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MySQLMediaBrolDao.cs est un fichier du projet BiblioBrol.Ce fichier est situé dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/src/.
Projet BiblioBrol :
Gestion de media en CSharp.
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Code c# (MySQLMediaBrolDao.cs) (1145 lignes)
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.IO; using; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.model.identity; using be.gaudry.model.exceptions; namespace be.gaudry.bibliobrol.model.dao.mysql { public sealed class MySQLMediaBrolDao : Observable, IMediaBrolDao { private String conStr; #region singleton static MySQLMediaBrolDao instance = null; private DbProviderFactory dbpf; MySQLMediaBrolDao() { dbpf = ((MySQLFactory)MySQLFactory.Instance).getDbpf(); conStr = ((MySQLFactory)MySQLFactory.Instance).getConnectionString(); } public static MySQLMediaBrolDao Instance { get { lock (padlock) { if (instance == null) { } return instance; } } } #endregion #region IMediaBrolDao Members #region mediabrol public int insertMediaBrol(MediaBrol mediabrol) { int lastId = -1; if (mediabrol.Id <= 0) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); str.Append("INSERT INTO itemBiblio (biblioItemName, itemId, ownerId, mediaId, comment, localisation"); if (insertionDateValid) str.Append(", insertionDate"); str.Append(") VALUES('"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(mediabrol.Name)); str.Append("',"); str.Append(mediabrol.Brol.Id); str.Append(","); str.Append(mediabrol.Owner.Id); str.Append(","); str.Append(mediabrol.MediaType.Id); str.Append(",'"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(mediabrol.Comment)); str.Append("','"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(mediabrol.Localisation)); str.Append("',"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.getAccessDate((insertionDateValid)?mediabrol.InsertionDate:DateTime.Now)); str.Append(");"); try { dbDa.InsertCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.InsertCommand.CommandText, this)); if (dbDa.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() != 1) notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "ERREUR Insertions multiples exemplaire", this)); //bad smell code : may not work with concurent acces dbDa.InsertCommand.CommandText = "SELECT @@IDENTITY"; lastId = (int)dbDa.InsertCommand.ExecuteScalar(); mediabrol.Id = lastId; if (insertQualities(mediabrol, dbDa) == -1) notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "ERREUR d'insertion des caractéristiques de media pour " + mediabrol.Name, this)); } catch (Exception ex) { } dbCon.Close(); } str.Append(mediabrol.Name); str.Append("\" de l'ouvrage \""); str.Append(mediabrol.Brol.Title); str.Append((lastId > 0) ? "\" est ajouté." : "\" ne peut être ajouté."); return lastId; } internal MediaBrol getMediaBrol(DataRow row, bool anonymous) { //Load owner infos if (!anonymous) { { owner.Id = (int)row["pid"]; } { owner.LastName = (String)row["lastName"]; } { owner.FirstName = (String)row["firstName"]; } { owner.Birthdate = (DateTime)row["birthdate"]; } } //load mediabrol infos mediabrol.Owner = owner; mediabrol.Id = (int)row["iid"]; { mediabrol.InsertionDate = (DateTime)row["insertionDate"]; } { mediabrol.Name = (String)row["biblioItemName"]; } { mediabrol.Comment = (String)row["comment"]; } { mediabrol.Localisation = (String)row["localisation"]; } //load media infos { (int)row["mid"], ); } return mediabrol; } private List<MediaBrol> loadSelectedMediaBrols(int id) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; str.Append(" AS iid, AS pid, AS mid, ");// needed by MySQL to avoid having multiple id columns (it doesn't allows using str.Append("i.*, p.*, m.* FROM "); str.Append("(itemBiblio AS i"); str.Append(" LEFT JOIN person AS p ON i.ownerId ="); str.Append(" LEFT JOIN media AS m ON i.mediaId ="); str.Append(" WHERE = "); str.Append(id); //todo : use another request to load qualities instead of join //todo : load borrows? NO : there are loades only if we click on borrows tabpage... dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); MediaBrol mediabrol; try { dbDa.Fill(brolDt); foreach (DataRow brolRow in brolDt.Rows) { mediabrol = getMediaBrol(brolRow,false); try { mediabrol.Brol = NoChangeBrolDao.Instance.loadBrol((int)brolRow["itemId"], false); } catch (Exception eBrol) { } mediabrol.Qualities = loadQualitiesCommand(mediabrol.Id, dbDa); mediabrol.Borrowed = isBorrowed(mediabrol.Id, dbDa, dbCon); mediabrols.Add(mediabrol); } } catch (Exception eMedia) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.advancedOperation,"Chargement des