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NoChangeImporterDao.cs est un fichier du projet BiblioBrol.Ce fichier est situé dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/src/.
Projet BiblioBrol :
Gestion de media en CSharp.
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Code c# (NoChangeImporterDao.cs) (586 lignes)
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using; using be.gaudry.model; namespace be.gaudry.bibliobrol.model.dao.mysql { public sealed class NoChangeImporterDao : Observable, IImporterDao { private String conStr; #region singleton static NoChangeImporterDao instance = null; private DbProviderFactory dbpf; NoChangeImporterDao() { dbpf = ((MySQLFactory)MySQLFactory.Instance).getDbpf(); conStr = ((MySQLFactory)MySQLFactory.Instance).getConnectionString(); } public static NoChangeImporterDao Instance { get { lock (padlock) { if (instance == null) { } return instance; } } } #endregion #region IImporter Members /// <summary> /// Deserialize images /// </summary> /// <param name="path">(String) path of binary import file</param> /// <returns>A list of images</returns> public List<Image> importImages(string path) { FileStream fs = null; try { return images; } catch (FileNotFoundException) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.criticalError, "Importation des images", String.Format("Fichier {0} non trouv�.", path), this)); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { fs.Close(); } } /// <summary> /// Deserialize mediabrols /// Search existings mediabrols which not match exactly with new list items (don't check id's). /// </summary> /// <param name="path">(String) path of binary import file</param> public void importBinaryMediaBrol(string path) { DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now; FileStream fs = null; Object deserializedList = null; int count = 0; try { count = castList(deserializedList); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.criticalError, "Importation", String.Format("Fichier {0} non trouv�.",path), this)); return; } catch (Exception e) { return; } finally { if (fs != null) fs.Close(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "lastBrol", String.Format("Fin des {0} chargements", count), this)); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "End", String.Format("Fin de tous les traitements ({0})", Units.getDelay(startDateTime)), this)); } } #endregion #region private methods /// <summary> /// Test if deserialized object matches with a list of brols or a list of mediabrols /// And call appropriate method to import items /// </summary> /// <param name="deserializedList"></param> private int castList(object deserializedList) { int count; { //first attempt : is it a list of brols ? List<Brol> importedList = (List<Brol>)deserializedList; count = importedList.Count; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "count", count.ToString(), this)); importBrols(importedList); } { //second attempt : is it a list of mediabrols ? List<MediaBrol> importedList = (List<MediaBrol>)deserializedList; count = importedList.Count; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "count", count.ToString(), this)); importMediabrols(importedList); } else { count = 0; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Importation", "Le fichier import� ne comporte ni ouvrage, ni exemplaire. Il est possible qu'il soit corrompu." , this)); } return count; } private void saveConflicts(List<IBrol> conflictList) { if (conflictList.Count > 0) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; StringBuilder saveConflictPath = new StringBuilder(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)); saveConflictPath.Append(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); saveConflictPath.Append("brolConflict"); saveConflictPath.Append(dt.Year); if (dt.Month < 10) saveConflictPath.Append("0"); saveConflictPath.Append(dt.Month); if (dt.Day < 10) saveConflictPath.Append("0"); saveConflictPath.Append(dt.Day); if (dt.Minute < 10) saveConflictPath.Append("0"); saveConflictPath.Append(dt.Minute); saveConflictPath.Append(".bed"); "{0} �l�ments semblent d�j� pr�sents dans l'application. Vous pouvez toutefois importer ces �l�ments depuis le fichier suivant : {1}\n\nListe des �l�ments de ce fichier :\n\n", conflictList.Count, saveConflictPath.ToString())); { foreach (Brol brol in conflictList) str.AppendLine(brol.Title); } { foreach (MediaBrol mediabrol in conflictList) str.AppendLine(mediabrol.Brol.Title); } //exportation of conflicts list FileStream fs = NoChangeExporterDao.Instance.getFileStream(saveConflictPath.ToString(), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); if (fs == null) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.criticalError, "Exportation des conflits", "Impossible de trouver un flux de sortie", this)); str.AppendLine("ERREUR : Impossible de trouver un flux de sortie"); } else { try { bf.Serialize(fs, conflictList); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "Exportation des conflits", String.Format("Les �l�ments en conflits ont �t� sauv�s sous {0}",saveConflictPath.ToString()), this)); } catch (Exception eSer) { str.AppendLine(eSer.Message); } finally { fs.Close(); } } } } /// <summary> /// Check imported mediabrols. /// If a mediabrol don't exists, insert it. /// If an actor or a categorie don't exists, insert it. /// </summary> /// <param name="importedList">Deserialized mediabrols</param> private void importMediabrols(List<MediaBrol> importedList) { "Le fichier contient des exemplaires. Cette m�thode n'est pour l'instant impl�ment�e que pour des ouvrages.", this)); } /// <summary> /// Check imported brols. /// If a brol don't exists, insert it. /// If an actor or a categorie don't exists, insert it. /// </summary> /// <param name="importedList">Deserialized brols</param> private void importBrols(List<Brol> importedList) { int foundId; DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); //todo : getTypesHashtable with , dbCon, dbDa Hashtable types = getTypesHashtable(); //todo : getCategoriesHashtable with , dbCon, dbDa Hashtable categories = getCategoriesHashtable(dbCon, dbDa); //todo : getPersonsHashtable with , dbCon, dbDa Hashtable persons = getPersonsHashtable(); // load all persons and categories form bibliobrol to adapt ids // and check if we need to insert new item //Check imported brols dbCon.Open(); foreach (Brol importedBrol in importedList) { foundId = 0; //test if type exists if (types.ContainsKey(importedBrol.BrolType.Name.ToUpper())) importedBrol.BrolType.Id = (int)types[importedBrol.BrolType.Name.ToUpper()]; else { //add type if not exists //modify brol type id importedBrol.BrolType.Id = NoChangeConfigDao.Instance.insertBrolType(importedBrol.BrolType, dbCon, dbDa); //insert into existing types.Add(importedBrol.BrolType.Name.ToUpper(), importedBrol.BrolType.Id); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "Ajout d'un type", String.Format("Ajout du type {0} dans l'application"), this)); } //test if brol exists dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = String.Format("SELECT id FROM item WHERE UCASE(itemTitle)='{0}'", MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(importedBrol.Title.ToUpper())); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { foundId = (int)dbDa.SelectCommand.ExecuteScalar(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.debug, "foundId : " + foundId + " for " + importedBrol.Title, "", this)); } catch (Exception){} if (foundId > 0) { //conflict //importedBrol.Id = foundId; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "Conflit", String.Format("L'�l�ment {0} semble en conflit avec un �l�ment existant.", importedBrol.Title), this)); conflicts.Add(importedBrol);} else { insertImportedBrol(importedBrol, dbCon, dbDa, types, categories, persons); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "Import", String.Format("L'�l�ment {0} est correstement import�.", importedBrol.Title), this)); } } dbCon.Close(); saveConflicts(conflicts); } /// <summary> /// Insert a new brol from import file /// </summary> /// <param name="importedBrol"></param> /// <param name="dbCon"></param> /// <param name="dbDa"></param> /// <param name="types"></param> /// <param name="categories"></param> /// <param name="persons"></param> /// <returns></returns> private int insertImportedBrol(Brol importedBrol, DbConnection dbCon, DbDataAdapter dbDa, Hashtable types, Hashtable categories, Hashtable persons) { if (dbDa.InsertCommand == null) dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); String key; importedBrol.Id = -1;//we need to set this value to insert