L'homme qui se créa lui-même

Album n°28 dans la série Aventures Fiction

Frank Barrows wakes to a voice telling him that the future depends on him. Frank builds an android duplicate of himself which is sent to the future, but Frank and the android can communicate with each other across time. In the future, light-beings from Aldebaran are "inhaling" argon and "exhaling" monargon, a poisonous waste. Future historical records show that Barrows had developed a technology that could help, but the android duplicates a Frank before he had started that research. Frank is able to knock an electron off an argon atom and get poisonous chlorine and chase away the light-beings.

Informations de publication

Dépôt légal: 01-08-1960
Date de parution: 01-08-1960
Nombre de pages: 36
Éditeur: Artima
Type: album simple

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Document créé le 01/05/2020, dernière modification le 14/08/2024
Source du document imprimé : https://www.gaudry.be/bd/aventures-fiction/l-homme-qui-se-crea-lui-meme.html

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