media", eMedia, this)); } brolDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return mediabrols; } public MediaBrol loadMediaBrol(int id, bool editing) { List<MediaBrol> mediabrols = loadSelectedMediaBrols(id); /*int[] ids = { id }; List<MediaBrol> mediabrols = AccessImportExporter.Instance.loadSelectedMediaBrols(ids);*/ if (mediabrols.Count > 0) { //if (editing) lockBrol(id); return mediabrols[0]; } } /// <summary> /// Load all mediabrols for a brol from the persistant layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="brol"></param> /// <param name="fields">list of fields to load</param> /// <returns>(DataTable) table with selected columns</returns> public DataTable loadMediaBrols(Brol brol, List<DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD> fields) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; if (fields.Contains( str.Append(", itemBiblio.biblioItemName AS name"); if (fields.Contains( str.Append(", itemBiblio.insertionDate"); bool owner = false; if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD.owner)) { str.Append(", CONCAT_WS(' ',person.firstName,person.lastName) AS owner"); owner = true; } str.Append(" FROM"); if (owner) str.Append(" person RIGHT JOIN itemBiblio"); if (owner) str.Append(" ON = itemBiblio.ownerId"); str.Append(" WHERE itemBiblio.itemId = "); str.Append(brol.Id); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(brolDt); } catch (Exception e) { } brolDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return brolDt; } /// <summary> /// Load all available medias for a type from the Access database. /// i.e. for a film : DVD, VHS, CD, etc. /// </summary> /// <param name="typeId">(int) selected type (film, book, etc.)</param> /// <returns>List of Medias</returns> public List<Media> loadMedias(int typeId) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("SELECT AS mi, AS mn, AS ti, AS tn"); str.Append(" FROM type RIGHT JOIN media ON = media.type"); str.Append(" WHERE = "); str.Append(typeId); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(brolDt); } catch (Exception e) { } String mName; BrolType brolType; foreach (DataRow brolRow in brolDt.Rows) { } brolDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return medias; } /// <summary> /// Load brols value objects (only selected fields) for a type from the Access database. /// </summary> /// <param name="fields">List of fields to load for the brols</param> /// <param name="typeId"> /// (int) selected type (film, book, etc.) /// 0 allow to load all types /// </param> /// <returns>DataTable with selected fields for Brols</returns> public DataTable loadDataTableVos(List<DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD> fields, int typeId) { return loadDataTableVos(fields, typeId, null); } /// <summary> /// Load brols value objects (only selected fields) for a type from the Access database. /// </summary> /// <param name="fields">List of fields to load for the brols</param> /// <param name="typeId"> /// (int) selected type (film, book, etc.) /// 0 allow to load all types /// </param> /// <param name="categories">List of categories to match</param> /// <returns>DataTable with selected fields for Brols</returns> public DataTable loadDataTableVos(List<DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD> fields, int typeId, List<BrolCategory> categories) { return loadDataTableVos(fields, typeId, categories, 0); } /// <summary> /// Load brols value objects (only selected fields) for a type from the Access database. /// </summary> /// <param name="fields">List of fields to load for the brols</param> /// <param name="typeId"> /// (int) selected type (film, book, etc.) /// 0 allow to load all types /// </param> /// <param name="categories">List of categories to match</param> /// <param name="mediaId">media to match</param> /// <returns>DataTable with selected fields for Brols</returns> public DataTable loadDataTableVos(List<DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD> fields, int typeId, List<BrolCategory> categories, int mediaId) { return loadDataTableVos(fields, typeId, categories, mediaId, ""); } /// <summary> /// Load brols value objects (only selected fields) for a type from the Access database. /// </summary> /// <param name="fields">List of fields to load for the brols</param> /// <param name="typeId"> /// (int) selected type (film, book, etc.) /// 0 allow to load all types /// </param> /// <param name="categories">List of categories to match</param> /// <param name="mediaId">media to match</param> /// <param name="title">(String) string to find into brol's title</param> /// <returns>DataTable with selected fields for Brols</returns> public