as new item (!!!! otherwise we UPDATE AN EXISTING ITEM !!!) foreach (BrolCategory cat in importedBrol.Categories) { key = cat.Name.ToUpper()+importedBrol.BrolType.Id; //exists into bibliobrol if (categories.Contains(key)) { cat.Id = (int)categories[key]; } else { cat.Status = STATUS.toAppAdd; //insert new category into bibliobrol and set new id cat.Id = NoChangeConfigDao.Instance.insertCategory(cat, importedBrol.BrolType, dbCon, dbDa); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "Ajout", String.Format("La cat�gorie {0} est ajout�e.", cat.Name), this)); categories.Add(key, cat.Id); } cat.Status = STATUS.toAdd; } foreach (Actor actor in importedBrol.Actors) { key = getPersonKey(actor); //exists into bibliobrol if (persons.Contains(key)) { actor.Id = (int)persons[key]; } else { //todo : if person img exists, prompt to delete it (it is probably an img from another actor) actor.Status = STATUS.toAppAdd; actor.Id = -1;//to force insertion notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "Ajout", String.Format("La personne {0} est ajout�e.", actor.Display), this)); persons.Add(key, actor.Id); } actor.Status = STATUS.toAdd; } return NoChangeBrolDao.Instance.insertBrol(importedBrol, dbCon, dbDa, true); } /// <summary> /// Check imported brols. /// If a brol don't exists, insert it. /// If an actor or a categorie don't exists, insert it. /// </summary> /// <param name="importedList">Deserialized mediabrols</param> /// <returns>(List IBrol)List of conflict brols</returns> private List<IBrol> importConflictBrols(List<IBrol> importedList) { /*Brol existingBrol; List<Brol> existingBrols = null; int[] brolIds = new int[1]; StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("R�sultat de l'importation"); Hashtable categories = getCategoriesHashtable(); Hashtable persons = getPersonsHashtable(); DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); // load all persons and categories form bibliobrol to adapt ids // and check if we need to insert new item //todo : loadpersons with , dbCon, dbDa //todo : loadCategories with , dbCon, dbDa //Check imported brols String key;//key to test foreach (Brol importedBrol in importedList) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "count2", "6", this)); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "pb2", "step 1", this)); //load brol if exists //ds = new DataSet(); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = String.Format("SELECT id FROM item WHERE UCASE(itemTitle)='{0}'", importedBrol.Title.Trim().ToUpper().Replace("'", "''")); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); dbCon.Open(); try { brolIds[0] = (int)dbDa.SelectCommand.ExecuteScalar(); existingBrols = AccessExporterDao.Instance.loadSelectedBrols(brolIds, dbCon, dbDa, false); } catch (Exception) { } dbCon.Close(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "pb2", "step 2", this)); if (existingBrols != null && existingBrols.Count > 0) { existingBrol = existingBrols[0]; } else { existingBrol = new Brol(); existingBrol.Title = importedBrol.Title; } foreach (BrolCategory cat in importedBrol.Categories) { key = cat.Name.ToUpper() + existingBrol.BrolType.Id; //exists into bibliobrol if (categories.Contains(key)) { cat.Id = (int)categories[key]; //check with found Brol item cat.Status = STATUS.none; foreach (BrolCategory tempCat in existingBrol.Categories) { if (tempCat.Id == cat.Id) { cat.Status = STATUS.toAdd; break; } } //cat exists into bibliobrol, but not into existing brol if (cat.Status.Equals(STATUS.toAdd)) { existingBrol.addCategory(cat); } } //don't exists into bibliobrol (and don't exists into existing brol) else { cat.Status = STATUS.toAppAdd; //insert new category into bibliobrol cat.Id = AccessConfigDao.Instance.insertCategory(cat, existingBrol.BrolType, dbCon, dbDa); cat.Status = STATUS.toAdd; categories.Add(key, cat.Id); existingBrol.addCategory(cat); } } notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "pb2", "step 3", this)); foreach (Actor actor in importedBrol.Actors) { key = getPersonKey(actor); //exists into bibliobrol if (persons.Contains(key)) { actor.Id = (int)persons[key]; //check with found Brol item STATUS = STATUS.none; foreach (Actor tempActor in existingBrol.Actors) { if (tempActor.Id == actor.Id) { STATUS = STATUS.toAdd; break; } } //person exists into