Description du code
HeaderPanel.cs est un fichier du projet BrolDev.Ce fichier est situé dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/broldev/src/.
Projet BrolDev : Librairie de composants réutilisables pour les applications BrolDev en CSharp.
Code source ou contenu du fichier
Code c# (HeaderPanel.cs) (1035 lignes)
using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Drawing.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; using be.gaudry.model.enums; using be.gaudry.view.style; using be.gaudry.view; using be.gaudry.observer; namespace KIS.Controls.Windows { [ToolboxBitmap (@"HeaderPanel.offScreenBmp")] public partial class HeaderPanel : Panel { private const int DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH = 1; private const int DEFAULT_SHADOW_WIDTH = 5; private const int DEFAULT_CAPTION_HEIGHT = 20;//SystemInformation.CaptionHeight; // Window message constants private const int WM_NCCALCSIZE = 0x0083; private const int WM_NCPAINT = 0x0085; #region Member Variables private int mint_CaptionHeight; private bool mbln_CaptionVisible = true; private bool mbln_Antialias = true; private string mstr_CaptionText; private Color mclr_CaptionBeginColor; private Color mclr_CaptionEndColor; private LinearGradientMode menm_CaptionGradientMode; private BORDER_POSITION menm_CaptionPosition; private EventHandler rendererChangedEvent; private Icon mico_Icon = null; private bool mbln_IconVisible = false; private BORDER_STYLE menm_BorderStyle; private Color mclr_BorderColor; private Color mclr_StartColor; private Color mclr_EndColor; private LinearGradientMode menm_GradientMode; private bool useCaptionBrolDevStyle, useContentBrolDevStyle, useContentGradient, useBorderBrolDevStyle; #endregion #region Constructor public HeaderPanel() : base() { InitializeComponent(); SystemFonts.CaptionFont.Style); this.mstr_CaptionText = this.GetType().Name; this.mint_CaptionHeight = SystemInformation.CaptionHeight; this.mclr_CaptionBeginColor = StyleFactory.CustomSystemColors.ActiveCaption; this.mclr_CaptionEndColor = StyleFactory.CustomSystemColors.GradientActiveCaption; this.menm_CaptionGradientMode = LinearGradientMode.Vertical; this.menm_CaptionPosition = BORDER_POSITION.Top; this.menm_BorderStyle = StyleFactory.BorderStyle; base.BorderStyle = 0; this.mclr_BorderColor = StyleFactory.CustomSystemColors.Menu; this.mclr_StartColor = StyleFactory.CustomSystemColors.ControlLightLight; this.mclr_EndColor = StyleFactory.CustomSystemColors.Control; this.menm_GradientMode = LinearGradientMode.Vertical; this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); useCaptionBrolDevStyle = true; useContentBrolDevStyle = true; useBorderBrolDevStyle = true; //todo : find method to detach the delegate on dispose (this does not implements dispose) StyleFactory.Instance.onRendererChanged += rendererChangedEvent; setBrolDevStyle(); } #endregion #region properties #region content [ Description("Enable/Disable using gradient colors for the content. False to use only first color."), Category("Content"), DefaultValue(true), Browsable(true) ] public bool UseContentGradient { get { return useContentGradient; } set { useContentGradient = value; //todo : set values from renderer setBrolDevStyle(); } } [ Description("Enable/Disable using parent renderer colors for the content panel"), Category("Content"), DefaultValue(true), Browsable(true) ] public bool UseContentBrolDevStyle { get { return useContentBrolDevStyle; } set { useContentBrolDevStyle = value; setBrolDevStyle(); } } [ Description("Change the starting color of gradient background. Has no effect if UseCustomRenderer is true."), Category("Content"), Browsable(true) ] public Color GradientStart { get { return mclr_StartColor; } set { if (!useContentBrolDevStyle) { mclr_StartColor = value; setBrolDevStyle(); } } } [ Description("Change the end color of gradient background. Has no effect if UseCustomRenderer is true."), Category("Content"), Browsable(true) ] public Color GradientEnd { get { return mclr_EndColor; } set { if (!useContentBrolDevStyle) { mclr_EndColor = value; setBrolDevStyle(); } } } [ Description("Change the background gradient direction"), Category("Content"), DefaultValue(LinearGradientMode.Vertical), Browsable(true) ] public