessible
        the AccessibleContext associated with this editor kit

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Dokument erstellt 11/06/2005, zuletzt geändert 04/03/2020
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