- All Superinterfaces:
- AutoCloseable, CachedRowSet, Joinable, ResultSet, RowSet, WebRowSet, Wrapper
public interface JoinRowSet extends WebRowSet
interface provides a mechanism for combining related data from differentRowSet
objects into oneJoinRowSet
object, which represents an SQLJOIN
. In other words, aJoinRowSet
object acts as a container for the data fromRowSet
objects that form an SQLJOIN
interface provides the methods for setting, retrieving, and unsetting a match column, the basis for establishing an SQLJOIN
relationship. The match column may alternatively be set by supplying it to the appropriate version of theJointRowSet
.1.0 Overview
objects (CachedRowSet
objects and implementations extending theCachedRowSet
interface) do not have a standard way to establish an SQLJOIN
objects without the expensive operation of reconnecting to the data source. TheJoinRowSet
interface is specifically designed to address this need.Any
object can be added to aJoinRowSet
object to become part of an SQLJOIN
relationship. This means that both connected and disconnectedRowSet
objects can be part of aJOIN
objects operating in a connected environment (JdbcRowSet
objects) are encouraged to use the database to which they are already connected to establish SQLJOIN
relationships between tables directly. However, it is possible for aJdbcRowSet
object to be added to aJoinRowSet
object if necessary.Any number of
objects can be added to an instance ofJoinRowSet
provided that they can be related in an SQLJOIN
. By definition, the SQLJOIN
statement is used to combine the data contained in two or more relational database tables based upon a common attribute. TheJoinable
interface provides the methods for establishing a common attribute, which is done by setting a match column. The match column commonly coincides with the primary key, but there is no requirement that the match column be the same as the primary key. By establishing and then enforcing column matches, aJoinRowSet
object establishesJOIN
relationships betweenRowSet
objects without the assistance of an available relational database.The type of
to be established is determined by setting one of theJoinRowSet
constants using the methodsetJoinType
. The following SQLJOIN
types can be set:CROSS_JOIN
- the default if noJOIN
type has been setLEFT_OUTER_JOIN
will automatically be an inner join. The comments for the fields in theJoinRowSet
interface explain theseJOIN
types, which are standard SQLJOIN
types.2.0 Using a JoinRowSet Object for Creating a JOIN
When aJoinRowSet
object is created, it is empty. The firstRowSet
object to be added becomes the basis for theJOIN
relationship. Applications must determine which column in each of theRowSet
objects to be added to theJoinRowSet
object should be the match column. All of theRowSet
objects must contain a match column, and the values in each match column must be ones that can be compared to values in the other match columns. The columns do not have to have the same name, though they often do, and they do not have to store the exact same data type as long as the data types can be compared.A match column can be be set in two ways:
- By calling the
This is the only method that can set the match column before aRowSet
object is added to aJoinRowSet
object. TheRowSet
object must have implemented theJoinable
interface in order to use the methodsetMatchColumn
. Once the match column value has been set, this method can be used to reset the match column at any time. - By calling one of the versions of the
that takes a column name or number (or an array of column names or numbers)
Four of the fiveaddRowSet
methods take a match column as a parameter. These four methods set or reset the match column at the time aRowSet
object is being added to aJoinRowSet
3.0 Sample Usage
The following code fragment adds two
objects to aJoinRowSet
object. Note that in this example, no SQLJOIN
type is set, so the defaultJOIN
type, which is INNER_JOIN, is established.In the following code fragment, the table
, whose match column is set to the first column (EMP_ID
), is added to theJoinRowSet
object jrs. Then the tableESSP_BONUS_PLAN
, whose match column is likewise theEMP_ID
column, is added. When this second table is added to jrs, only the rows inESSP_BONUS_PLAN
value matches anEMP_ID
value in theEMPLOYEES
table are added. In this case, everyone in the bonus plan is an employee, so all of the rows in the tableESSP_BONUS_PLAN
are added to theJoinRowSet
object. In this example, bothCachedRowSet
objects being added have implemented theJoinable
interface and can therefore call theJoinable
