
Class DefinitionKind

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, IDLEntity

    public class DefinitionKind
    extends Object
    implements IDLEntity
    The class that provides the constants used to identify the type of an Interface Repository object. This class contains two kinds of constants, those that are an int and those that are an instance of the class DefinitionKind. This class provides the method from_int, which given one of the int constants, creates the corresponding DefinitionKind instance. It also provides the method value, which returns the int constant that is the value for a DefinitionKind instance.
    See Also:
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static int _dk_AbstractInterface
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Alias
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_all
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Array
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Attribute
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Constant
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Enum
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Exception
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Fixed
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Interface
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Module
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Native
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_none
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Operation
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Primitive
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Repository
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Sequence
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_String
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Struct
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Typedef
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Union
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Value
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_ValueBox
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_ValueMember
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static int _dk_Wstring
      The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
      static DefinitionKind dk_AbstractInterface
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object represents an abstract interface.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Alias
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Alias.
      static DefinitionKind dk_all
      The wildcard DefinitionKind constant, useful in all occasions where any DefinitionKind is appropriate.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Array
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Array.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Attribute
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Attribute.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Constant
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a constant.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Enum
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Enum.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Exception
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Exception.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Fixed
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Fixed value.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Interface
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Interface.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Module
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Module.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Native
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Native value.
      static DefinitionKind dk_none
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object has no definition kind.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Operation
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Operation.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Primitive
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Primitive.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Repository
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Repository.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Sequence
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Sequence.
      static DefinitionKind dk_String
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a String.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Struct
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Struct.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Typedef
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Typedef.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Union
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Union.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Value
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Value.
      static DefinitionKind dk_ValueBox
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a ValueBox.
      static DefinitionKind dk_ValueMember
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a ValueMember.
      static DefinitionKind dk_Wstring
      The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Wstring.


    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor and Description
      protected DefinitionKind(int _value)
      Constructs a DefinitionKind object with its _value field initialized with the given value.


    • Field Detail

      • _dk_none

        public static final int _dk_none
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_all

        public static final int _dk_all
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Attribute

        public static final int _dk_Attribute
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Constant

        public static final int _dk_Constant
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Exception

        public static final int _dk_Exception
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Interface

        public static final int _dk_Interface
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Module

        public static final int _dk_Module
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Operation

        public static final int _dk_Operation
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Typedef

        public static final int _dk_Typedef
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Alias

        public static final int _dk_Alias
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Struct

        public static final int _dk_Struct
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Union

        public static final int _dk_Union
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Enum

        public static final int _dk_Enum
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Primitive

        public static final int _dk_Primitive
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_String

        public static final int _dk_String
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Sequence

        public static final int _dk_Sequence
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Array

        public static final int _dk_Array
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Repository

        public static final int _dk_Repository
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Wstring

        public static final int _dk_Wstring
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Fixed

        public static final int _dk_Fixed
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Value

        public static final int _dk_Value
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_ValueBox

        public static final int _dk_ValueBox
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_ValueMember

        public static final int _dk_ValueMember
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_Native

        public static final int _dk_Native
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _dk_AbstractInterface

        public static final int _dk_AbstractInterface
        The constant that indicates that an Interface Repository object does not have a definition kind.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • dk_none

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_none
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object has no definition kind.
      • dk_all

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_all
        The wildcard DefinitionKind constant, useful in all occasions where any DefinitionKind is appropriate. The Container's contents method makes use of this constant to return all contained definitions of any kind.
      • dk_Attribute

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Attribute
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Attribute.
      • dk_Constant

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Constant
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a constant.
      • dk_Exception

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Exception
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Exception.
      • dk_Interface

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Interface
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Interface.
      • dk_Module

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Module
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Module.
      • dk_Operation

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Operation
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Operation.
      • dk_Typedef

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Typedef
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Typedef.
      • dk_Alias

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Alias
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Alias.
      • dk_Struct

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Struct
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Struct.
      • dk_Union

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Union
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Union.
      • dk_Enum

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Enum
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Enum.
      • dk_Primitive

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Primitive
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Primitive.
      • dk_String

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_String
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a String.
      • dk_Sequence

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Sequence
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Sequence.
      • dk_Array

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Array
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is an Array.
      • dk_Repository

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Repository
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Repository.
      • dk_Wstring

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Wstring
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Wstring.
      • dk_Fixed

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Fixed
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Fixed value.
      • dk_Value

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Value
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Value.
      • dk_ValueBox

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_ValueBox
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a ValueBox.
      • dk_ValueMember

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_ValueMember
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a ValueMember.
      • dk_Native

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_Native
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object is a Native value.
      • dk_AbstractInterface

        public static final DefinitionKind dk_AbstractInterface
        The static instance of DefinitionKind indicating that an Interface Repository object represents an abstract interface.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefinitionKind

        protected DefinitionKind(int _value)
        Constructs a DefinitionKind object with its _value field initialized with the given value.
        _value - one of the int constants defined in the class DefinitionKind
    • Method Detail

      • value

        public int value()
        Returns the int constant identifying the type of an IR object.
        the int constant from the class DefinitionKind that is the value of this DefinitionKind instance
      • from_int

        public static DefinitionKind from_int(int i)
        Creates a DefinitionKind instance corresponding to the given code .
        i - one of the int constants from the class DefinitionKind
        the DefinitionKind instance corresponding to the given code
        BAD_PARAM - if the given parameter is not one of the int constants from the class DefinitionKind

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