DataTable loadDataTableVos(List<DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD> fields, int typeId, List<BrolCategory> categories, int mediaId, string title) { bool searchCategories = (categories != null && categories.Count > 0); DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; if (fields.Contains( str.Append(", itemBiblio.biblioItemName"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD.i_title)) str.Append(", item.itemTitle"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD.i_date)) str.Append(", item.pubDate"); if (fields.Contains( str.Append(", itemBiblio.insertionDate"); bool owner = false; if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD.owner)) { str.Append(", CONCAT_WS(' ',person.firstName,person.lastName) AS owner"); owner = true; } if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD.brolId)) str.Append(","); str.Append(" FROM"); if (owner) str.Append(" person RIGHT JOIN ("); if (searchCategories) str.Append(" (categoryItemRelation INNER JOIN item ON categoryItemRelation.itemId ="); else str.Append(" item"); str.Append(" INNER JOIN itemBiblio ON = itemBiblio.itemId"); if (owner) str.Append(") ON = itemBiblio.ownerId"); str.Append(" WHERE>0"); if (typeId > 0) { str.Append(" AND item.typeId="); str.Append(typeId); if (searchCategories) { str.Append(" AND categoryItemRelation.categoryId IN(0"); foreach(BrolCategory cat in categories) { str.Append(","+cat.Id); } str.Append(")"); } if (mediaId>0) { str.Append(" AND itemBiblio.mediaId ="); str.Append(mediaId); } } if (!String.Empty.Equals(title)) { str.Append(" AND item.itemTitle LIKE ('"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(title)); str.Append("')"); } str.Append(" ORDER BY item.itemTitle ASC"); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(brolDt); } catch (Exception e) { } brolDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return brolDt; } public bool updateMediaBrol(MediaBrol mediabrol) { bool updated = true; DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.UpdateCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbDa.DeleteCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); try { str.Append("UPDATE itemBiblio SET biblioItemName='"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(mediabrol.Name)); str.Append("', itemId="); str.Append(mediabrol.Brol.Id); str.Append(", ownerId="); str.Append(mediabrol.Owner.Id); str.Append(", mediaId="); str.Append(mediabrol.MediaType.Id); str.Append(", comment='"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(mediabrol.Comment)); str.Append("', localisation='"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(mediabrol.Localisation)); str.Append("'"); { str.Append(", insertionDate="); str.Append(MySQLUtils.getAccessDate(mediabrol.InsertionDate)); } str.Append(" WHERE id = "); str.Append(mediabrol.Id); dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText, this)); int result = dbDa.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result < 1) updated = false; if (result > 1) notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "ERREUR modifications multiples exemplaire", this)); //todo : check multiple insertion sql request if (mediabrol.Qualities != null) { foreach (Quality q in mediabrol.Qualities) { switch (q.Status) { case STATUS.toAdd: str.Append(mediabrol.Id); str.Append(","); str.Append(q.Id); str.Append(")"); dbDa.InsertCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.InsertCommand.CommandText, this)); dbDa.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); break; case STATUS.toDelete: StringBuilder strDel = new StringBuilder("DELETE FROM itemBiblioQualityRelation WHERE itemBiblioId = "); strDel.Append(mediabrol.Id); strDel.Append(" AND qualityId = "); strDel.Append(q.Id); dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText = strDel.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText, this)); dbDa.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { updated = false; } dbCon.Close(); str.Append(mediabrol.Name); str.Append("\" de l'ouvrage \""); str.Append(mediabrol.Brol.Title); str.Append((updated)?"\" est mis à jour.":"\" ne peut être mis à jour."); return updated; } public bool lockMediaBrol(int id) { } public void unlockMediaBrol(int id) { } /// <summary> /// If no currents borrows, /// delete a mediabrol, all associated borrows, and all qualities relations /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId"></param> /// <param name="deleteBrol">Set true to delete associated brol</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool deleteMediaBrol(int mediabrolId, String title, bool deleteBrol) { bool deleted = false; str.Append(mediabrolId); str.Append(" \""); str.Append(title); if (cleanBorrows(mediabrolId, false) > -1) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.DeleteCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); String strDel = "DELETE FROM itemBiblioQualityRelation WHERE itemBiblioId =" + mediabrolId; dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText = strDel; dbDa.