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ModelAdapter.cs est un fichier du projet BiblioBrol.Ce fichier est situé dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/bibliobrol/src/.
Projet BiblioBrol :
Gestion de media en CSharp.
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Code c# (ModelAdapter.cs) (880 lignes)
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using be.gaudry.bibliobrol.model.dao; using; using be.gaudry.model; namespace be.gaudry.bibliobrol.model { /// <summary> /// Adapter for all model actions. Trade with dao. /// </summary> public class ModelAdapter : Observable { #region singleton static ModelAdapter instance = null; ModelAdapter() { } public static ModelAdapter Instance { get { lock (padlock) { if (instance == null) { } return instance; } } } #endregion #region static observer private static void setModified(String msg) { Notification.VERBOSE.modified, msg, ModelAdapter.Instance )); } #endregion #region persistance /// <summary> /// Test if the application may use the system to store data /// </summary> /// <exception cref="PersistanceNotFoundException">If the persistance is not found or may not be used</exception> public static void isAvailablePersistance() { DAOFactory.Instance.getConfigDao().testPersistance(); } #endregion #region tasks /// <summary> /// Get the tasks /// </summary> /// <returns>List of tasks</returns> public static List<Task> getTasks() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getTaskDao().loadTasks(); } /// <summary> /// Modify a task /// </summary> /// <param name="currentTask">task to update</param> public static void updateTask(Task currentTask) { if (DAOFactory.Instance.getTaskDao().updateTask(currentTask)) { setModified("updateTask"); } } /// <summary> /// Delete a task /// </summary> /// <param name="taskId">id of the task to delete</param> public static void deleteTask(int taskId) { if (DAOFactory.Instance.getTaskDao().deleteTask(taskId)) { setModified("deleteTask"); } } #endregion #region brol /// <summary> /// Unlock a brol /// </summary> /// <param name="id">(int) id of the brol to unlock</param> public static void unlockBrol(int id) { DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().unlockBrol(id); } /// <summary> /// load a brol from the persistant layer /// </summary> /// <param name="id">(int) id of the brol to load</param> /// <param name="edit">(bool) true if load to modify (edit mode)</param> /// <returns>(Brol) brol</returns> public static Brol getBrol(int id, bool edit) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().loadBrol(id, edit); } /// <summary> /// Insert a brol (i.e. a film) into the persistant layer /// </summary> /// <param name="brol">(Brol) brol to insert</param> /// <returns>(int) new brol id</returns> public static int insertBrol(Brol brol) { int r = DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().insertBrol(brol); setModified("insertBrol"); return r; } /// <summary> /// Delete a brol (i.e. a film) into the persistant layer /// </summary> /// <param name="brol">(Brol) brol to insert</param> /// <returns>(bool) true if deleted</returns> public static bool deleteBrol(Brol brol) { bool r = DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().deleteBrol(brol); setModified("deleteBrol"); return r; } /// <summary> /// Store new values for a brol. /// Verify if some categories or actors had been deleted, and delete it from the persistant layer. /// Add new categories or actors if exists. /// Update existing categories or actors. /// </summary> /// <param name="person">(Brol) brol with new values to store</param> /// <returns>(bool) true if update is done</returns> public static bool updateBrol(Brol brol) { bool r = DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().updateBrol(brol); setModified("updateBrol"); return r; } /// <summary> /// Get all brol types /// </summary> /// <returns>list of brol types</returns> public static List<BrolType> getBrolTypes() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getConfigDao().loadBrolTypes(); } /// <summary> /// Get categories for a brol type /// </summary> /// <param name="typeId">id of the brol type</param> /// <returns>list of categories</returns> public static List<BrolCategory> getCategories(int typeId) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().loadCategories(typeId); } #endregion #region roles public static ActorRole getUserRole() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().getUserRole(); } /// <summary> /// get all roles /// </summary> /// <returns>list of roles (ActorRole)</returns> public static List<ActorRole> getRoles() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().loadRoles(); } /// <summary> /// get the default role for a person /// </summary> /// <param