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PieSlice.cs est un fichier du projet BrolDev.Ce fichier est situé dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/broldev/src/.
Projet BrolDev : Librairie de composants réutilisables pour les applications BrolDev en CSharp.
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Code c# (PieSlice.cs) (1218 lignes)
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; namespace be.gaudry.model.drawing.chart { /// <summary> /// Object representing 3D pie. /// </summary> public class PieSlice : IDisposable, ICloneable { /// <summary> /// Initializes an empty instance of <c>PieSlice</c>. /// </summary> protected PieSlice() : base() { } /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of flat <c>PieSlice</c> class with given /// bounds and visual style. /// </summary> /// <param name="xBoundingRect"> /// x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="yBoundingRect"> /// y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="widthBoundingRect"> /// Width of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="heightBoundingRect"> /// Height of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="startAngle"> /// Starting angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sweepAngle"> /// Sweep angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="surfaceColor"> /// Color used to paint the pie slice. /// </param> public PieSlice(float xBoundingRect, float yBoundingRect, float widthBoundingRect, float heightBoundingRect, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, Color surfaceColor) : this (xBoundingRect, yBoundingRect, widthBoundingRect, heightBoundingRect, 0F, startAngle, sweepAngle, surfaceColor, ShadowStyle.NoShadow, EdgeColorType.NoEdge) { } /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <c>PieSlice</c> class with given /// bounds and visual style. /// </summary> /// <param name="xBoundingRect"> /// x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="yBoundingRect"> /// y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="widthBoundingRect"> /// Width of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="heightBoundingRect"> /// Height of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sliceHeight"> /// Height of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="startAngle"> /// Starting angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sweepAngle"> /// Sweep angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="surfaceColor"> /// Color used to paint the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="shadowStyle"> /// Shadow style used for slice rendering. /// </param> /// <param name="edgeColorType"> /// Edge color style used for slice rendering. /// </param> public PieSlice(float xBoundingRect, float yBoundingRect, float widthBoundingRect, float heightBoundingRect, float sliceHeight, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, Color surfaceColor, ShadowStyle shadowStyle, EdgeColorType edgeColorType) : this() { // set some persistent values m_actualStartAngle = startAngle; m_actualSweepAngle = sweepAngle; m_surfaceColor = surfaceColor; m_shadowStyle = shadowStyle; m_edgeColorType = edgeColorType; // create pens for rendering Color edgeLineColor = EdgeColor.GetRenderingColor(edgeColorType, surfaceColor); m_pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; InitializePieSlice(xBoundingRect, yBoundingRect, widthBoundingRect, heightBoundingRect, sliceHeight); } /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <c>PieSlice</c> class with given /// bounds and visual style. /// </summary> /// <param name="boundingRect"> /// Bounding rectangle used to draw the top surface of the slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sliceHeight"> /// Pie slice height. /// </param> /// <param name="startAngle"> /// Starting angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sweepAngle"> /// Sweep angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="surfaceColor"> /// Color used to render pie slice surface. /// </param> /// <param name="shadowStyle"> /// Shadow style used in rendering. /// </param> /// <param name="edgeColorType"> /// Edge color type used for rendering. /// </param> public PieSlice(RectangleF boundingRect, float sliceHeight, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, Color surfaceColor, ShadowStyle shadowStyle, EdgeColorType edgeColorType) : this(boundingRect.X, boundingRect.Y, boundingRect.Width, boundingRect.Height, sliceHeight, startAngle, sweepAngle, surfaceColor, shadowStyle, edgeColorType) { } /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <c>PieSlice</c> class with given /// bounds and visual style. /// </summary> /// <param name="xBoundingRect"> /// x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="yBoundingRect"> /// y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="widthBoundingRect"> /// Width