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); int brolId = 0; if (deleteBrol) { //get brol id strDel = "SELECT itemId FROM itemBiblio WHERE id =" + mediabrolId; dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = strDel; brolId = (int)dbDa.SelectCommand.ExecuteScalar(); } strDel = "DELETE FROM itemBiblio WHERE id =" + mediabrolId; dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText = strDel; dbDa.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (deleteBrol) { strDel = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM itemBiblio WHERE itemId =" + brolId; dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = strDel; //test if we have more than this mediabrol for this brol if ((int)dbDa.SelectCommand.ExecuteScalar() == 0) { //call accessbroldao to //delete this brol } } dbCon.Close(); deleted = true; str.Append("\" est supprimé."); } else { str.Append("\" ne peut être supprimé."); str.AppendLine("\nIl faut d'abord clôturer l'emprunt en cours pour cet exemplaire."); } return deleted; } /// <summary> /// If no currents borrows, /// delete a mediabrol, all associated borrows, and all qualities relations /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrol"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool deleteMediaBrol(MediaBrol mediabrol) { return deleteMediaBrol(mediabrol.Id, mediabrol.Brol.Title, false); } #endregion #region borrows public List<Borrow> loadBorrows(Person person) { } /// <summary> /// Load borrows and fill a DataTable. /// If mediabrolId equals 0, all borrows are loaded. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId">(int) Selected mediabrol id</param> /// <param name="borrowFields">List of fields to load for the borrows</param> /// <param name="typeId"> /// (int) selected type (film, book, etc.) /// 0 allow to load all types /// </param> /// <param name="title">(String) string to find into brol's title</param> /// <returns>(DataTable) DataTable with borrows</returns> public DataTable loadBorrows(int mediabrolId, List<DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD> fields, int typeId, bool closed, string title) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; if (fields.Contains( str.Append(""); else str.Append(""); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD.type)) str.Append(", as typeName"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD.borrower)) str.Append(" ,CONCAT_WS(' ',person.firstName,person.lastName) AS borrower"); if (fields.Contains( str.Append(", biblioItemName AS name"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD.startDate)) str.Append(" ,borrow.startDate"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD.endDate)) str.Append(" ,borrow.endDate"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD.planDate)) str.Append(" ,borrow.planDate"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD.comment)) str.Append(" ,borrow.comment"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD.title)) str.Append(" ,item.itemTitle AS title"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD.brolId)) str.Append(" , AS brolId"); str.Append(" FROM "); /*if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD.title)) {*/ str.Append("(person INNER JOIN ((borrow"); str.Append(" LEFT JOIN itemBiblio ON borrow.itemBiblioId ="); str.Append(" LEFT JOIN item ON itemBiblio.itemId ="); str.Append(" ON = borrow.personId)"); if (fields.Contains(DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD.type)) str.Append(" LEFT JOIN type ON item.typeId ="); /*} else { str.Append("(person RIGHT JOIN borrow ON = borrow.personId)"); str.Append(" LEFT JOIN itemBiblio ON borrow.itemBiblioId ="); }*/ str.Append(" WHERE>0"); if (typeId > 0) { str.Append(" AND item.typeId = "); str.Append(typeId); } if (mediabrolId > 0) { str.Append(" AND = "); str.Append(mediabrolId); } if (!closed) { str.Append(" AND borrow.endDate IS NULL "); } if (!String.Empty.Equals(title)) { str.Append(" AND item.itemTitle LIKE ('"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(title)); str.Append("')"); } str.Append(" ORDER BY borrow.startDate DESC"); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(brolDt); } catch (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException e) { } dbCon.Close(); return