
Class AWTEventMulticaster

    • Constructor Detail

      • AWTEventMulticaster

        protected AWTEventMulticaster(EventListener a,
                           EventListener b)
        Creates an event multicaster instance which chains listener-a with listener-b. Input parameters a and b should not be null, though implementations may vary in choosing whether or not to throw NullPointerException in that case.
        a - listener-a
        b - listener-b
    • Method Detail

      • remove

        protected EventListener remove(EventListener oldl)
        Removes a listener from this multicaster.

        The returned multicaster contains all the listeners in this multicaster with the exception of all occurrences of oldl. If the resulting multicaster contains only one regular listener the regular listener may be returned. If the resulting multicaster is empty, then null may be returned instead.

        No exception is thrown if oldl is null.

        oldl - the listener to be removed
        resulting listener
      • componentResized

        public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e)
        Handles the componentResized event by invoking the componentResized methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        componentResized in interface ComponentListener
        e - the component event
      • componentMoved

        public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e)
        Handles the componentMoved event by invoking the componentMoved methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        componentMoved in interface ComponentListener
        e - the component event
      • componentShown

        public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e)
        Handles the componentShown event by invoking the componentShown methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        componentShown in interface ComponentListener
        e - the component event
      • componentHidden

        public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e)
        Handles the componentHidden event by invoking the componentHidden methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        componentHidden in interface ComponentListener
        e - the component event
      • componentAdded

        public void componentAdded(ContainerEvent e)
        Handles the componentAdded container event by invoking the componentAdded methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        componentAdded in interface ContainerListener
        e - the component event
      • componentRemoved

        public void componentRemoved(ContainerEvent e)
        Handles the componentRemoved container event by invoking the componentRemoved methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        componentRemoved in interface ContainerListener
        e - the component event
      • focusGained

        public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
        Handles the focusGained event by invoking the focusGained methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        focusGained in interface FocusListener
        e - the focus event
      • focusLost

        public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
        Handles the focusLost event by invoking the focusLost methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        focusLost in interface FocusListener
        e - the focus event
      • keyTyped

        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
        Handles the keyTyped event by invoking the keyTyped methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        keyTyped in interface KeyListener
        e - the key event
      • keyPressed

        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
        Handles the keyPressed event by invoking the keyPressed methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        keyPressed in interface KeyListener
        e - the key event
      • keyReleased

        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
        Handles the keyReleased event by invoking the keyReleased methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        keyReleased in interface KeyListener
        e - the key event
      • mouseClicked

        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
        Handles the mouseClicked event by invoking the mouseClicked methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        mouseClicked in interface MouseListener
        e - the mouse event
      • mousePressed

        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
        Handles the mousePressed event by invoking the mousePressed methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        mousePressed in interface MouseListener
        e - the mouse event
      • mouseReleased

        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
        Handles the mouseReleased event by invoking the mouseReleased methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        mouseReleased in interface MouseListener
        e - the mouse event
      • mouseEntered

        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
        Handles the mouseEntered event by invoking the mouseEntered methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        mouseEntered in interface MouseListener
        e - the mouse event
      • mouseExited

        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
        Handles the mouseExited event by invoking the mouseExited methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        mouseExited in interface MouseListener
        e - the mouse event
      • mouseDragged

        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
        Handles the mouseDragged event by invoking the mouseDragged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        mouseDragged in interface MouseMotionListener
        e - the mouse event
      • mouseMoved

        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
        Handles the mouseMoved event by invoking the mouseMoved methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        mouseMoved in interface MouseMotionListener
        e - the mouse event
      • windowOpened

        public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e)
        Handles the windowOpened event by invoking the windowOpened methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        windowOpened in interface WindowListener
        e - the window event
      • windowClosing

        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
        Handles the windowClosing event by invoking the windowClosing methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        windowClosing in interface WindowListener
        e - the window event
      • windowClosed

        public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
        Handles the windowClosed event by invoking the windowClosed methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        windowClosed in interface WindowListener
        e - the window event
      • windowDeiconified

        public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)
        Handles the windowDeiconfied event by invoking the windowDeiconified methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        windowDeiconified in interface WindowListener
        e - the window event
      • windowActivated

        public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)
        Handles the windowActivated event by invoking the windowActivated methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        windowActivated in interface WindowListener
        e - the window event
      • windowDeactivated

        public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e)
        Handles the windowDeactivated event by invoking the windowDeactivated methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        windowDeactivated in interface WindowListener
        e - the window event
      • windowStateChanged

        public void windowStateChanged(WindowEvent e)
        Handles the windowStateChanged event by invoking the windowStateChanged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        windowStateChanged in interface WindowStateListener
        e - the window event
      • windowGainedFocus

        public void windowGainedFocus(WindowEvent e)
        Handles the windowGainedFocus event by invoking the windowGainedFocus methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        windowGainedFocus in interface WindowFocusListener
        e - the window event
      • windowLostFocus

        public void windowLostFocus(WindowEvent e)
        Handles the windowLostFocus event by invoking the windowLostFocus methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        windowLostFocus in interface WindowFocusListener
        e - the window event
      • actionPerformed