LinearGradientMode GradientDirection { get { return menm_GradientMode; } set { menm_GradientMode = value; setBrolDevStyle(); } } #endregion #region border [ Description("Enable/Disable using parent renderer colors for the border"), Category("Border"), DefaultValue(true), Browsable(true) ] public bool UseBorderBrolDevStyle { get { return useBorderBrolDevStyle; } set { useBorderBrolDevStyle = value; Invalidate(); } } [ Description("Change style of the border"), Category("Border"), DefaultValue(BORDER_STYLE.Groove), Browsable(true) ] public new BORDER_STYLE BorderStyle { get { return menm_BorderStyle; } set { menm_BorderStyle = value; PerformLayout(); setBrolDevStyle(); } } [ Description("Change color of the border. Has no effect if UseCustomRenderer is true."), Category("Border"), Browsable(true) ] public Color BorderColor { get { return mclr_BorderColor; } set { if (!useContentBrolDevStyle) { mclr_BorderColor = value; setBrolDevStyle(); } } } #endregion #region caption [ Description("Enable/Disable using parent renderer colors for the caption"), Category("Border"), DefaultValue(true), Browsable(true) ] public bool UseCaptionBrolDevStyle { get { return useCaptionBrolDevStyle; } set { useCaptionBrolDevStyle = value; //todo : set values from renderer setBrolDevStyle(); } } [ Description("Enable/Disable antialiasing"), Category("Caption"), DefaultValue(false), Browsable(true) ] public bool TextAntialias { get { return mbln_Antialias; } set { mbln_Antialias = value; Invalidate(); } } [ Description("Change the caption text to be displayed"), Category("Caption"), Browsable(true) ] public String CaptionText { get { return mstr_CaptionText; } set { mstr_CaptionText = value; Invalidate(); } } [ Description("Show or hide the caption"), Category("Caption"), DefaultValue(true), Browsable(true) ] public bool CaptionVisible { get { return mbln_CaptionVisible; } set { mbln_CaptionVisible = value; Invalidate(); } } [ Description("Change the caption height"), Category("Caption"), DefaultValue(DEFAULT_CAPTION_HEIGHT), Browsable(true) ] public int CaptionHeight { get { return mint_CaptionHeight; } set { mint_CaptionHeight = value; mbln_IconVisible = (mint_CaptionHeight >= 16); Invalidate(); } } [ Description("Change the caption gradient direction. Has no effect if UseCustomRenderer is true."), Category("Caption"), DefaultValue(LinearGradientMode.Vertical), Browsable(true) ] public LinearGradientMode CaptionGradientDirection { get { return menm_CaptionGradientMode; } set { menm_CaptionGradientMode = value; Invalidate(); } } [ Description("Change the caption gradient's start color. Has no effect if UseCustomRenderer is true."), Category("Caption"), Browsable(true) ] public Color CaptionBeginColor { get { return mclr_CaptionBeginColor; } set { if (!useCaptionBrolDevStyle) { mclr_CaptionBeginColor = value; setBrolDevStyle(); } } } [ Description("Change the caption gradient's end color. Has no effect if UseCustomRenderer is true."), Category("Caption"), Browsable(true) ] public Color CaptionEndColor { get { return mclr_CaptionEndColor; } set { if (!useCaptionBrolDevStyle) { mclr_CaptionEndColor = value; setBrolDevStyle(); } } } [ Description("Change the caption position"), Category("Caption"), DefaultValue(BORDER_POSITION.Top), Browsable(true) ] public BORDER_POSITION CaptionPosition { get { return this.menm_CaptionPosition; } set { this.menm_CaptionPosition = value; Invalidate(); } } [ Description("Change the caption font"), Category("Caption"), Browsable(true) ] public override Font Font { get { return base.Font; } set { base.Font = value; if (value.GetHeight() > mint_CaptionHeight) mint_CaptionHeight = Convert.ToInt32(value.GetHeight() + 8.0f); Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region icon [ Description("Change the icon to display in the title"), Category("Icon"), Browsable(true) ] public Icon PanelIcon { get { return mico_Icon; } set { mico_Icon = value; Invalidate(); } } [ Description("Enable/Disable the icon"), Category("Icon"), DefaultValue(false), Browsable(true) ] public bool PanelIconVisible { get { return mbln_IconVisible; } set { mbln_IconVisible = value && (mint_CaptionHeight >= 16); Invalidate(); } } #endregion #endregion #region Overrided Methods protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { StyleFactory.Instance.onRendererChanged -= rendererChangedEvent; if (disposing) { if (components != null) { components.Dispose(); } } base.Dispose(disposing); } protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { switch (m.Msg) { case WM_NCCALCSIZE: WmNCCalcSize(ref m); break; case WM_NCPAINT: IntPtr hDC = NativeMethods.GetWindowDC(m.HWnd); if (hDC != IntPtr.Zero) { using (Graphics canvas = Graphics.FromHdc(hDC)) { PaintNonClientArea(canvas); } NativeMethods.ReleaseDC(m.HWnd, hDC); } m.Result = IntPtr.Zero; break; } base.WndProc(ref m); } protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e) { Invalidate(); base.OnResize(e); } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { if (Width == 0 || Height == 0) return; base.OnPaint(e); if (BackgroundImage == null && useContentGradient) { DrawBackground(e, menm_BorderStyle); } } #endregion #region Event Handlers private void HeaderPanel_Scroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs e) { Invalidate(); } private void onRendererChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { setBrolDevStyle(); } #endregion #region private methods private void setBrolDevStyle() { /*if (this.Visible) { this.SuspendLayout(); }*/ if (useCaptionBrolDevStyle) { mclr_CaptionBeginColor = StyleFactory.CustomSystemColors.ActiveCaption;//StyleFactory.ProfessionalColorTable.ToolStripContentPanelGradientBegin; mclr_CaptionEndColor = StyleFactory.CustomSystemColors.GradientActiveCaption;//StyleFactory.ProfessionalColorTable.ToolStripContentPanelGradientEnd; } if (useContentBrolDevStyle) { mclr_StartColor = StyleFactory.CustomSystemColors.ControlLightLight; mclr_EndColor = StyleFactory.CustomSystemColors.Control; mclr_BorderColor = StyleFactory.CustomSystemColors.ActiveBorder; } if (useBorderBrolDevStyle) { menm_BorderStyle = StyleFactory.BorderStyle; } //does not work as well as we want //using invalidate seems not the solution!!! if (this.Visible) { Invalidate(); //this.OnPaint(new PaintEventArgs(this.grap); //this.Refresh(); //this.Show(); //this.PerformLayout(); //this.ResumeLayout(true); //OnResize(null); be.gaudry.observer.StaticObservable.notify( be.gaudry.observer.Notification.VERBOSE.basicOperation, "H mod", "\n" + this.CaptionText + " candidate to invalidate\nStyle : " + EnumHelper.GetDescription(StyleFactory.getStyle()) + "\n BE CAREFULL :\n\nProblems seems occurs on HeaderPanel Invalidate. It doesn't apply the new style.", this)); } } #endregion #region Helper Routines private void WmNCCalcSize(ref Message m) { if (m.WParam == NativeMethods.FALSE) { Rectangle proposed = ncRect.Rect; RecalcNonClientArea(ref proposed); ncRect = NativeMethods.RECT.FromRectangle(proposed); Marshal.StructureToPtr(ncRect, m.LParam, false); } else if (m.WParam == NativeMethods.TRUE) { NativeMethods.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS ncParams = Rectangle proposed = ncParams.rectProposed.Rect; RecalcNonClientArea(ref proposed); ncParams.rectProposed = NativeMethods.RECT.FromRectangle(proposed); Marshal.StructureToPtr(ncParams, m.LParam, false); } m.Result = IntPtr.Zero; } private void RecalcNonClientArea(ref Rectangle proposed) { int brdWidth = 0; int shadowWidth = 0; int captionHight = 0; brdWidth = ComputeBorderWidth(); if (menm_BorderStyle == BORDER_STYLE.Shadow) shadowWidth = DEFAULT_SHADOW_WIDTH; if (mbln_CaptionVisible) captionHight = mint_CaptionHeight; switch (menm_CaptionPosition) { case BORDER_POSITION.Top: proposed.Top + (brdWidth + captionHight), proposed.Width - (brdWidth + brdWidth + shadowWidth), proposed.Height - (brdWidth + brdWidth + shadowWidth + captionHight)); break; case BORDER_POSITION.Bottom: proposed.Top + brdWidth, proposed.Width - (brdWidth + brdWidth + shadowWidth), proposed.Height - (brdWidth + brdWidth + shadowWidth + captionHight)); break; case BORDER_POSITION.Left: proposed.Top + brdWidth, proposed.Width - (brdWidth + brdWidth + shadowWidth), proposed.Height - (brdWidth + brdWidth + shadowWidth)); break; case BORDER_POSITION.Right: proposed.Top + brdWidth, proposed.Width - (brdWidth + brdWidth + shadowWidth + captionHight), proposed.Height - (brdWidth + brdWidth + shadowWidth)); break; } } private void PaintNonClientArea(Graphics canvas) { if (menm_BorderStyle == BORDER_STYLE.Shadow) DrawShadow(canvas); if (menm_BorderStyle != BORDER_STYLE.None) DrawBorder(canvas); if (mbln_CaptionVisible) DrawCaption(canvas); } private void DrawShadow(Graphics canvas) { Pen pen = null; Color[] clrArr = null; try { Color.FromArgb(171, 171, 171), Color.FromArgb(212, 212, 212), Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220)}; for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 4; cntr++) { canvas.DrawLine(pen, Width - (5 - cntr), ((cntr + 1) * 2), Width - (5 - cntr), Height - (5 - cntr)); canvas.DrawLine(pen, ((cntr + 1) * 2), Height - (5 - cntr), Width - (5 - cntr), Height - (5 - cntr)); pen.Dispose(); pen = null; } } finally { if (pen != null) { pen.Dispose(); pen = null; } clrArr = null; } } private void DrawCaption(Graphics canvas) { int brdWidth = 0; int shadowWidth = 0; Bitmap offScreenBmp = null; Graphics offScreenDC = null; Rectangle drawRect; StringFormat format = null; LinearGradientBrush brsh = null; try { if (menm_BorderStyle == BORDER_STYLE.None) brdWidth = 0; else if (menm_BorderStyle == BORDER_STYLE.Groove || menm_BorderStyle == BORDER_STYLE.Ridge) brdWidth = 2; else brdWidth = DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH; if (menm_BorderStyle == BORDER_STYLE.Shadow) shadowWidth = DEFAULT_SHADOW_WIDTH; format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; format.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter; if (menm_CaptionPosition == BORDER_POSITION.Bottom || menm_CaptionPosition == BORDER_POSITION.Top) mint_CaptionHeight); else mint_CaptionHeight); offScreenDC = Graphics.FromImage(offScreenBmp); if (mbln_Antialias) offScreenDC.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; offScreenBmp.Width, offScreenBmp.Height), mclr_CaptionBeginColor, mclr_CaptionEndColor, menm_CaptionGradientMode); offScreenDC.FillRectangle(brsh, 0.0f, 0.0f, offScreenBmp.Width, offScreenBmp.Height); if (mico_Icon != null && mbln_IconVisible) { offScreenDC.DrawIcon(mico_Icon, (mint_CaptionHeight - 16) / 2, 16, 16)); offScreenDC.DrawString(mstr_CaptionText, this.Font, offScreenBmp.Width - 20, mint_CaptionHeight), format); } else { offScreenDC.DrawString(mstr_CaptionText, this.Font, offScreenBmp.Width, mint_CaptionHeight), format); } switch (menm_CaptionPosition) { case BORDER_POSITION.Top: { drawRect.X = brdWidth; drawRect.Width = DisplayRectangle.Width; drawRect.Y = brdWidth; drawRect.Height = mint_CaptionHeight; break; } case BORDER_POSITION.Bottom: { drawRect.X = brdWidth; drawRect.Width = DisplayRectangle.Width; drawRect.Y = Height - (shadowWidth + brdWidth + mint_CaptionHeight); drawRect.Height = mint_CaptionHeight; break; } case BORDER_POSITION.Left: { drawRect.X = brdWidth; drawRect.Width = mint_CaptionHeight; drawRect.Y = brdWidth; drawRect.Height = Height - (shadowWidth + (2 * brdWidth)); offScreenBmp.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipNone); break; } case BORDER_POSITION.Right: { drawRect.X = Width - (shadowWidth + brdWidth + mint_CaptionHeight); drawRect.Width = mint_CaptionHeight; drawRect.Y = brdWidth; drawRect.Height = Height - (shadowWidth + (2 * brdWidth)); offScreenBmp.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); break; } } canvas.DrawImage(offScreenBmp, drawRect); } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (brsh != null) { brsh.Dispose(); brsh = null; } if (offScreenDC != null) { offScreenDC.Dispose(); offScreenDC = null; } if (offScreenBmp != null) { offScreenBmp.Dispose(); offScreenBmp = null; } if (format != null) { format.Dispose(); format = null; } } } private void DrawBackground(PaintEventArgs peArgs, BORDER_STYLE brdStyle) { Brush brsh = null; try { if (menm_BorderStyle == BORDER_STYLE.Shadow) { //if (useContentGradient) //{ mclr_EndColor, menm_GradientMode ); //} peArgs.Graphics.FillRectangle(brsh, 0, 0, Width - DEFAULT_SHADOW_WIDTH, Height - DEFAULT_SHADOW_WIDTH); } else { if (useContentGradient) { mclr_StartColor, mclr_EndColor, menm_GradientMode ); } else { } peArgs.Graphics.FillRectangle(brsh, 0, 0, Width, Height); } } finally { if (brsh != null) { brsh.Dispose(); brsh = null; } } } private void DrawBorder(Graphics canvas) { Pen penDark = null; Pen penLight = null; try { switch (menm_BorderStyle) { case BORDER_STYLE.Shadow: canvas.DrawRectangle(penDark, 