name="person"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ActorRole getDefaultRole(Person person) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().loadDefaultRole(person); } /// <summary> /// set the default role for a person /// </summary> /// <param name="person"></param> /// <param name="role"></param> public static void setDefaultRole(Person person, ActorRole role) { DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().setDefaultRole(person, role); } /// <summary> /// get the roles for a person /// </summary> /// <param name="person">person for witch we want the roles</param> /// <returns>list of roles (ActorRole)</returns> public static List<ActorRole> getRoles(Person person) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().loadRoles(person); } /// <summary> /// get a roles with the id /// </summary> /// <param name="roleId">(int) id of the requested role</param> /// <returns>l(ActorRole) requested role</returns> public static ActorRole getRole(int roleId) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().loadRole(roleId); } /// <summary> /// get a roles with the name /// </summary> /// <param name="roleName">(string) name of the requested role</param> /// <returns>(ActorRole) requested role</returns> public static ActorRole loadRole(string roleName) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().loadRole(roleName); } /// <summary> /// get a list of roles with the same name /// </summary> /// <param name="roleName">(string) name of the requested roles</param> /// <returns>(List of ActorRole) requested roles</returns> public static List<ActorRole> loadRoles(string roleName) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().loadRoles(roleName); } /// <summary> /// Insert a new role. Don't check if the role name exists in the db. You must do it before. /// </summary> /// <param name="actor">(ActorRole) role to add</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool insertRole(ActorRole role) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().insertRole(role); } #endregion #region persons #region get personsVos /// <summary> /// get a list of personsVos (value objects) for a role /// </summary> /// <param name="role">role where the persons may be</param> /// <returns>list of personsVos</returns> public static List<PersonLO> getPersonsVos(ActorRole role) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().loadPersonsVos(role); } /// <summary> /// get a list of personsVos (value objects) /// </summary> /// <returns>list of personsVos</returns> public static List<PersonLO> getPersonsVos() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().loadVos(); } /// <summary> /// Load a person from the persistant layer all persons matches (case insensitive) with lastName /// </summary> /// <param name="lastName">(String) lastName to match</param> /// <returns>List of persons with the same lastName</returns> public static List<PersonLO> getPersonsVos(String lastName) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().loadPersonsVos(lastName); } #endregion #region user /// <summary> /// Load a person from the persistant layer with an id arg. /// If this person shoud be modified, editing bool arg is true /// to avoid concurent modifications (nobody else can save this person). /// </summary> /// <param name="id">(int) Id of the selected person</param> /// <param name="editing">(bool) Shoud be modified or not</param> /// <returns>Selected person, or a new person if _ found</returns> public static User getUser(int persId) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().loadUser(persId); } /// <summary> /// Insert or update a user /// </summary> /// <param name="user">user to insert or update</param> /// <returns>(int) id of the new person (-1 if a problem occurs in case of insert)</returns> public static int saveUser(User user) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().saveUser(user); } /// <summary> /// Delete a user /// </summary> /// <param name="person">user to delete</param> /// <param name="deletePerson">true if the person must also be deleted</param> public static void deleteUser(User user, bool deletePerson) { DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().deleteUser(user, deletePerson); } #endregion #region getPerson public static List<Person> getOwners() { } /// <summary> /// Load a person from the persistant layer with an id arg. /// If this person shoud be modified, editing bool arg is true /// to avoid concurent modifications (nobody else can save this person). /// </summary> /// <param name="id">(int) Id of the selected person</param> /// <param name="editing">(bool) Shoud be modified or not</param> /// <returns>Selected person, or a new person if _ found</returns> public static Person getPerson(int persId, bool