Ligne du temps de Valérian de 1987 à 1988

Il y a actuellement 10i évènements affichés dans cette partie de la ligne du temps, 302i pour cette série (2 519i dans la ligne du temps complète).

Voyages dans le temps de Roland

Flag Plage des HomarstruositésFlag NassauFlag New York City
La Tour sombre, T2 (Les Trois cartes) p57-77
The Dark Tower (Comic Books), T11 (The Drawing of the Three - The Prisoner)
The Drawing of the Three: The Prisoner, T4 (The Prisoner - part 4) p19-21
The Drawing of the Three: The Prisoner, T5 (The Prisoner - part 5) p2-4, 8-10

Voyages dans le temps de Roland

Flag Plage des HomarstruositésFlag New York City
La Tour sombre, T2 (Les Trois cartes) p77-99
The Dark Tower (Comic Books), T11 (The Drawing of the Three - The Prisoner)
The Dark Tower (Comic Books), T12 (The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards)
The Drawing of the Three: House of Cards , T1 (House of Cards - part 1) p6-11
The Drawing of the Three: The Prisoner, T5 (The Prisoner - part 5) p12-21

Voyages dans le temps de Roland

Flag New York City
La Tour sombre, T2 (Les Trois cartes) p77-99
The Dark Tower (Comic Books), T12 (The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards)
The Drawing of the Three: House of Cards , T1 (House of Cards - part 1) p6-7, 12-15
The Drawing of the Three: The Prisoner, T5 (The Prisoner - part 5) p16-17

Voyages dans le temps de Roland

Flag Plage des HomarstruositésFlag New York City
La Tour sombre, T2 (Les Trois cartes) p100
The Dark Tower (Comic Books), T12 (The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards)
The Drawing of the Three: House of Cards , T2 (House of Cards - part 2) p3, 5

Voyages dans le temps de Roland

Flag Plage des HomarstruositésFlag New York City
La Tour sombre, T2 (Les Trois cartes) p114
The Dark Tower (Comic Books), T12 (The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards)
The Drawing of the Three: House of Cards , T2 (House of Cards - part 2) p10-13

Voyages dans le temps de Roland

Flag New York City
La Tour sombre, T2 (Les Trois cartes)
The Dark Tower (Comic Books), T12 (The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards)
The Drawing of the Three: House of Cards , T2 (House of Cards - part 2) p16-17

Voyages dans le temps de Roland

La Tour sombre, T2 (Les Trois cartes) p126-136
The Dark Tower (Comic Books), T12 (The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards)
The Drawing of the Three: House of Cards , T2 (House of Cards - part 2) p17-22

Voyages dans le temps de Roland

Flag New York City
La Tour sombre, T2 (Les Trois cartes) p142
The Dark Tower (Comic Books), T12 (The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards)
The Drawing of the Three: House of Cards , T3 (House of Cards - part 3) p6-7, 9-11, 13-17

Voyages dans le temps de Roland

Flag Plage des HomarstruositésFlag New York City
La Tour sombre, T2 (Les Trois cartes) p164
The Dark Tower (Comic Books), T12 (The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards)
The Drawing of the Three: House of Cards , T3 (House of Cards - part 3) p16-17

Document créé le 06/06/2020, dernière modification le 01/09/2024
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