0, 0, Width - 6, Height - 6); break; case BORDER_STYLE.Single: canvas.DrawRectangle(penDark, 0, 0, Width - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, Height - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH); break; case BORDER_STYLE.Inset: canvas.DrawLine(penLight, 0, 0, Width - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, 0); canvas.DrawLine(penLight, 0, 0, 0, Height - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH); canvas.DrawLine(penDark, Width - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, 0, Width - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, Height - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH); canvas.DrawLine(penDark, 0, Height - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, Width - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, Height - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH); break; case BORDER_STYLE.Outset: canvas.DrawLine(penDark, 0, 0, Width - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, 0); canvas.DrawLine(penDark, 0, 0, 0, Height - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH); canvas.DrawLine(penLight, Width - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, 0, Width - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, Height - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH); canvas.DrawLine(penLight, 0, Height - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, Width - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH, Height - DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH); break; case BORDER_STYLE.Groove: canvas.DrawRectangle(penLight, Height - (2 * DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH))); canvas.DrawRectangle(penDark, Height - (2 * DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH))); break; case BORDER_STYLE.Ridge: canvas.DrawRectangle(penLight, Height - (2 * DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH))); canvas.DrawRectangle(penDark, Height - (2 * DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH))); break; default: break; } } finally { if (penDark != null) { penDark.Dispose(); penDark = null; } if (penLight != null) { penLight.Dispose(); penLight = null; } } } /// <summary> /// Helper function to compute the border width /// </summary> /// <returns>The border width</returns> private int ComputeBorderWidth() { int brdWidth = 0; switch (menm_BorderStyle) { case BORDER_STYLE.Single: case BORDER_STYLE.Shadow: case BORDER_STYLE.Inset: case BORDER_STYLE.Outset: brdWidth = DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH; break; case BORDER_STYLE.Groove: case BORDER_STYLE.Ridge: brdWidth = (DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH + DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH); break; default: break; } return brdWidth; } #endregion } }
Structure et Fichiers du projet
Afficher/masquer...Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
Pas de sous-répertoires. | |||
Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
![]() | Répertoire parent | 0 octets | 1742695374 23/03/2025 03:02:54 |
Utilisation de l'explorateur de code
- Navigation :
- Un clic sur une icône de répertoire ouvre ce répertoire pour en afficher les fichiers.
- Lorsque le répertoire en cours ne contient pas de sous-répertoires il est possible de remonter vers le répertoire parent.
- La structure de répertoires en treetable (tableau en forme d'arborescence) n'est plus possibledans cette version.
- Un clic sur une icône de fichier ouvre ce fichier pour en afficher le code avec la coloration syntaxique adaptée en fonction du langage principal utilisé dans le fichier.
- Affichage :
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- Actions :
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Version en cache
23/03/2025 03:02:54 Cette version de la page est en cache (à la date du 23/03/2025 03:02:54) afin d'accélérer le traitement. Vous pouvez activer le mode utilisateur dans le menu en haut pour afficher la dernère version de la page.Document créé le 16/10/2009, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
Source du document imprimé : https://www.gaudry.be/cs-broldev-source-rf-view/controls//HeaderPanel.cs.html
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