edited) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().loadPerson(persId, edited); } /// <summary> /// Load a person from the persistant layer all persons matches (case insensitive) with lastName /// </summary> /// <param name="lastName">(String) lastName to match</param> /// <returns>List of persons with the same lastName</returns> public static List<Person> getPersons(String lastName) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().loadPersons(lastName); } #endregion #region person actions /// <summary> /// Test if a person exists with the same name and firstname /// </summary> /// <param name="person">(Person) person to test</param> /// <returns>(int) id of the person found (-1 if not found)</returns> public static int personExists(Person person) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().personExists(person); } /// <summary> /// Unlock a person (locked when loaded in update mode) /// </summary> /// <param name="personId">id of the locked person</param> public static bool unlockPerson(int personId) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().unlockPerson(personId); } /// <summary> /// Insert a new person /// </summary> /// <param name="person">person to insert</param> /// <returns>(int) id of the new person (-1 if a problem occurs)</returns> public static int insertPerson(Person person) { int persId = DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().insertPerson(person); setModified("insertPerson"); return persId; } /// <summary> /// Insert a new person and add it in the bibliobrolusers group /// </summary> /// <param name="person">person to insert</param> /// <returns>(int) id of the new person (-1 if a problem occurs)</returns> public static int insertBibliobrolUser(Person person) { int persId = DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().insertBibliobrolUser(person); setModified("insertPerson"); return persId; } /// <summary> /// Update a person /// </summary> /// <param name="person">person to update</param> public static void updatePerson(Person person) { DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().updatePerson(person); setModified("updatePerson"); } /// <summary> /// Delete a person /// </summary> /// <param name="person">person to delete</param> public static void deletePerson(Person person) { DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().deletePerson(person); setModified("deletePerson"); } /// <summary> /// Load a person from the persistant layer with a lastname and a firstname. /// Search case insensitive. /// </summary> /// <param name="lastName">(string) lastname of the searched person</param> /// <param name="firstName">(string) firstname of the searched person</param> /// <returns>Persons found, or empty list</returns> public static List<Person> getPersons(string lastName, string firstName) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getPersonDao().loadPersons(lastName, firstName); } #endregion #endregion #region brol actions /// <summary> /// Execute batch actions (to add a lot of brols) /// </summary> /// <param name="insertMediabrol">true if we must insert a mediabrol for each brol</param> public static void executeBrolBatch(bool insertMediabrol) { DAOFactory.Instance.getBrolDao().executeBatch(insertMediabrol); } #endregion #region MediaBrol /// <summary> /// load a datatable with selected fields of mediabrols /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolFields">fields of mediabrols to load</param> /// <param name="typeId">id of the brol type</param> /// <returns>datatable with mediabrols</returns> public static System.Data.DataTable loadDataTableVos(List<DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD> brolFields, int typeId) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().loadDataTableVos(brolFields, typeId); } /// <summary> /// load a datatable with selected fields of mediabrols /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolFields">fields of mediabrols to load</param> /// <param name="typeId">id of the brol type</param> /// <param name="categories">categories where may be the mediabrols</param> /// <returns>datatable with mediabrols</returns> public static System.Data.DataTable loadDataTableVos(List<DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD> brolFields, int typeId, List<BrolCategory> categories) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().loadDataTableVos(brolFields, typeId, categories); } /// <summary> /// load a datatable with selected fields of mediabrols /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolFields">fields of mediabrols to load</param> /// <param name="typeId">id of the brol type</param> /// <param name="categories">categories where may be the mediabrols</param> /// <param name="mediaId">id of the