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BrolEditControl.cs est un fichier du projet BiblioBrol.Ce fichier est situé dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/src/.
Projet BiblioBrol :
Gestion de media en CSharp.
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Code c# (BrolEditControl.cs) (687 lignes)
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.model; using; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.view.dialogs; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.view.utils; using; using be.gaudry.model.drawing; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.config; namespace be.gaudry.bibliobrol.view.controls { public partial class BrolEditControl : UserControl { #region declarations and constructors private DiaSetActorRole diaSetActorRole; private SelectSerieItemDialog selectSerieItemDialog; private SelectCategoryDialog selectCategoryDialog; private bool imageEditable; /// <summary> /// to detect type modification (film, book, etc.) /// in case of modification, reload categories from persistant layer /// </summary> private BrolType type = null; private bool pictureModified; public BrolEditControl() { pictureModified = false; imageEditable = true; InitializeComponent(); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) editCotationCB.Items.Add(i); brolTypeCB.Items.AddRange(ModelAdapter.getBrolTypes().ToArray()); brolTypeCB.DisplayMember = "Name"; //editActorsLB.UseCustomTabOffsets = true; //editActorsLB.CustomTabOffsets.Add(50); //editActorsLB.DisplayMember = "Display"; //editCategoriesLB.DisplayMember = "Name"; } #endregion #region properties /// <summary> /// Show or hide the image edition buttons /// </summary> [ Category("Image"), DefaultValue(true), Description("Show or hide the image edition buttons") ] public bool ImageEditable { get { return imageEditable; } set { imageEditable = value; delImageBtn.Visible = imageEditable; selectImageBtn.Visible = imageEditable; } } #endregion #region public methods public void setCover(string path) { editSpImgPictureBox.ImageLocation = path; } /// <summary> /// Save the cover image for a brol /// </summary> /// <remarks>Don't save a cover for a unsaved brol!!!</remarks> /// <returns>true if saved</returns> public bool saveCover(Brol brol) { if (brol.Id < 0) { MessageBox.Show( this, "Impossible de sauver l'image pour un ouvrage qui n'est pas encore enregistré.", "Sauvegarde de l'image", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1 ); return false; } bool saved = false; if(pictureModified) //if (!editSpImgPictureBox.Image.Equals(editSpImgPictureBox.InitialImage)) { if (editSpImgPictureBox.Image == null) { /*MessageBox.Show( this, "ERREUR interne.\nImpossible de lire l'image depuis le formulaire.", "Sauvegarde de l'image", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1 );*/ return false; } string newImgPath = Img.getBrolImgPath(brol); bool newImage = true; if (System.IO.File.Exists(newImgPath)) { DialogResult r = MessageBox.Show( this, "Une image était déjà présente pour cet ouvrage.\r\nDésirez-vous écraser l'ancien fichier par cette nouvelle image ?", "Sauvegarde de l'image", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1 ); newImage = (r == DialogResult.Yes); } if (newImage) { editSpImgPictureBox.Image.Save(newImgPath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); saved = true; } } return saved; } public Brol getBrol() { Brol brol = brolBindingSource.DataSource as Brol; if (brol != null) { brol.Categories.Clear(); foreach (Object oCategory in editCategoriesLB.Items) { try { brol.Categories.Add((BrolCategory)oCategory); } catch (Exception cce) { StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Edition d'un ouvrage", "Impossible de charger les catégories depuis le formulaire", cce, this)); } } brol.SerieItems.Clear(); foreach (Object oSerie in editSeriesLB.Items) { try { brol.SerieItems.Add((SerieItem)oSerie); } catch (Exception cce) { StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Edition d'un ouvrage", "Impossible de charger les séries depuis le formulaire", cce, this)); } } brol.Actors.Clear(); foreach (Object oActor in editActorsLB.Items) { try { brol.Actors.Add((Actor)oActor); } catch (Exception ace) { StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Edition d'un ouvrage", "Impossible de charger les acteurs depuis le