of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="heightBoundingRect"> /// Height of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sliceHeight"> /// Height of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="startAngle"> /// Starting angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sweepAngle"> /// Sweep angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="surfaceColor"> /// Color used to render pie slice surface. /// </param> /// <param name="shadowStyle"> /// Shadow style used in rendering. /// </param> /// <param name="edgeColorType"> /// Edge color type used for rendering. /// </param> /// <param name="edgeLineWidth"> /// Edge line width. /// </param> public PieSlice(float xBoundingRect, float yBoundingRect, float widthBoundingRect, float heightBoundingRect, float sliceHeight, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, Color surfaceColor, ShadowStyle shadowStyle, EdgeColorType edgeColorType, float edgeLineWidth) : this (xBoundingRect, yBoundingRect, widthBoundingRect, heightBoundingRect, sliceHeight, startAngle, sweepAngle, surfaceColor, shadowStyle, edgeColorType) { m_pen.Width = edgeLineWidth; } /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <c>PieSlice</c> class with given /// bounds and visual style. /// </summary> /// <param name="boundingRect"> /// Bounding rectangle used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sliceHeight"> /// Pie slice height. /// </param> /// <param name="startAngle"> /// Starting angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sweepAngle"> /// Sweep angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="surfaceColor"> /// Color used to render pie slice surface. /// </param> /// <param name="shadowStyle"> /// Shadow style used in rendering. /// </param> /// <param name="edgeColorType"> /// Edge color type used for rendering. /// </param> /// <param name="edgeLineWidth"> /// Edge line width. /// </param> public PieSlice(Rectangle boundingRect, float sliceHeight, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, Color surfaceColor, ShadowStyle shadowStyle, EdgeColorType edgeColorType, float edgeLineWidth) : this(boundingRect.X, boundingRect.Y, boundingRect.Width, boundingRect.Height, sliceHeight, startAngle, sweepAngle, surfaceColor, shadowStyle, edgeColorType, edgeLineWidth) { } /// <summary> /// <c>Finalize</c> implementation /// </summary> ~PieSlice() { Dispose(false); } /// <summary> /// Implementation of <c>IDisposable</c> interface. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } /// <summary> /// Disposes of all resources used by <c>PieSlice</c> object. /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing"></param> protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!m_disposed) { if (disposing) { Debug.Assert(m_pen != null); m_pen.Dispose(); DisposeBrushes(); Debug.Assert(m_startSide != null); m_startSide.Dispose(); Debug.Assert(m_endSide != null); m_endSide.Dispose(); } m_disposed = true; } } /// <summary> /// Implementation of ICloneable interface. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A deep copy of this object. /// </returns> public object Clone() { return new PieSlice(BoundingRectangle, SliceHeight, StartAngle, SweepAngle, m_surfaceColor, m_shadowStyle, m_edgeColorType); } /// <summary> /// Gets starting angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </summary> public float StartAngle { get { return m_startAngle; } } /// <summary> /// Gets sweep angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </summary> public float SweepAngle { get { return m_sweepAngle; } } /// <summary> /// Gets ending angle (in degrees) of the pie slice. /// </summary> public float EndAngle { get { return (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle) % 360; } } public string Text { get { return m_text; } set { m_text = value; } } /// <summary> /// Draws the pie slice. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"> /// <c>Graphics</c> used to draw the pie slice. /// </param> public void Draw(Graphics graphics) { DrawBottom(graphics); DrawSides(graphics); DrawTop(graphics); } /// <summary> /// Checks if given pie slice contains given point. /// </summary> /// <param name="point"> /// <c>PointF</c> to check. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if point given is contained within the slice. /// </returns> public bool Contains(PointF point) { if (PieSliceContainsPoint(point)) return true; if (PeripheryContainsPoint(point)) return true; if (m_startSide.Contains(point)) return true; if (m_endSide.Contains(point)) return true; return false; } /// <summary> /// Evaluates the point in the middle of the slice. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// <c>PointF</c> in the middle of the pie top. /// </returns> public virtual PointF GetTextPosition() { if (SweepAngle >= 180) return PeripheralPoint(m_center.X, m_center.Y, m_boundingRectangle.Width / 3, m_boundingRectangle.Height / 3, GetActualAngle(StartAngle) + SweepAngle / 2); float x = (m_pointStart.X + m_pointEnd.X) / 2; float y = (m_pointStart.Y + m_pointEnd.Y) / 2; float angle = (float)(Math.Atan2(y - m_center.Y, x - m_center.X) * 180 / Math.PI); return PeripheralPoint(m_center.X, m_center.Y, m_boundingRectangle.Width / 3, m_boundingRectangle.Height / 3, GetActualAngle(angle)); } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the bounding rectangle. /// </summary> internal RectangleF BoundingRectangle { get { return m_boundingRectangle; } set { m_boundingRectangle = value; } } /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the slice height. /// </summary> internal float SliceHeight { get { return m_sliceHeight; } set { m_sliceHeight = value; } } /// <summary> /// Draws pie slice sides. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"> /// <c>Graphics</c> used to draw the pie slice. /// </param> internal void DrawSides(Graphics graphics) { DrawHiddenPeriphery(graphics); // draw wegde sides if (StartAngle > 90 && StartAngle < 270) { DrawEndSide(graphics); DrawStartSide(graphics); } else { DrawStartSide(graphics); DrawEndSide(graphics); } DrawVisiblePeriphery(graphics); } /// <summary> /// Splits a pie slice into two on the split angle. /// </summary> /// <param name="splitAngle"> /// Angle at which splitting is performed. /// </param> /// <returns> /// An array of two pie slices. /// </returns> internal PieSlice[] Split(float splitAngle) { // if split angle equals one of bounding angles, then nothing to split if (StartAngle == splitAngle || this.EndAngle == splitAngle) float transformedSplitAngle = TransformAngle(splitAngle); float actualStartAngle = GetActualAngle(StartAngle); float newSweepAngle = (splitAngle - actualStartAngle + 360) % 360; PieSlice pieSlice1 = new PieSlice(BoundingRectangle, SliceHeight, actualStartAngle, newSweepAngle, m_surfaceColor, m_shadowStyle, m_edgeColorType); pieSlice1.InitializeSides(true, false); newSweepAngle = GetActualAngle(EndAngle) - splitAngle; PieSlice pieSlice2 = new PieSlice(BoundingRectangle, SliceHeight, splitAngle, newSweepAngle, m_surfaceColor, m_shadowStyle, m_edgeColorType); pieSlice2.InitializeSides(false, true); } /// <summary> /// Reajusts the pie slice to fit new bounding rectangle provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="xBoundingRect"> /// x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="yBoundingRect"> /// y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="widthBoundingRect"> /// Width of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="heightBoundingRect"> /// Height of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sliceHeight"> /// Height of the pie slice. /// </param> internal void Readjust(float xBoundingRect, float yBoundingRect, float widthBoundingRect, float heightBoundingRect, float sliceHeight) { InitializePieSlice(xBoundingRect, yBoundingRect, widthBoundingRect, heightBoundingRect, sliceHeight); } /// <summary> /// Draws visible start side. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"> /// <c>Graphics</c> used to draw the pie slice. /// </param> internal void DrawStartSide(Graphics graphics) { if (m_startSide != null) { // checks if the side is visible if (StartAngle > 90 && StartAngle < 270) m_startSide.Draw(graphics, m_pen, m_brushStartSide); else m_startSide.Draw(graphics, m_pen, m_brushSurface); } } /// <summary> /// Draws visible end side. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"> /// <c>Graphics</c> used to draw the pie slice. /// </param> internal void DrawEndSide(Graphics graphics) { if (m_endSide != null) { // checks if the side is visible if (EndAngle > 90 && EndAngle < 270) m_endSide.Draw(graphics, m_pen, m_brushSurface); else m_endSide.Draw(graphics, m_pen, m_brushEndSide); } } /// <summary> /// Draws visible outer periphery of the pie slice. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"> /// <c>Graphics</c> used to draw the pie slice. /// </param> internal void DrawVisiblePeriphery(Graphics graphics) { PeripherySurfaceBounds[] peripherySurfaceBounds = GetVisiblePeripherySurfaceBounds(); foreach (PeripherySurfaceBounds surfaceBounds in peripherySurfaceBounds) { DrawCylinderSurfaceSection(graphics, m_pen, m_brushPeripherySurface, surfaceBounds.StartAngle, surfaceBounds.EndAngle, surfaceBounds.StartPoint, surfaceBounds.EndPoint); } } /// <summary> /// Draws hidden outer periphery of the pie slice. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"> /// <c>Graphics</c> used to draw the pie slice. /// </param> internal void DrawHiddenPeriphery(Graphics graphics) { PeripherySurfaceBounds[] peripherySurfaceBounds = GetHiddenPeripherySurfaceBounds(); foreach (PeripherySurfaceBounds surfaceBounds in peripherySurfaceBounds) { DrawCylinderSurfaceSection(graphics, m_pen, m_brushSurface, surfaceBounds.StartAngle, surfaceBounds.EndAngle, surfaceBounds.StartPoint, surfaceBounds.EndPoint); } } /// <summary> /// Draws the bottom of the pie slice. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"> /// <c>Graphics</c> used to draw the pie slice. /// </param> internal void DrawBottom(Graphics graphics) { graphics.FillPie(m_brushSurface, m_boundingRectangle.X, m_boundingRectangle.Y + m_sliceHeight, m_boundingRectangle.Width, m_boundingRectangle.Height, m_startAngle, m_sweepAngle); graphics.DrawPie(m_pen, m_boundingRectangle.X, m_boundingRectangle.Y + m_sliceHeight, m_boundingRectangle.Width, m_boundingRectangle.Height, m_startAngle, m_sweepAngle); } /// <summary> /// Draws the top of the pie slice. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"> /// <c>Graphics</c> used to draw the pie slice. /// </param> internal void DrawTop(Graphics graphics) { graphics.FillPie(m_brushSurface, m_boundingRectangle.X, m_boundingRectangle.Y, m_boundingRectangle.Width, m_boundingRectangle.Height, m_startAngle, m_sweepAngle); graphics.DrawPie(m_pen, m_boundingRectangle, m_startAngle, m_sweepAngle); } /// <summary> /// Calculates the smallest rectangle into which this pie slice fits. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// <c>RectangleF</c> into which this pie slice fits exactly. /// </returns> internal RectangleF GetFittingRectangle() { if ((m_startAngle == 0F) || (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle >= 360)) GraphicsUtil.IncludePointX(ref boundingRectangle, m_boundingRectangle.Right); if ((m_startAngle <= 90) && (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle >= 90) || (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle >= 450)) GraphicsUtil.IncludePointY(ref boundingRectangle, m_boundingRectangle.Bottom + SliceHeight); if ((m_startAngle <= 180) && (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle >= 180) || (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle >= 540)) GraphicsUtil.IncludePointX(ref boundingRectangle, m_boundingRectangle.Left); if ((m_startAngle <= 270) && (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle >= 270) || (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle >= 630)) GraphicsUtil.IncludePointY(ref boundingRectangle, m_boundingRectangle.Top); GraphicsUtil.IncludePoint(ref boundingRectangle, m_center); GraphicsUtil.IncludePoint(ref boundingRectangle, m_centerBelow); GraphicsUtil.IncludePoint(ref boundingRectangle, m_pointStart); GraphicsUtil.IncludePoint(ref boundingRectangle, m_pointStartBelow); GraphicsUtil.IncludePoint(ref boundingRectangle, m_pointEnd); GraphicsUtil.IncludePoint(ref boundingRectangle, m_pointEndBelow); return boundingRectangle; } /// <summary> /// Checks if given point is contained inside the pie slice. /// </summary> /// <param name="point"> /// <c>PointF</c> to check for. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if given point is inside the pie slice. /// </returns> internal bool PieSliceContainsPoint(PointF point) { return PieSliceContainsPoint(point, m_boundingRectangle.X, m_boundingRectangle.Y, m_boundingRectangle.Width, m_boundingRectangle.Height, m_startAngle, m_sweepAngle); } /// <summary> /// Checks if given point is contained by cylinder periphery. /// </summary> /// <param name="point"> /// <c>PointF</c> to check for. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if given point is inside the cylinder periphery. /// </returns> internal bool PeripheryContainsPoint(PointF point) { PeripherySurfaceBounds[] peripherySurfaceBounds = GetVisiblePeripherySurfaceBounds(); foreach (PeripherySurfaceBounds surfaceBounds in peripherySurfaceBounds) { if (CylinderSurfaceSectionContainsPoint(point, surfaceBounds.StartAngle, surfaceBounds.EndAngle, surfaceBounds.StartPoint, surfaceBounds.EndPoint)) return true; } return false; } /// <summary> /// Checks if point provided is inside pie slice start cut side. /// </summary> /// <param name="point"> /// <c>PointF</c> to check. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if point is inside the start side. /// </returns> internal bool StartSideContainsPoint(PointF point) { if (m_sliceHeight > 0) return (m_startSide.Contains(point)); return false; } /// <summary> /// Checks if point provided is inside pie slice end cut side. /// </summary> /// <param name="point"> /// <c>PointF</c> to check. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if point is inside the end side. /// </returns> internal bool EndSideContainsPoint(PointF point) { if (m_sliceHeight > 0) return (m_endSide.Contains(point)); return false; } /// <summary> /// Checks if bottom side of the pie slice contains the point. /// </summary> /// <param name="point"> /// <c>PointF</c> to check. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if point is inside the bottom of the pie slice. /// </returns> internal bool BottomSurfaceSectionContainsPoint(PointF point) { if (m_sliceHeight > 0) { return (PieSliceContainsPoint(point, m_boundingRectangle.X, m_boundingRectangle.Y + m_sliceHeight, m_boundingRectangle.Width, m_boundingRectangle.Height, m_startAngle, m_sweepAngle)); } return false; } /// <summary> /// Creates brushes used to render the pie slice. /// </summary> /// <param name="surfaceColor"> /// Color used for rendering. /// </param> /// <param name="shadowStyle"> /// Shadow style used for rendering. /// </param> protected virtual void CreateSurfaceBrushes(Color surfaceColor, ShadowStyle shadowStyle) { m_brushSurfaceHighlighted = new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.CreateColorWithCorrectedLightness(surfaceColor, ColorUtil.BrightnessEnhancementFactor1)); switch (shadowStyle) { case ShadowStyle.NoShadow: break; case ShadowStyle.UniformShadow: m_brushStartSide = m_brushEndSide = m_brushPeripherySurface = new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.CreateColorWithCorrectedLightness(surfaceColor, -ColorUtil.BrightnessEnhancementFactor1)); break; case ShadowStyle.GradualShadow: double angle = m_startAngle - 180 - s_shadowAngle; if (angle < 0) angle += 360; m_brushStartSide = CreateBrushForSide(surfaceColor, angle); angle = m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle - s_shadowAngle; if (angle < 0) angle += 360; m_brushEndSide = CreateBrushForSide(surfaceColor, angle); m_brushPeripherySurface = CreateBrushForPeriphery(surfaceColor); break; } } /// <summary> /// Disposes brush objects. /// </summary> protected void DisposeBrushes() { Debug.Assert(m_brushSurface != null); Debug.Assert(m_brushStartSide != null); Debug.Assert(m_brushEndSide != null); Debug.Assert(m_brushPeripherySurface != null); Debug.Assert(m_brushSurfaceHighlighted != null); m_brushSurface.Dispose(); m_brushStartSide.Dispose(); m_brushEndSide.Dispose(); m_brushPeripherySurface.Dispose(); m_brushSurfaceHighlighted.Dispose(); } /// <summary> /// Creates a brush for start and end sides of the pie slice for /// gradual shade. /// </summary> /// <param name="color"> /// Color used for pie slice rendering. /// </param> /// <param name="angle"> /// Angle of the surface. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>Brush</c> object. /// </returns> protected virtual Brush CreateBrushForSide(Color color, double angle) { return new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.CreateColorWithCorrectedLightness(color, -(float)(ColorUtil.BrightnessEnhancementFactor1 * (1 - 0.8 * Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180))))); } /// <summary> /// Creates a brush for outer periphery of the pie slice used for /// gradual shadow. /// </summary> /// <param name="color"> /// Color used for pie slice rendering. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>Brush</c> object. /// </returns> protected virtual Brush CreateBrushForPeriphery(Color color) { ColorUtil.CreateColorWithCorrectedLightness(color, -ColorUtil.BrightnessEnhancementFactor1 / 2), color, ColorUtil.CreateColorWithCorrectedLightness(color, -ColorUtil.BrightnessEnhancementFactor1), }; LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(m_boundingRectangle, Color.Blue, Color.White, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal); brush.InterpolationColors = colorBlend; return brush; } /// <summary> /// Draws the outer periphery of the pie slice. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"> /// <c>Graphics</c> object used to draw the surface. /// </param> /// <param name="pen"> /// <c>Pen</c> used to draw outline. /// </param> /// <param name="brush"> /// <c>Brush</c> used to fill the quadrilateral. /// </param> /// <param name="boundingRect"> /// Bounding rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of the /// pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="startAngle"> /// Start angle (in degrees) of the periphery section. /// </param> /// <param name="endAngle"> /// End angle (in degrees) of the periphery section. /// </param> /// <param name="pointStart"> /// Point representing the start of the periphery. /// </param> /// <param name="pointEnd"> /// Point representing the end of the periphery. /// </param> protected void DrawCylinderSurfaceSection(Graphics graphics, Pen pen, Brush brush, float startAngle, float endAngle, PointF pointStart, PointF pointEnd) { GraphicsPath path = CreatePathForCylinderSurfaceSection(startAngle, endAngle, pointStart, pointEnd); graphics.FillPath(brush, path); graphics.DrawPath(pen, path); } /// <summary> /// Transforms actual angle to angle used for rendering. They are /// different because of perspective. /// </summary> /// <param name="angle"> /// Actual angle. /// </param> /// <returns> /// Rendering angle. /// </returns> protected float TransformAngle(float angle) { double x = m_boundingRectangle.Width * Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180); double y = m_boundingRectangle.Height * Math.Sin(angle * Math.PI / 180); float result = (float)(Math.Atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI); if (result < 0) return result + 360; return result; } /// <summary> /// Gets the actual angle from the rendering angle. /// </summary> /// <param