brolDt; } /// <summary> /// Load selected borrow /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrol"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Borrow loadBorrow(int borrowId) { Borrow borrow; DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; str.Append(" FROM (person RIGHT JOIN borrow ON = borrow.personId)"); str.Append(" LEFT JOIN itemBiblio ON borrow.itemBiblioId ="); str.Append(" WHERE = "); str.Append(borrowId); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(brolDt); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Aucun emprunt à charger (ou alors la table est ouverte par un autre utilisateur)", e, this)); //we may have exception if we have _ to fill } DataRow row = brolDt.Rows[0]; borrowId, getBorrower(row), ); brolDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return borrow; } private Person getBorrower(DataRow row) { try { { p.FirstName = (String)row["firstName"]; } { p.Edited = !row["personLocked"].ToString().Equals("False"); } { SEX sex; try { } catch (Exception) { sex = SEX._; } p.Sex = sex; } { p.Birthdate = (DateTime)row["birthdate"]; } } catch (Exception e) { } return p; } private bool isBorrowed(int mediabrolId, DbDataAdapter dbDa, DbConnection dbCon) { String str = String.Format("SELECT COUNT(0) FROM borrow WHERE itemBiblioId = {0} AND endDate IS NULL ", mediabrolId); if(dbDa.SelectCommand==null) dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str; bool conOpen = dbCon.State.Equals(ConnectionState.Open); if (!conOpen) dbCon.Open(); int r = (int)(Int64)dbDa.SelectCommand.ExecuteScalar(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.debug, String.Format("{0}\n\nResult : {1}",dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText,r), this)); if (!conOpen) dbCon.Close(); return r > 0; } /// <summary> /// Start a borrow if not borrowed /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId">(int) id of the mediabrol to borrow</param> /// <param name="borrowerId">(int) id of the borrower</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool startBorrow(int mediabrolId, int borrowerId) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.InsertCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); if (isBorrowed(mediabrolId, dbDa, dbCon)) return false; str.Append("INSERT INTO borrow (itemBiblioId,personId,startDate) VALUES ("); str.Append(mediabrolId); str.Append(", "); str.Append(borrowerId); str.Append(", "); str.Append(MySQLUtils.getAccessDate(DateTime.Now)); str.Append(")"); dbDa.InsertCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); try { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.InsertCommand.CommandText, this)); dbDa.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } finally { dbCon.Close(); } return true; } public bool stopBorrow(int borrowId) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.UpdateCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); str.Append(MySQLUtils.getAccessDate(DateTime.Now)); str.Append(" WHERE id="); str.Append(borrowId); dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } finally { dbCon.Close(); } return true; } public bool stopBorrow(MediaBrol mediabrol) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.UpdateCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText = String.Format( "UPDATE borrow SET endDate={0} WHERE id=(SELECT id FROM borrow WHERE itemBiblioId = {1} AND endDate IS NULL)", MySQLUtils.getAccessDate(DateTime.Now), mediabrol.Id ); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } finally { dbCon.Close(); } return true; } /// <summary> /// Delete all borrows for a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId">(int) mediabrol identifier</param> public int cleanBorrows(int mediabrolId, bool forceDelete) { int result = -1; DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbDa.DeleteCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); str.Append(mediabrolId); str.Append(" AND endDate IS Null"); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); result = (int)dbDa.SelectCommand.ExecuteScalar(); str.AppendLine("\nResult of this operation : "); str.Append(result); if ((result > 0) && (!forceDelete)) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.lowError, "Il n'est pas possible de supprimer l'exemplaire car il est en prêt", this)); result = -1; } else { str.Append(mediabrolId); dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); result = dbDa.