.JoinRowSet jrs = new JoinRowSetImpl(); ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES"); CachedRowSet empl = new CachedRowSetImpl(); empl.populate(rs1); empl.setMatchColumn(1); jrs.addRowSet(empl); ResultSet rs2 = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM ESSP_BONUS_PLAN"); CachedRowSet bonus = new CachedRowSetImpl(); bonus.populate(rs2); bonus.setMatchColumn(1); // EMP_ID is the first column jrs.addRowSet(bonus);
At this point, jrs is an inside JOIN of the two
objects based on theirEMP_ID
columns. The application can now browse the combined data as if it were browsing one singleRowSet
object. Because jrs is itself aRowSet
object, an application can navigate or modify it usingRowSet
methods.jrs.first(); int employeeID = jrs.getInt(1); String employeeName = jrs.getString(2);
Note that because the SQL
must be enforced when an application adds a second or subsequentRowSet
object, there may be an initial degradation in performance while theJOIN
is being performed.The following code fragment adds an additional
object. In this case, the match column (EMP_ID
) is set when theCachedRowSet
object is added to theJoinRowSet
object.ResultSet rs3 = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM 401K_CONTRIB"); CachedRowSet fourO1k = new CachedRowSetImpl(); four01k.populate(rs3); jrs.addRowSet(four01k, 1);
object jrs now contains values from all three tables. The data in each row in four01k in which the value for theEMP_ID
column matches a value for theEMP_ID
column in jrs has been added to jrs.4.0 JoinRowSet Methods
interface supplies several methods for addingRowSet
objects and for getting information about theJoinRowSet
object.- Methods for adding one or more
These methods allow an application to add oneRowSet
object at a time or to add multipleRowSet
objects at one time. In either case, the methods may specify the match column for eachRowSet
object being added. - Methods for getting information
One method retrieves theRowSet
objects in theJoinRowSet
object, and another method retrieves theRowSet
names. A third method retrieves either the SQLWHERE
clause used behind the scenes to form theJOIN
or a text description of what theWHERE
clause does. - Methods related to the type of
One method sets theJOIN
type, and five methods find out whether theJoinRowSet
object supports a given type. - A method to make a separate copy of the
This method creates a copy that can be persisted to the data source.
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field and Description static int
providing a cross product of two tablesstatic int
providing a a full JOIN.static int
providing a inner join between two tables.static int
providing a left outer join between two tables.static int
providing a right outer join between two tables.-
Fields inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet
Fields inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
Fields inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSet
Method Summary
Methods Modifier and Type Method and Description void
addRowSet(Joinable rowset)
Adds the givenRowSet
object to thisJoinRowSet
addRowSet(RowSet[] rowset, int[] columnIdx)
Adds one or moreRowSet
objects contained in the given array ofRowSet
objects to thisJoinRowSet
object and sets the match column for each of theRowSet
objects to the match columns in the given array of column indexes.void
addRowSet(RowSet[] rowset, String[] columnName)
Adds one or moreRowSet
objects contained in the given array ofRowSet
objects to thisJoinRowSet
object and sets the match column for each of theRowSet
objects to the match columns in the given array of column names.void
addRowSet(RowSet rowset, int columnIdx)
Adds the givenRowSet
object to thisJoinRowSet
object and sets the designated column as the match column for theRowSet
addRowSet(RowSet rowset, String columnName)
Adds rowset to thisJoinRowSet
object and sets the designated column as the match column.int
Returns aint
describing the set SQLJOIN
type governing this JoinRowSet instance.String[]
Returns aString
array containing the names of theRowSet
objects added to thisJoinRowSet
Returns aCollection
object containing theRowSet
objects that have been added to thisJoinRowSet
Return a SQL-like description of the WHERE clause being used in a JoinRowSet object.void
setJoinType(int joinType)
Allow the application to adjust the type ofJOIN
imposed on tables contained within the JoinRowSet object instance.boolean
Indicates if CROSS_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementationboolean
Indicates if FULL_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementationboolean
Indicates if INNER_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementationboolean
Indicates if LEFT_OUTER_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementationboolean
Indicates if RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementationCachedRowSet
Creates a newCachedRowSet
object containing the data in thisJoinRowSet
object, which can be saved to a data source using theSyncProvider
object for theCachedRowSet
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet
readXml, readXml, writeXml, writeXml, writeXml, writeXml
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
acceptChanges, acceptChanges, columnUpdated, columnUpdated, commit, createCopy, createCopyNoConstraints, createCopySchema, createShared, execute, getKeyColumns, getOriginal, getOriginalRow, getPageSize, getRowSetWarnings, getShowDeleted, getSyncProvider, getTableName, nextPage, populate, populate, previousPage, release, restoreOriginal, rollback, rollback, rowSetPopulated, setKeyColumns, setMetaData, setOriginalRow, setPageSize, setShowDeleted, setSyncProvider, setTableName, size, toCollection, toCollection, toCollection, undoDelete, undoInsert, undoUpdate
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.RowSet
addRowSetListener, clearParameters, execute, getCommand, getDataSourceName, getEscapeProcessing, getMaxFieldSize, getMaxRows, getPassword, getQueryTimeout, getTransactionIsolation, getTypeMap, getUrl, getUsername, isReadOnly, removeRowSetListener, setArray, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setBigDecimal, setBigDecimal, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBoolean, setBoolean, setByte, setByte, setBytes, setBytes, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setCommand, setConcurrency, setDataSourceName, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDouble, setDouble, setEscapeProcessing, setFloat, setFloat, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNString, setNString, setNull, setNull, setNull, setNull, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setPassword, setQueryTimeout, setReadOnly, setRef, setRowId, setRowId, setShort, setShort, setSQLXML, setSQLXML, setString, setString, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTransactionIsolation, setType, setTypeMap, setURL, setUrl, setUsername
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSet
absolute, afterLast, beforeFirst, cancelRowUpdates, clearWarnings, close, deleteRow, findColumn, first, getArray, getArray, getAsciiStream, getAsciiStream, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBinaryStream, getBinaryStream, getBlob, getBlob, getBoolean, getBoolean, getByte, getByte, getBytes, getBytes, getCharacterStream, getCharacterStream, getClob, getClob, getConcurrency, getCursorName, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDouble, getDouble, getFetchDirection, getFetchSize, getFloat, getFloat, getHoldability, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getMetaData, getNCharacterStream, getNCharacterStream, getNClob, getNClob, getNString, getNString, getObject, getObject, getObject, getObject, getObject, getObject, getRef, getRef, getRow, getRowId, getRowId, getShort, getShort, getSQLXML, getSQLXML, getStatement, getString, getString, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getType, getUnicodeStream, getUnicodeStream, getURL, getURL, getWarnings, insertRow, isAfterLast, isBeforeFirst, isClosed, isFirst, isLast, last, moveToCurrentRow, moveToInsertRow, next, previous, refreshRow, relative, rowDeleted, rowInserted, rowUpdated, setFetchDirection, setFetchSize, updateArray, updateArray, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateBigDecimal, updateBigDecimal, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBoolean, updateBoolean, updateByte, updateByte, updateBytes, updateBytes, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateDate, updateDate, updateDouble, updateDouble, updateFloat, updateFloat, updateInt, updateInt, updateLong, updateLong, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNString, updateNString, updateNull, updateNull, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateRef, updateRef, updateRow, updateRowId, updateRowId, updateShort, updateShort, updateSQLXML, updateSQLXML, updateString, updateString, updateTime, updateTime, updateTimestamp, updateTimestamp, wasNull
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.Wrapper
isWrapperFor, unwrap
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.Joinable
getMatchColumnIndexes, getMatchColumnNames, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn
Field Detail
static final int CROSS_JOIN
providing a cross product of two tables- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int INNER_JOIN
providing a inner join between two tables. Any unmatched rows in either table of the join should be discarded.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int LEFT_OUTER_JOIN