formulaire", ace, this)); } } /*if (!dateTimePicker.Value.ToShortDateString().Equals(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString())) brol.Date = dateTimePicker.Value; else StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Edition d'un ouvrage", "La date de publication de l'ouvrage ne peut être égale à la date actuelle. Elle ne sera donc pas prise en compte.", this)); */if (editCotationCB.SelectedIndex != -1) brol.Cotation = (int)editCotationCB.SelectedItem; } return brol; } public void setBrol(Brol brol) { setBrol(brol, brol.BrolType); } public void setBrol(Brol brol, BrolType brolType) { if (brol != null) { if (brol.BrolType == null) { brol.BrolType = brolType; } brolBindingSource.DataSource = brol; editSpImgPictureBox.ImageLocation = Img.getBrolImgPath(brol); editCategoriesLB.Items.Clear(); editCategoriesLB.Items.AddRange(brol.Categories.ToArray()); editSeriesLB.Items.Clear(); editSeriesLB.Items.AddRange(brol.SerieItems.ToArray()); editActorsLB.Items.Clear(); editActorsLB.Items.AddRange(brol.Actors.ToArray()); //if (!brol.BrolType.Equals(type)) //{ type = brol.BrolType; //} delImageBtn.Enabled = brol.Id >= 0; } else { delImageBtn.Enabled = false; } } public Brol saveBrol(bool refresh) { Brol brol = getBrol(); bool newBrol = brol.Id < 0; if (newBrol) { brol.Id = ModelAdapter.insertBrol(brol); } else { ModelAdapter.updateBrol(brol); } saveCover(brol); if (refresh) { //refresh display //editBrolControl.setBrol(brol, brol.BrolType); foreach (BrolCategory cat in brol.Categories) { cat.Status = STATUS.none; } editCategoriesLB.Items.Clear(); editCategoriesLB.Items.AddRange(brol.Categories.ToArray()); foreach (SerieItem serieItem in brol.SerieItems) { serieItem.getSerie().Status = STATUS.none; } editSeriesLB.Items.Clear(); editSeriesLB.Items.AddRange(brol.SerieItems.ToArray()); foreach (Actor actor in brol.Actors) { actor.Status = STATUS.none; } editActorsLB.Items.Clear(); editActorsLB.Items.AddRange(brol.Actors.ToArray()); //end of refresh } if (newBrol) { promptInsertMediabrol(brol); } return brol; } internal void promptInsertMediabrol(Brol brol) { DialogResult r = MessageBox.Show( this, "Ajouter un exemplaire de l'ouvrage \"" + brol.Title + "\" dans BiblioBrol ?", "Ajout de " + brol.BrolType.Name, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (r == DialogResult.Yes) { mediabrol.InsertionDate = DateTime.Now; mediabrol.Owner = Config.Owner; ModelAdapter.insertMediaBrol(mediabrol); } } public bool isPictureModified() { return pictureModified; } #endregion #region private methods #region publication date private void onAddPublicationDate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { showPublicationDate(true); } private void showPublicationDate(bool show) { setPublicationDateBtn.Visible = !show; dateTimePicker.Visible = show; } #endregion #region cover /*private void onSaveCover_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Brol brol = brolBindingSource.Current as Brol; if (brol != null) { ImageUtils.copy(editSpImgPictureBox.ImageLocation, Img.getBrolImgPath(brol)); } }*/ private void onSelectCover_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ImageHelper.setImageLocation(this.ParentForm, editSpImgPictureBox); pictureModified = true; } private void onDeleteCover_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { deleteCover(); } private void deleteCover() { Brol brol = brolBindingSource.Current as Brol; if (brol != null) { String path = Img.getBrolImgPath(brol); try { System.IO.File.Delete(path); StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.opsResult, "Affiche supprimée : " + path, this)); } catch (Exception e) { StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Suppression de l'affiche", e, this)); } } } #endregion #region edit categories private void editCategoryAddBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (selectSerieItemDialog == null) //{ //} selectCategoryDialog.setBrolType(this.type); DialogResult dr = selectCategoryDialog.ShowDialog(this); if (DialogResult.OK == dr) { List<BrolCategory> categories = selectCategoryDialog.getCategories(); foreach (BrolCategory category in categories) { if (category != null) { if (!editCategoriesLB.Items.Contains(category)) { category.Status = STATUS.toAdd; editCategoriesLB.Items.Add(category); } else { duplicates.Append(category.ToString()+", "); } } else { StaticObservable.notify( new