media</param> /// <returns>datatable with mediabrols</returns> public static System.Data.DataTable loadDataTableVos(List<DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD> brolFields, int typeId, List<BrolCategory> categories, int mediaId) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().loadDataTableVos(brolFields, typeId, categories, mediaId); } /// <summary> /// load a datatable with selected fields of mediabrols /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolFields">fields of mediabrols to load</param> /// <param name="typeId">id of the brol type</param> /// <param name="categories">categories where may be the mediabrols</param> /// <param name="mediaId">id of the media</param> /// <param name="title"></param> /// <returns>datatable with mediabrols</returns> public static System.Data.DataTable loadDataTableVos(List<DAOUtils.MEDIABROL_FIELD> brolFields, int typeId, List<BrolCategory> categories, int mediaId, string title) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().loadDataTableVos(brolFields, typeId, categories, mediaId, title); } /// <summary> /// load a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="id">id of the mediabrol</param> /// <param name="editing">true if we will edit values (lock the record)</param> /// <returns>selected mediabrol</returns> public static MediaBrol loadMediaBrol(int id, bool editing) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().loadMediaBrol(id, editing); } /// <summary> /// Load medias for a brol type /// </summary> /// <param name="typeId">id of the brol type</param> /// <returns>list of medias</returns> public static List<Media> loadMedias(int typeId) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().loadMedias(typeId); } /// <summary> /// load qualities for a brol type /// </summary> /// <param name="brolType">id of the brol type</param> /// <returns>list of qualities</returns> public static List<Quality> loadQualities(BrolType brolType) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().loadQualities(brolType); } /// <summary> /// Delete a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrol">mediabrol to delete</param> public static void deleteMediaBrol(MediaBrol mediabrol) { DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().deleteMediaBrol(mediabrol); setModified("deleteMediaBrol"); } /// <summary> /// Delete a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId">id of the mediabrol</param> /// <param name="title"></param> /// <param name="deleteBrol">true if we want also delete the associated brol</param> public static void deleteMediaBrol(int mediabrolId, String title, bool deleteBrol) { DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().deleteMediaBrol(mediabrolId, title, deleteBrol); setModified("deleteMediaBrol"); } /// <summary> /// Update a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrol">mediabrol to update</param> public static void updateMediaBrol(MediaBrol mediabrol) { DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().updateMediaBrol(mediabrol); setModified("updateMediaBrol"); } /// <summary> /// Insert a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrol">mediabrol to insert</param> /// <returns>id of the new mediabrol</returns> public static int insertMediaBrol(MediaBrol mediabrol) { int r = DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().insertMediaBrol(mediabrol); setModified("insertMediaBrol"); return r; } #endregion #region borrows #region modify borrows /// <summary> /// Start a borrow /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId">id of the borrowed mediabrol</param> /// <param name="borrowerId">id of the borrower</param> public static bool startBorrow(int mediabrolId, int borrowerId) { if (DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().startBorrow(mediabrolId, borrowerId)) { setModified("startBorrow"); return true; } return false; } /// <summary> /// Stop a borrow (set end date) /// </summary> /// <param name="borrowId">id of the borrow</param> public static void stopBorrow(int borrowId) { DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().stopBorrow(borrowId); setModified("stopBorrow"); } /// <summary> /// Update borrow, set endDate to now /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrol">(MediaBrol) borrowed mediabrol</param> /// <returns>(bool) true if stopped</returns> public static void stopBorrow(MediaBrol mediabrol) { DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().stopBorrow(mediabrol); setModified("stopBorrow"); } /// <summary> /// update a borrow /// </summary> /// <param name="borrow">borrow to update</param> public static void updateBorrow(Borrow borrow) { DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().updateBorrow(borrow); setModified("updateBorrow"); } /// <summary> /// Delete