name="transformedAngle"> /// Transformed angle for which actual angle has to be evaluated. /// </param> /// <returns> /// Actual angle. /// </returns> protected float GetActualAngle(float transformedAngle) { double x = m_boundingRectangle.Height * Math.Cos(transformedAngle * Math.PI / 180); double y = m_boundingRectangle.Width * Math.Sin(transformedAngle * Math.PI / 180); float result = (float)(Math.Atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI); if (result < 0) return result + 360; return result; } /// <summary> /// Calculates the point on ellipse periphery for angle. /// </summary> /// <param name="xCenter"> /// x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse. /// </param> /// <param name="yCenter"> /// y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse. /// </param> /// <param name="semiMajor"> /// Horizontal semi-axis. /// </param> /// <param name="semiMinor"> /// Vertical semi-axis. /// </param> /// <param name="angleDegrees"> /// Angle (in degrees) for which corresponding periphery point has to /// be obtained. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>PointF</c> on the ellipse. /// </returns> protected PointF PeripheralPoint(float xCenter, float yCenter, float semiMajor, float semiMinor, float angleDegrees) { double angleRadians = angleDegrees * Math.PI / 180; return new PointF(xCenter + (float)(semiMajor * Math.Cos(angleRadians)), yCenter + (float)(semiMinor * Math.Sin(angleRadians))); } /// <summary> /// Initializes pie bounding rectangle, pie height, corners /// coordinates and brushes used for rendering. /// </summary> /// <param name="xBoundingRect"> /// x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="yBoundingRect"> /// y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle that is /// used to draw the top surface of the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="widthBoundingRect"> /// Width of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="heightBoundingRect"> /// Height of the rectangle that is used to draw the top surface of /// the pie slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sliceHeight"> /// Height of the pie slice. /// </param> private void InitializePieSlice(float xBoundingRect, float yBoundingRect, float widthBoundingRect, float heightBoundingRect, float sliceHeight) { // stores bounding rectangle and pie slice height m_boundingRectangle = new RectangleF(xBoundingRect, yBoundingRect, widthBoundingRect, heightBoundingRect); m_sliceHeight = sliceHeight; // recalculates start and sweep angle used for rendering m_startAngle = TransformAngle(m_actualStartAngle); m_sweepAngle = m_actualSweepAngle; if (m_sweepAngle % 180 != 0F) m_sweepAngle = TransformAngle(m_actualStartAngle + m_actualSweepAngle) - m_startAngle; if (m_sweepAngle < 0) m_sweepAngle += 360; // creates brushes CreateSurfaceBrushes(m_surfaceColor, m_shadowStyle); // calculates center and end points on periphery float xCenter = xBoundingRect + widthBoundingRect / 2; float yCenter = yBoundingRect + heightBoundingRect / 2; m_pointStart = PeripheralPoint(xCenter, yCenter, widthBoundingRect / 2, heightBoundingRect / 2, m_actualStartAngle); m_pointEnd = PeripheralPoint(xCenter, yCenter, widthBoundingRect / 2, heightBoundingRect / 2, m_actualStartAngle + m_actualSweepAngle); InitializeSides(); } /// <summary> /// Initializes start and end pie slice sides. /// </summary> private void InitializeSides() { InitializeSides(true, true); } /// <summary> /// Initializes start and end pie slice sides. /// </summary> /// <param name="startSideExists"> /// Does start side exists. /// </param> /// <param name="endSideExists"> /// Does end side exists. /// </param> private void InitializeSides(bool startSideExists, bool endSideExists) { if (startSideExists) m_startSide = new Quadrilateral(m_center, m_pointStart, m_pointStartBelow, m_centerBelow, m_sweepAngle != 180); else m_startSide = Quadrilateral.Empty; if (endSideExists) m_endSide = new Quadrilateral(m_center, m_pointEnd, m_pointEndBelow, m_centerBelow, m_sweepAngle != 180); else m_endSide = Quadrilateral.Empty; } /// <summary> /// Gets an array of visible periphery bounds. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// Array of <c>PeripherySurfaceBounds</c> objects. /// </returns> private PeripherySurfaceBounds[] GetVisiblePeripherySurfaceBounds() { // outer periphery side is visible only when startAngle or endAngle // is between 0 and 180 degrees if (!(m_sweepAngle == 0 || (m_startAngle >= 180 && m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle <= 360))) { // draws the periphery from start angle to the end angle or left // edge, whichever comes first if (StartAngle < 180) { float fi1 = m_startAngle; float fi2 = EndAngle; if (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle > 180) { fi2 = 180; x2.X = m_boundingRectangle.X; x2.Y = m_center.Y; } } // if lateral surface is visible from the right edge if (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle > 360) { float fi1 = 0; float fi2 = EndAngle; if (fi2 > 180) { fi2 = 180; x2.X = m_boundingRectangle.Left; x2.Y = m_center.Y; } } } } /// <summary> /// Gets an array of hidden periphery bounds. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// Array of <c>PeripherySurfaceBounds</c> objects. /// </returns> private PeripherySurfaceBounds[] GetHiddenPeripherySurfaceBounds() { // outer periphery side is not visible when startAngle or endAngle // is between 180 and 360 degrees if (!(m_sweepAngle == 0 || (m_startAngle >= 0 && m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle <= 180))) { // draws the periphery from start angle to the end angle or right // edge, whichever comes first if (m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle > 180) { float fi1 = m_startAngle; float fi2 = m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle; if (fi1 < 180) { fi1 = 180; x1.X = m_boundingRectangle.Left; x1.Y = m_center.Y; } if (fi2 > 360) { fi2 = 360; x2.X = m_boundingRectangle.Right; x2.Y = m_center.Y; } // if pie is crossing 360 & 180 deg. boundary, we have to // invisible peripheries if (m_startAngle < 360 && m_startAngle + m_sweepAngle > 540) { fi1 = 180; fi2 = EndAngle; } } } } /// <summary> /// Creates <c>GraphicsPath</c> for cylinder surface section. This /// path consists of two arcs and two vertical lines. /// </summary> /// <param name="startAngle"> /// Starting angle of the surface. /// </param> /// <param name="endAngle"> /// Ending angle of the surface. /// </param> /// <param name="pointStart"> /// Starting point on the cylinder surface. /// </param> /// <param name="pointEnd"> /// Ending point on the cylinder surface. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>GraphicsPath</c> object representing the cylinder surface. /// </returns> private GraphicsPath CreatePathForCylinderSurfaceSection(float startAngle, float endAngle, PointF pointStart, PointF pointEnd) { path.AddArc(m_boundingRectangle, startAngle, endAngle - startAngle); path.AddLine(pointEnd.X, pointEnd.Y, pointEnd.X, pointEnd.Y + m_sliceHeight); path.AddArc(m_boundingRectangle.X, m_boundingRectangle.Y + m_sliceHeight, m_boundingRectangle.Width, m_boundingRectangle.Height, endAngle, startAngle - endAngle); path.AddLine(pointStart.X, pointStart.Y + m_sliceHeight, pointStart.X, pointStart.Y); return path; } /// <summary> /// Checks if given point is contained within upper and lower pie /// slice surfaces or within the outer slice brink. /// </summary> /// <param name="point"> /// <c>PointF</c> structure to check for. /// </param> /// <param name="startAngle"> /// Start angle of the slice. /// </param> /// <param name="endAngle"> /// End angle of the slice. /// </param> /// <param name="point1"> /// Starting point on the periphery. /// </param> /// <param name="point2"> /// Ending point on the periphery. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if point given is contained. /// </returns> private bool CylinderSurfaceSectionContainsPoint(PointF point, float startAngle, float endAngle, PointF point1, PointF point2) { if (m_sliceHeight > 0) { } return false; } /// <summary> /// Checks if point given is contained within the pie slice. /// </summary> /// <param name="point"> /// <c>PointF</c> to check for. /// </param> /// <param name="xBoundingRectangle"> /// x-coordinate of the rectangle that bounds the ellipse from which /// slice is cut. /// </param> /// <param name="yBoundingRectangle"> /// y-coordinate of the rectangle that bounds the ellipse from which /// slice is cut. /// </param> /// <param name="widthBoundingRectangle"> /// Width of the rectangle that bounds the ellipse from which /// slice is cut. /// </param> /// <param name="heightBoundingRectangle"> /// Height of the rectangle that bounds the ellipse from which /// slice is cut. /// </param> /// <param name="startAngle"> /// Start angle of the slice. /// </param> /// <param name="sweepAngle"> /// Sweep angle of the slice. /// </param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if point is contained within the slice. /// </returns> private bool PieSliceContainsPoint(PointF point, float xBoundingRectangle, float yBoundingRectangle, float widthBoundingRectangle, float heightBoundingRectangle, float startAngle, float sweepAngle) { double x = point.X - xBoundingRectangle - widthBoundingRectangle / 2; double y = point.Y - yBoundingRectangle - heightBoundingRectangle / 2; double angle = Math.Atan2(y, x); if (angle < 0) angle += (2 * Math.PI); double angleDegrees = angle * 180 / Math.PI; // point is inside the pie slice only if between start and end angle if ((angleDegrees >= startAngle && angleDegrees <= (startAngle + sweepAngle)) || (startAngle + sweepAngle > 360) && ((angleDegrees + 360) <= (startAngle + sweepAngle))) { // distance of the point from the ellipse centre double r = Math.Sqrt(y * y + x * x); return GetEllipseRadius(angle) > r; } return