Notification( Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Ajout d'une catégorie", "Aucune catégorie sélectionnée", this ) ); } } if (duplicates.Length > 0) { StaticObservable.notify( new Notification( Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, duplicates + "sont déjà présentes dans la liste", this ) ); } } } private void editCategoriesLB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (editCategoriesLB.SelectedIndex >= 0) editCategoryRemBtn.Enabled = true; } private void editCategoryRemBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BrolCategory category = (BrolCategory)editCategoriesLB.SelectedItem; if (category != null) { Brol brol = brolBindingSource.Current as Brol; if (brol != null && brol.Id >= 0) { category.Status = STATUS.toDelete; editCategoriesLB.Refresh(); } else editCategoriesLB.Items.Remove(category); } editCategoryRemBtn.Enabled = false; } #endregion #region edit serie private void editSerieAddBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (selectSerieItemDialog == null) //{ //} DialogResult dr = selectSerieItemDialog.ShowDialog(this); if (DialogResult.OK == dr) { SerieItem serieItem = selectSerieItemDialog.getSerieItem(); if (serieItem != null) { if (!editSeriesLB.Items.Contains(serieItem)) { serieItem.getSerie().Status = STATUS.toAdd; editSeriesLB.Items.Add(serieItem); } else { StaticObservable.notify( new Notification( Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, String.Format("La série {0} est déjà présente dans la liste", serieItem.getSerie().ToString()), this ) ); } } else { StaticObservable.notify( new Notification( Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Ajout d'une série", "Aucune série sélectionnée", this ) ); } } } private void editSeriesLB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (editSeriesLB.SelectedIndex >= 0) editSerieRemBtn.Enabled = true; } private void editSerieRemBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SerieItem serieItem = (SerieItem)editSeriesLB.SelectedItem; if (serieItem != null) { Brol brol = brolBindingSource.Current as Brol; if (brol != null && brol.Id >= 0) { serieItem.getSerie().Status = STATUS.toDelete; editSeriesLB.Refresh(); } else editSeriesLB.Items.Remove(serieItem); } editSerieRemBtn.Enabled = false; } private void editSeriesLB_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Index >= 0) { ListBox listBox = (ListBox)sender; SerieItem serieItem = listBox.Items[e.Index] as SerieItem; if (serieItem != null && serieItem.getSerie() != null) { drawGenericStateContainer(serieItem.getSerie().Status,serieItem.ToString(),listBox.Font,e); } } } private void genericStateContainerLB_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Index >= 0) { ListBox listBox = (ListBox)sender; GenericStateContainer item = (GenericStateContainer)listBox.Items[e.Index]; drawGenericStateContainer(item.Status,item.Name,listBox.Font,e); } } private void drawGenericStateContainer(STATUS status, string display, Font font, DrawItemEventArgs e) { Brush brush;//forecolor Brush selBrushBkgnd;//background color switch (status) { case STATUS.toAdd: brush = Brushes.ForestGreen; selBrushBkgnd = Brushes.LightGray; break; case STATUS.toDelete: brush = Brushes.Crimson; selBrushBkgnd = Brushes.Beige; break; case STATUS.toUpdate: brush = Brushes.BlueViolet; selBrushBkgnd = Brushes.Beige; break; default: brush = Brushes.Black; selBrushBkgnd = Brushes.White; break; } //selected item drawing : invert colors if (((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected)) { Brush temp = (brush.Equals(Brushes.Black)) ? Brushes.SteelBlue : brush; brush = selBrushBkgnd; selBrushBkgnd = temp; } else selBrushBkgnd = Brushes.White; e.Graphics.FillRectangle(selBrushBkgnd, e.Bounds); e.Graphics.DrawString(display, font, brush, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y); } #endregion #region edit actors private void editPersBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Actor actor = (Actor)editActorsLB.SelectedItem; form.ShowDialog(this.ParentForm); } /// <summary> /// Allow to add a person with a role into the listbox /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void editActorsAddBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Brol brol = brolBindingSource.DataSource as Brol; if (brol != null) { diaSetActorRole.Type = brol.BrolType; } diaSetActorRole.ShowDialog(this.ParentForm); } /// <summary> /// Select