all borrows for a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId">id of the mediabrol</param> /// <param name="forceDelete">set true to force to delete if the borrow is not closed</param> public static void cleanBorrows(int mediabrolId, bool forceDelete) { DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().cleanBorrows(mediabrolId, forceDelete); setModified("cleanBorrows"); } /// <summary> /// Delete a borrow /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedBorrowId">id of the borrow to delete</param> public static void cleanBorrow(int selectedBorrowId) { DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().cleanBorrow(selectedBorrowId); setModified("cleanBorrow"); } #endregion #region load borrows /// <summary> /// Load borrows for a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId">id of the mediabrol</param> /// <param name="borrowFields">fields to load</param> /// <returns>datatable with borrows</returns> public static System.Data.DataTable loadBorrows(int mediabrolId, List<DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD> borrowFields) { return ModelAdapter.loadBorrows(mediabrolId, borrowFields, 0); } /// <summary> /// Load borrows for a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId">id of the mediabrol</param> /// <param name="borrowFields">fields to load</param> /// <param name="typeId"></param> /// <returns>datatable with borrows</returns> public static System.Data.DataTable loadBorrows(int mediabrolId, List<DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD> borrowFields, int typeId) { return ModelAdapter.loadBorrows(mediabrolId, borrowFields, typeId, true); } /// <summary> /// Load borrows for a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId">id of the mediabrol</param> /// <param name="borrowFields">fields to load</param> /// <param name="typeId"></param> /// <param name="closed"></param> /// <returns>datatable with borrows</returns> public static System.Data.DataTable loadBorrows(int mediabrolId, List<DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD> borrowFields, int typeId, bool closed) { return ModelAdapter.loadBorrows(mediabrolId, borrowFields, typeId, closed, ""); } /// <summary> /// Load borrows for a mediabrol /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolId">id of the mediabrol</param> /// <param name="borrowFields">fields to load</param> /// <param name="typeId"></param> /// <param name="closed"></param> /// <param name="title"></param> /// <returns>datatable with borrows</returns> public static System.Data.DataTable loadBorrows(int mediabrolId, List<DAOUtils.BORROW_FIELD> borrowFields, int typeId, bool closed, string title) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().loadBorrows(mediabrolId, borrowFields, typeId, closed, title); } /// <summary> /// Load a borrow /// </summary> /// <param name="borrowId">id of the borrow</param> /// <returns>selected borrow</returns> public static Borrow loadBorrow(int borrowId) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getMediaBrolDao().loadBorrow(borrowId); } #endregion #endregion #region import export /// <summary> /// Export mediabrols into an xml file /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolIds">ids of the mediabrols to export</param> /// <param name="path">Exportation file path</param> public static void exportXMLMediaBrol(int[] mediabrolIds, String path) { DAOFactory.Instance.getExporterDao().exportXMLMediaBrol(mediabrolIds, path); } /// <summary> /// Export mediabrols into a serialized file /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolIds">ids of the mediabrols to export</param> /// <param name="path">Exportation file path</param> /// <param name="exportMediabrol"></param> /// <param name="exportAllBrols"></param> /// <param name="anonymous"></param> public static void exportBinaryMediaBrol(int[] mediabrolIds, String path, bool exportMediabrol, bool exportAllBrols, bool anonymous) { DAOFactory.Instance.getExporterDao().exportBinaryMediaBrol(mediabrolIds, path, exportMediabrol, exportAllBrols, anonymous); } /// <summary> /// Export mediabrols into a serialized file /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolIds">ids of the mediabrols to export</param> /// <param name="path">Exportation file path</param> /// <param name="exportMediabrol"></param> /// <param name="exportAllBrols"></param> /// <param name="anonymous"></param> public static void exportBinaryMediaBrolTest(int[] mediabrolIds, String path, bool exportMediabrol, bool exportAllBrols, bool anonymous) { DAOFactory.Instance.getExporterDao().exportBinaryMediaBrolTest(mediabrolIds, path, exportMediabrol, exportAllBrols, anonymous); } /// <summary> /// Add an observer into the exporter (observable) observers list /// </summary> /// <param