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } dbCon.Close(); return result; } /// <summary> /// Delete selected borrow /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedBorrowId">(int) borrow identifier</param> public void cleanBorrow(int selectedBorrowId) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.DeleteCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; dbCon.Open(); String str = "DELETE FROM borrow WHERE id =" + selectedBorrowId; dbDa.DeleteCommand.CommandText = str; int result = dbDa.DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); dbCon.Close(); } /// <summary> /// Update a borrow /// </summary> /// <param name="borrow"></param> public bool updateBorrow(Borrow borrow) { if (borrow.Borrower == null || borrow.Borrower.Id <= 0 || borrow.MediabrolId <= 0) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Impossible de sauver les modifications apportées à l'emprunt.", this)); return false; } DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.UpdateCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; str.Append("comment='"); str.Append(MySQLUtils.escapeAndTrim(borrow.Comment)); str.Append("', personId="); str.Append(borrow.Borrower.Id); str.Append(", itemBiblioId="); str.Append(borrow.MediabrolId); str.Append(", startDate="); { str.Append(MySQLUtils.getAccessDate(borrow.StartDate)); } else str.Append("NULL"); str.Append(", planDate="); { str.Append(MySQLUtils.getAccessDate(borrow.PlanDate)); } else str.Append("NULL"); str.Append(", endDate="); { str.Append(MySQLUtils.getAccessDate(borrow.EndDate)); } else str.Append("NULL"); str.Append(" WHERE id="); str.Append(borrow.Id); dbCon.Open(); dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.UpdateCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } finally { dbCon.Close(); } return true; } #endregion #region qualities private int insertQualities(MediaBrol mediabrol, DbDataAdapter dbDa) { if (mediabrol.Id < 0) return -1; int i = 0; foreach (Quality q in mediabrol.Qualities) { if (q.Status.Equals(STATUS.toAdd)) { ++i; insertQuality(q, mediabrol.Id, dbDa.InsertCommand); } else notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Insertion des qualités : ERREUR (status != toAdd)", this)); } return i; } private bool insertQuality(Quality q, int mediabrolId, DbCommand com) { if (q.Status.Equals(STATUS.toAdd)) { str.Append("INSERT INTO itemBiblioQualityRelation (itemBiblioId, qualityId) VALUES("); str.Append(mediabrolId); str.Append(","); str.Append(q.Id); str.Append(");"); com.CommandText = str.ToString(); return (com.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1); } notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Insertion d'une qualité : ERREUR (status != toAdd)", this)); return false; } public List<Quality> loadQualities(int itemBiblioBrolId) { List<Quality> qualities; DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; qualities = loadQualitiesCommand(itemBiblioBrolId, dbDa); dbCon.Close(); return qualities; } internal List<Quality> loadQualitiesCommand(int itemBiblioBrolId, DbDataAdapter dbDa) { str.Append("FROM itemBiblioQualityRelation AS r "); str.Append("LEFT JOIN quality ON r.qualityId = "); str.Append("WHERE r.itemBiblioId = "); str.Append(itemBiblioBrolId); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(brolDt); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Chargement des caractéristiques du support", e, this)); } foreach (DataRow brolRow in brolDt.Rows) { (int)brolRow["id"], )); } brolDt.Dispose(); return qualities; } public List<Quality> loadQualities(BrolType brolType) { DbConnection dbCon = dbpf.CreateConnection(); DbDataAdapter dbDa = dbpf.CreateDataAdapter(); dbDa.SelectCommand = dbCon.CreateCommand(); dbCon.ConnectionString = conStr; str.Append(brolType.Id); dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText = str.ToString(); notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.persistentOperation, dbDa.SelectCommand.CommandText, this)); try { dbDa.Fill(brolDt); } catch (Exception e) { notify(new Notification(Notification.VERBOSE.error, "Chargement des caractéristiques du support", e, this)); } foreach (DataRow brolRow in brolDt.Rows) { (int)brolRow["id"], )); } brolDt.Dispose(); dbCon.Close(); return qualities; } #endregion #endregion } }
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16/03/2025 08:51:43 Cette version de la page est en cache (à la date du 16/03/2025 08:51:43) afin d'accélérer le traitement. Vous pouvez activer le mode utilisateur dans le menu en haut pour afficher la dernère version de la page.Document créé le 16/10/2009, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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L'infobrol est un site personnel dont le contenu n'engage que moi. Le texte est mis à disposition sous licence CreativeCommons(BY-NC-SA). Plus d'info sur les conditions d'utilisation et sur l'auteur.