providing a left outer join between two tables. In SQL, this is described where all records should be returned from the left side of the JOIN statement.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN
providing a right outer join between two tables. In SQL, this is described where all records from the table on the right side of the JOIN statement even if the table on the left has no matching record.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int FULL_JOIN
providing a a full JOIN. Specifies that all rows from either table be returned regardless of matching records on the other table.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
Method Detail
void addRowSet(Joinable rowset) throws SQLException
Adds the givenRowSet
object to thisJoinRowSet
object. If theRowSet
object is the first to be added to thisJoinRowSet
object, it forms the basis of theJOIN
relationship to be established.This method should be used only when the given
object already has a match column that was set with theJoinable
.Note: A
object is anyRowSet
object that has implemented theJoinable
interface.- Parameters:
- theRowSet
object that is to be added to thisJoinRowSet
object; it must implement theJoinable
interface and have a match column set- Throws:
- if (1) an empty rowset is added to the to thisJoinRowSet
object, (2) a match column has not been set for rowset, or (3) rowset violates the activeJOIN
- See Also:
void addRowSet(RowSet rowset, int columnIdx) throws SQLException
Adds the givenRowSet
object to thisJoinRowSet
object and sets the designated column as the match column for theRowSet
object. If theRowSet
object is the first to be added to thisJoinRowSet
object, it forms the basis of theJOIN
relationship to be established.This method should be used when RowSet does not already have a match column set.
- Parameters:
- theRowSet
object that is to be added to thisJoinRowSet
object; it may implement theJoinable
- anint
that identifies the column to become the match column- Throws:
- if (1) rowset is an empty rowset or (2) rowset violates the activeJOIN
- See Also:
void addRowSet(RowSet rowset, String columnName) throws SQLException
Adds rowset to thisJoinRowSet
object and sets the designated column as the match column. If rowset is the first to be added to thisJoinRowSet
object, it forms the basis for theJOIN
relationship to be established.This method should be used when the given
object does not already have a match column.- Parameters:
- theRowSet
object that is to be added to thisJoinRowSet
object; it may implement theJoinable
- theString
object giving the name of the column to be set as the match column- Throws:
- if (1) rowset is an empty rowset or (2) the match column for rowset does not satisfy the conditions of theJOIN
void addRowSet(RowSet[] rowset, int[] columnIdx) throws SQLException
Adds one or moreRowSet
objects contained in the given array ofRowSet
objects to thisJoinRowSet
object and sets the match column for each of theRowSet
objects to the match columns in the given array of column indexes. The first element in columnIdx is set as the match column for the firstRowSet
object in rowset, the second element of columnIdx is set as the match column for the second element in rowset, and so on.The first
object added to thisJoinRowSet
object forms the basis for theJOIN
relationship.This method should be used when the given
object does not already have a match column.- Parameters:
- an array of one or moreRowSet
objects to be added to theJOIN
; it may implement theJoinable
- an array ofint
values indicating the index(es) of the columns to be set as the match columns for theRowSet
objects in rowset- Throws:
- if (1) an empty rowset is added to thisJoinRowSet
object, (2) a match column is not set for aRowSet
object in rowset, or (3) aRowSet
object being added violates the activeJOIN
void addRowSet(RowSet[] rowset, String[] columnName) throws SQLException
Adds one or moreRowSet
objects contained in the given array ofRowSet
objects to thisJoinRowSet
object and sets the match column for each of theRowSet
objects to the match columns in the given array of column names. The first element in columnName is set as the match column for the firstRowSet
object in rowset, the second element of columnName is set as the match column for the second element in rowset, and so on.The first
object added to thisJoinRowSet
object forms the basis for theJOIN
relationship.This method should be used when the given
object(s) does not already have a match column.- Parameters:
- an array of one or moreRowSet
objects to be added to theJOIN
; it may implement theJoinable
- an array ofString