false; } /// <summary> /// Evaluates the distance of an ellipse perimeter point for a /// given angle. /// </summary> /// <param name="angle"> /// Angle for which distance has to be evaluated. /// </param> /// <returns> /// Distance of the point from the ellipse centre. /// </returns> private double GetEllipseRadius(double angle) { double a = m_boundingRectangle.Width / 2; double b = m_boundingRectangle.Height / 2; double a2 = a * a; double b2 = b * b; double cosFi = Math.Cos(angle); double sinFi = Math.Sin(angle); // distance of the ellipse perimeter point return (a * b) / Math.Sqrt(b2 * cosFi * cosFi + a2 * sinFi * sinFi); } /// <summary> /// Internal structure used to store periphery bounds data. /// </summary> private struct PeripherySurfaceBounds { public PeripherySurfaceBounds(float startAngle, float endAngle, PointF startPoint, PointF endPoint) { m_startAngle = startAngle; m_endAngle = endAngle; m_startPoint = startPoint; m_endPoint = endPoint; } public float StartAngle { get { return m_startAngle; } } public float EndAngle { get { return m_endAngle; } } public PointF StartPoint { get { return m_startPoint; } } public PointF EndPoint { get { return m_endPoint; } } private float m_startAngle; private float m_endAngle; private PointF m_startPoint; private PointF m_endPoint; } /// <summary> /// Bounding rectangle that bounds the ellipse from which pie slice /// is cut. /// </summary> protected RectangleF m_boundingRectangle; /// <summary> /// Pie slice height. /// </summary> protected float m_sliceHeight; /// <summary> /// Start angle. /// </summary> protected float m_startAngle; /// <summary> /// Sweep angle. /// </summary> protected float m_sweepAngle; /// <summary> /// Actual start angle. /// </summary> private float m_actualStartAngle; /// <summary> /// Actual sweep angle. /// </summary> private float m_actualSweepAngle; /// <summary> /// Color of the surface. /// </summary> private Color m_surfaceColor = Color.Empty; /// <summary> /// Style used for shadow. /// </summary> private ShadowStyle m_shadowStyle = ShadowStyle.NoShadow; /// <summary> /// <c>EdgeColorType</c> used to draw pie sliece edges. /// </summary> private EdgeColorType m_edgeColorType = EdgeColorType.NoEdge; /// <summary> /// <c>Brush</c> used to render slice top surface. /// </summary> protected Brush m_brushSurface = null; /// <summary> /// <c>Brush</c> used to render slice top surface when highlighted. /// </summary> protected Brush m_brushSurfaceHighlighted = null; /// <summary> /// <c>Brush</c> used to render slice starting cut side. /// </summary> protected Brush m_brushStartSide = null; /// <summary> /// <c>Brush</c> used to render slice ending cut side. /// </summary> protected Brush m_brushEndSide = null; /// <summary> /// <c>Brush</c> used to render pie slice periphery (cylinder outer surface). /// </summary> protected Brush m_brushPeripherySurface = null; /// <summary> /// <c>Pen</c> object used to draw pie slice edges. /// </summary> protected Pen m_pen = null; /// <summary> /// <c>PointF</c> corresponding to pie slice center. /// </summary> protected PointF m_center; /// <summary> /// <c>PointF</c> corresponding to the lower pie slice center. /// </summary> protected PointF m_centerBelow; /// <summary> /// <c>PointF</c> on the periphery corresponding to the start cut /// side. /// </summary> protected PointF m_pointStart; /// <summary> /// <c>PointF</c> on the periphery corresponding to the start cut /// side. /// </summary> protected PointF m_pointStartBelow; /// <summary> /// <c>PointF</c> on the periphery corresponding to the end cut /// side. /// </summary> protected PointF m_pointEnd; /// <summary> /// <c>PointF</c> on the periphery corresponding to the end cut /// side. /// </summary> protected PointF m_pointEndBelow; /// <summary> /// <c>Quadrilateral</c> representing the start side. /// </summary> protected Quadrilateral m_startSide = Quadrilateral.Empty; /// <summary> /// <c>Quadrilateral</c> representing the end side. /// </summary> protected Quadrilateral m_endSide = Quadrilateral.Empty; /// <summary> /// Text attached to the slice. /// </summary> private string m_text; /// <summary> /// Flag indicating if object has been disposed. /// </summary> private bool m_disposed = false; /// <summary> /// Angle offset used to define reference angle for gradual shadow. /// </summary> private static float s_shadowAngle = 20F; } }
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Version en cache
12/03/2025 15:42:16 Cette version de la page est en cache (à la date du 12/03/2025 15:42:16) afin d'accélérer le traitement. Vous pouvez activer le mode utilisateur dans le menu en haut pour afficher la dernère version de la page.Document créé le 16/10/2009, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
Source du document imprimé : https://www.gaudry.be/cs-broldev-source-rf-model/drawing/chart/PieSlice.cs.html
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