a person to delete or to display image /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void editActorsLB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (editActorsLB.SelectedIndex >= 0) { editActorsRemBtn.Enabled = true; editPersBtn.Enabled = true; } personInfoGB.Visible = true; personControl.setPerson((Actor)editActorsLB.SelectedItem); } private void editActorsRemBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Actor actor = (Actor)editActorsLB.SelectedItem; Brol brol = brolBindingSource.Current as Brol; if (brol != null && brol.Id >= 0) { actor.Status = STATUS.toDelete; StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.debug, "Modification du status de l'acteur vers la valeur \"to delete\"", this)); editActorsLB.Refresh(); } else { editActorsLB.Items.Remove(actor); } StaticObservable.notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.debug, "Suppression d'un acteur", editActorsLB.Items.Count + " acteurs pour ce media", this)); editActorsRemBtn.Enabled = false; } private void editActorsLB_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Index >= 0) { ListBox listBox = (ListBox)sender; //listBox.UseCustomTabOffsets = true; //listBox.CustomTabOffsets.Add(50); Actor item = (Actor)listBox.Items[e.Index]; drawGenericStateContainer(item.Status, item.Display, listBox.Font, e); } } #endregion private void editCotationCB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Brol brol = brolBindingSource.DataSource as Brol; if (brol != null && editCotationCB.SelectedIndex != -1) { brol.Cotation = (int)editCotationCB.SelectedItem; } } private void brolTypeCB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Brol brol = brolBindingSource.DataSource as Brol; if (brol != null && brolTypeCB.SelectedIndex > -1) { BrolType brolType = brolTypeCB.SelectedItem as BrolType; if (brolType != null) { brol.BrolType = brolType; type = brolType; //System.Console.WriteLine("brol : "+brolType.Name); } //else //{ // System.Console.WriteLine("new brol"); //} } //lse // System.Console.WriteLine("erreur : brol null"); } #endregion #region drop image private void EditBrolControl_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (EventMethods.imageDragDrop(sender, e, editSpImgPictureBox)) { editSpecificTC.SelectedTab = editSpImgTP; pictureModified = true; } } private void EditBrolControl_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if(imageEditable) e.Effect = DragDropEffects.All; } #endregion private void showImagePropertiesBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (editSpImgPictureBox.ImageLocation != string.Empty) { be.gaudry.model.win32.Shell32Helper.ShowFileProperties(editSpImgPictureBox.ImageLocation); } else { MessageBox.Show( this, "Impossible de déterminer les propriétés de cette image.", "Propriétés de l'image", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information ); } } } }
Structure et Fichiers du projet
Afficher/masquer...Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
![]() | Répertoire parent | 0 octets | 1742440746 20/03/2025 04:19:06 |
![]() | dao | 0 octets | 1541007199 31/10/2018 18:33:19 |
![]() | toolBars | 0 octets | 1541007200 31/10/2018 18:33:20 |
![]() | webInfo | 0 octets | 1541007201 31/10/2018 18:33:21 |
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- Un clic sur une icône de répertoire ouvre ce répertoire pour en afficher les fichiers.
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- La structure de répertoires en treetable (tableau en forme d'arborescence) n'est plus possibledans cette version.
- Un clic sur une icône de fichier ouvre ce fichier pour en afficher le code avec la coloration syntaxique adaptée en fonction du langage principal utilisé dans le fichier.
- Affichage :
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Version en cache
20/03/2025 04:19:06 Cette version de la page est en cache (à la date du 20/03/2025 04:19:06) afin d'accélérer le traitement. Vous pouvez activer le mode utilisateur dans le menu en haut pour afficher la dernère version de la page.Document créé le 16/10/2009, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
Source du document imprimé :
L'infobrol est un site personnel dont le contenu n'engage que moi. Le texte est mis à disposition sous licence CreativeCommons(BY-NC-SA). Plus d'info sur les conditions d'utilisation et sur l'auteur.