values indicating the names of the columns to be set as the match columns for theRowSet
objects in rowset- Throws:
- if (1) an empty rowset is added to thisJoinRowSet
object, (2) a match column is not set for aRowSet
object in rowset, or (3) aRowSet
object being added violates the activeJOIN
Collection<?> getRowSets() throws SQLException
Returns aCollection
object containing theRowSet
objects that have been added to thisJoinRowSet
object. This should return the 'n' number of RowSet contained within theJOIN
and maintain any updates that have occured while in this union.- Returns:
- a
object consisting of theRowSet
objects added to thisJoinRowSet
object - Throws:
- if an error occurs generating theCollection
object to be returned
String[] getRowSetNames() throws SQLException
Returns aString
array containing the names of theRowSet
objects added to thisJoinRowSet
object.- Returns:
- a
array of the names of theRowSet
objects in thisJoinRowSet
object - Throws:
- if an error occurs retrieving the names of theRowSet
objects- See Also:
CachedRowSet toCachedRowSet() throws SQLException
Creates a newCachedRowSet
object containing the data in thisJoinRowSet
object, which can be saved to a data source using theSyncProvider
object for theCachedRowSet
object.If any updates or modifications have been applied to the JoinRowSet the CachedRowSet returned by the method will not be able to persist it's changes back to the originating rows and tables in the in the datasource. The CachedRowSet instance returned should not contain modification data and it should clear all properties of it's originating SQL statement. An application should reset the SQL statement using the
method.In order to allow changes to be persisted back to the datasource to the originating tables, the
method should be used and called on a JoinRowSet object instance. Implementations can leverage the internal data and update tracking in their implementations to interact with the SyncProvider to persist any changes.- Returns:
- a CachedRowSet containing the contents of the JoinRowSet
- Throws:
- if an error occurs assembling the CachedRowSet object- See Also:
boolean supportsCrossJoin()
Indicates if CROSS_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementation- Returns:
- true if the CROSS_JOIN is supported; false otherwise
boolean supportsInnerJoin()
Indicates if INNER_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementation- Returns:
- true is the INNER_JOIN is supported; false otherwise
boolean supportsLeftOuterJoin()
Indicates if LEFT_OUTER_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementation- Returns:
- true is the LEFT_OUTER_JOIN is supported; false otherwise
boolean supportsRightOuterJoin()
Indicates if RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementation- Returns:
- true is the RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN is supported; false otherwise
boolean supportsFullJoin()
Indicates if FULL_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementation- Returns:
- true is the FULL_JOIN is supported; false otherwise
void setJoinType(int joinType) throws SQLException
Allow the application to adjust the type ofJOIN
imposed on tables contained within the JoinRowSet object instance. Implementations should throw a SQLException if they do not support a givenJOIN
type.- Parameters:
- the standard JoinRowSet.XXX static field definition of a SQLJOIN
to re-configure a JoinRowSet instance on the fly.- Throws:
- if an unsupportedJOIN
type is set- See Also:
String getWhereClause() throws SQLException
Return a SQL-like description of the WHERE clause being used in a JoinRowSet object. An implementation can describe the WHERE clause of the SQLJOIN
by supplying a SQL strings description ofJOIN
or provide a textual description to assist applications using aJoinRowSet
- Returns:
- whereClause a textual or SQL description of the logical WHERE clause used in the JoinRowSet instance
- Throws:
- if an error occurs in generating a representation of the WHERE clause.
int getJoinType() throws SQLException
Returns aint
describing the set SQLJOIN
type governing this JoinRowSet instance. The returned type will be one of standard JoinRowSet types:CROSS_JOIN
.- Returns:
- joinType one of the standard JoinRowSet static field
definitions of a SQL
is returned as the defaultJOIN
type is no type has been explicitly set. - Throws:
- if an error occurs determining the SQLJOIN
type supported by the JoinRowSet instance.- See Also:
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Dokument erstellt 11/06/2005, zuletzt geändert 04/03/2020
Quelle des gedruckten Dokuments:https://www.gaudry.be/de//java-api-rf-javax/sql/rowset/joinrowset.html
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