bibliobrol, but actor not exists into current loaded brol if (STATUS.Equals(STATUS.toAdd)) { existingBrol.addActor(actor); } } //don't exists into bibliobrol (and don't exists into existing brol) else { STATUS = STATUS.toAppAdd; //insert new category into bibliobrol actor.Id = AccessPersonDao.Instance.insertPerson(actor.getPerson(), dbCon, dbDa, str); STATUS = STATUS.toAdd; persons.Add(key, actor.Id); existingBrol.addActor(actor); } } notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "pb2", "step 4", this)); if (String.Empty.Equals(existingBrol.Comment) && !String.Empty.Equals(importedBrol.Comment)) { existingBrol.Comment = importedBrol.Comment; } if (String.Empty.Equals(existingBrol.Synopsis) && !String.Empty.Equals(importedBrol.Synopsis)) { existingBrol.Synopsis = importedBrol.Synopsis; } if ((new DateTime(0L)).Equals(existingBrol.Date) && !(new DateTime(0L)).Equals(importedBrol.Date)) { existingBrol.Date = importedBrol.Date; } if (existingBrol.Cotation < 1 && importedBrol.Cotation > 0) { existingBrol.Cotation = importedBrol.Cotation; } notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "pb2", "step 5", this)); if (existingBrol.Id < 0) { AccessBrolDao.Instance.insertBrol(existingBrol, dbCon, dbDa, false); } else { AccessBrolDao.Instance.updateBrol(existingBrol, dbCon, dbDa, false, str); } notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "pb2", "step 6", this)); str.AppendLine(String.Format("Ouvrage {0} : {1}", existingBrol.Id, existingBrol.Title)); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.internalNotification, "brolEnd", "", this)); }*/ return null; } /// <summary> /// Get a Hashtable with all categories ids. /// key : name.toUpper()+typeId /// value : id /// </summary> /// <returns>Hashtable with categories ids</returns> private Hashtable getCategoriesHashtable(DbConnection dbCon, DbDataAdapter dbDa) { dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT id, typeId, name FROM category"; notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(catsDt); foreach (DataRow row in catsDt.Rows) { { categories.Add(((String)row["name"]).ToUpper()+(int)row["typeId"], (int)row["id"]); } } } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation, "Chargement des cat�gories", e, this)); } /*foreach (BrolCategory c in AccessBrolDao.Instance.loadCategories(-2)) { categories.Add(c.Name.ToUpper(), c.Id); }*/ return categories; } /// <summary> /// Get a Hashtable with all persons ids. /// key : see String getPersonKey(Person person) method /// value : id /// </summary> /// <returns>Hashtable with persons ids</returns> private Hashtable getPersonsHashtable() { foreach (Person person in NoChangePersonDao.Instance.loadPersons()) { persons.Add(getPersonKey(person), person.Id); } return persons; } /// <summary> /// Get a Hashtable with all types ids. /// key : type name /// value : id /// </summary> /// <returns>Hashtable with persons ids</returns> private Hashtable getTypesHashtable() { foreach (BrolType type in NoChangeConfigDao.Instance.loadBrolTypes()) { types.Add(type.Name.ToUpper(), type.Id); } return types; } /// <summary> /// Get a key for a person : FirstName.ToUpper() + LastName.ToUpper(); /// </summary> /// <param name="person">(Person) from which we need a key</param> /// <returns>(String)person key</returns> private String getPersonKey(Person person) { return person.FirstName.ToUpper() + person.LastName.ToUpper(); } #endregion } }
Structure et Fichiers du projet
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Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
![]() | Répertoire parent | 0 octets | 1743048025 27/03/2025 05:00:25 |
![]() | utils | 0 octets | 1541007203 31/10/2018 18:33:23 |
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27/03/2025 05:00:25 Cette version de la page est en cache (à la date du 27/03/2025 05:00:25) afin d'accélérer le traitement. Vous pouvez activer le mode utilisateur dans le menu en haut pour afficher la dernère version de la page.Document créé le 16/10/2009, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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L'infobrol est un site personnel dont le contenu n'engage que moi. Le texte est mis à disposition sous licence CreativeCommons(BY-NC-SA). Plus d'info sur les conditions d'utilisation et sur l'auteur.