name="observer">observer to add</param> public static void addImportExporterObserver(IObserver observer) { DAOFactory.Instance.getExporterDao().addObserver(observer); DAOFactory.Instance.getImporterDao().addObserver(observer); } /// <summary> /// Remove an observer from the exporter (observable) observers list /// </summary> /// <param name="observer">observer to remove</param> public static void removeImportExporterObserver(IObserver observer) { DAOFactory.Instance.getExporterDao().removeObserver(observer); DAOFactory.Instance.getImporterDao().removeObserver(observer); } /// <summary> /// Import mediabrols objects from a serialized file /// </summary> /// <param name="path">path of the importation file</param> public static void importBinaryMediaBrol(String path) { DAOFactory.Instance.getImporterDao().importBinaryMediaBrol(path); setModified("importBinaryMediaBrol"); } /// <summary> /// Get a list of images from a serialized file /// </summary> /// <param name="path">path of the importation file</param> /// <returns>List of images</returns> public static List<System.Drawing.Image> importImages(string path) { return DAOFactory.Instance.getImporterDao().importImages(path); } /// <summary> /// Export mediabrols in an Excel Sheet, or in CSV file /// </summary> /// <param name="mediabrolIds">ids of the mediabrols to export</param> /// <param name="path">path of the exportation file</param> /// <param name="type">Type of the exportation (csv or sheet)</param> public static void exportExcelMediaBrol(int[] mediabrolIds, String path, int type) { DAOFactory.Instance.getExporterDao().exportExcelMediaBrol(mediabrolIds, path, type); } #endregion #region stats /// <summary> /// Get counters /// </summary> /// <returns>Counter object</returns> public static Counter getCounters() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getStatsDao().loadCounters(); } /// <summary> /// Get stats for actor roles /// </summary> /// <returns>Stat object</returns> public static Stat getStatsActorRoles() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getStatsDao().loadActorRoles(); } /// <summary> /// Get stats for current borrows /// </summary> /// <returns>Stat object</returns> public static Stat getStatsCurrentBorrows() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getStatsDao().loadCurrentBorrows(); } /// <summary> /// Get stats for all borrows /// </summary> /// <returns>Stat object</returns> public static Stat getStatsAllBorrows() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getStatsDao().loadAllBorrows(); } /// <summary> /// Get stats for brols by types /// </summary> /// <returns>Stat object</returns> public static Stat getStatsBrolTypes() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getStatsDao().loadBrolTypes(); } /// <summary> /// Get stats for mediabrols by types /// </summary> /// <returns>Stat object</returns> public static Stat getStatsMediaBrolTypes() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getStatsDao().loadMediaBrolTypes(); } #endregion #region serie /// <summary> /// Get the serie /// </summary> /// <returns>List of serie</returns> public static List<Serie> getSeries() { return DAOFactory.Instance.getSerieDao().loadSeries(); } /// <summary> /// Modify a Serie /// </summary> /// <param name="currentTask">Serie to update</param> public static bool updateSerie(Serie serie) { bool test = DAOFactory.Instance.getSerieDao().updateSerie(serie); if (test) { setModified("updateSerie"); } return test; } /// <summary> /// Delete a Serie /// </summary> /// <param name="taskId">id of the Serie to delete</param> public static bool deleteSerie(int serieId) { bool test = DAOFactory.Instance.getSerieDao().deleteSerie(serieId); if (test) { setModified("deleteSerie"); } return test; } #endregion } }
Structure et Fichiers du projet
Afficher/masquer...Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
| _ | Répertoire parent | 0 octets | 1737536296 22/01/2025 09:58:16 |
| _ | identity | 0 octets | 1541007175 31/10/2018 18:32:55 |
| _ | eid | 0 octets | 1541007175 31/10/2018 18:32:55 |
| _ | LightObjects | 0 octets | 1541007175 31/10/2018 18:32:55 |
| _ | comparators | 0 octets | 1541007174 31/10/2018 18:32:54 |
| _ | aws | 0 octets | 1541007173 31/10/2018 18:32:53 |
| _ | enums | 0 octets | 1541007175 31/10/2018 18:32:55 |
| _ | dao | 0 octets | 1541007174 31/10/2018 18:32:54 |
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22/01/2025 09:58:16 Cette version de la page est en cache (à la date du 22/01/2025 09:58:16) afin d'accélérer le traitement. Vous pouvez activer le mode utilisateur dans le menu en haut pour afficher la dernère version de la page.Document créé le 16/10/2009, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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