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        Handles the actionPerformed event by invoking the actionPerformed methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        actionPerformed in interface ActionListener
        e - the action event
      • itemStateChanged

        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
        Handles the itemStateChanged event by invoking the itemStateChanged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        itemStateChanged in interface ItemListener
        e - the item event
      • adjustmentValueChanged

        public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e)
        Handles the adjustmentValueChanged event by invoking the adjustmentValueChanged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        adjustmentValueChanged in interface AdjustmentListener
        e - the adjustment event
      • textValueChanged

        public void textValueChanged(TextEvent e)
        Description copied from interface: TextListener
        Invoked when the value of the text has changed. The code written for this method performs the operations that need to occur when text changes.
        Specified by:
        textValueChanged in interface TextListener
      • inputMethodTextChanged

        public void inputMethodTextChanged(InputMethodEvent e)
        Handles the inputMethodTextChanged event by invoking the inputMethodTextChanged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        inputMethodTextChanged in interface InputMethodListener
        e - the item event
      • caretPositionChanged

        public void caretPositionChanged(InputMethodEvent e)
        Handles the caretPositionChanged event by invoking the caretPositionChanged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        caretPositionChanged in interface InputMethodListener
        e - the item event
      • ancestorMoved

        public void ancestorMoved(HierarchyEvent e)
        Handles the ancestorMoved event by invoking the ancestorMoved methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        ancestorMoved in interface HierarchyBoundsListener
        e - the item event
      • ancestorResized

        public void ancestorResized(HierarchyEvent e)
        Handles the ancestorResized event by invoking the ancestorResized methods on listener-a and listener-b.
        Specified by:
        ancestorResized in interface HierarchyBoundsListener
        e - the item event
      • add

        public static FocusListener add(FocusListener a,
                        FocusListener b)
        Adds focus-listener-a with focus-listener-b and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        a - focus-listener-a
        b - focus-listener-b
      • add

        public static KeyListener add(KeyListener a,
                      KeyListener b)
        Adds key-listener-a with key-listener-b and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        a - key-listener-a
        b - key-listener-b
      • add

        public static MouseListener add(MouseListener a,
                        MouseListener b)
        Adds mouse-listener-a with mouse-listener-b and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        a - mouse-listener-a
        b - mouse-listener-b
      • add

        public static WindowListener add(WindowListener a,
                         WindowListener b)
        Adds window-listener-a with window-listener-b and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        a - window-listener-a
        b - window-listener-b
      • add

        public static ActionListener add(ActionListener a,
                         ActionListener b)
        Adds action-listener-a with action-listener-b and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        a - action-listener-a
        b - action-listener-b
      • add

        public static ItemListener add(ItemListener a,
                       ItemListener b)
        Adds item-listener-a with item-listener-b and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        a - item-listener-a
        b - item-listener-b
      • add

        public static HierarchyListener add(HierarchyListener a,
                            HierarchyListener b)
        Adds hierarchy-listener-a with hierarchy-listener-b and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        a - hierarchy-listener-a
        b - hierarchy-listener-b
      • remove

        public static ComponentListener remove(ComponentListener l,
                               ComponentListener oldl)
        Removes the old component-listener from component-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - component-listener-l
        oldl - the component-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static ContainerListener remove(ContainerListener l,
                               ContainerListener oldl)
        Removes the old container-listener from container-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - container-listener-l
        oldl - the container-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static FocusListener remove(FocusListener l,
                           FocusListener oldl)
        Removes the old focus-listener from focus-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - focus-listener-l
        oldl - the focus-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static KeyListener remove(KeyListener l,
                         KeyListener oldl)
        Removes the old key-listener from key-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - key-listener-l
        oldl - the key-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static MouseListener remove(MouseListener l,
                           MouseListener oldl)
        Removes the old mouse-listener from mouse-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - mouse-listener-l
        oldl - the mouse-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static MouseMotionListener remove(MouseMotionListener l,
                                 MouseMotionListener oldl)
        Removes the old mouse-motion-listener from mouse-motion-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - mouse-motion-listener-l
        oldl - the mouse-motion-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static WindowListener remove(WindowListener l,
                            WindowListener oldl)
        Removes the old window-listener from window-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - window-listener-l
        oldl - the window-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static WindowStateListener remove(WindowStateListener l,
                                 WindowStateListener oldl)
        Removes the old window-state-listener from window-state-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - window-state-listener-l
        oldl - the window-state-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static WindowFocusListener remove(WindowFocusListener l,
                                 WindowFocusListener oldl)
        Removes the old window-focus-listener from window-focus-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - window-focus-listener-l
        oldl - the window-focus-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static ActionListener remove(ActionListener l,
                            ActionListener oldl)
        Removes the old action-listener from action-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - action-listener-l
        oldl - the action-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static ItemListener remove(ItemListener l,
                          ItemListener oldl)
        Removes the old item-listener from item-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - item-listener-l
        oldl - the item-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static AdjustmentListener remove(AdjustmentListener l,
                                AdjustmentListener oldl)
        Removes the old adjustment-listener from adjustment-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - adjustment-listener-l
        oldl - the adjustment-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static InputMethodListener remove(InputMethodListener l,
                                 InputMethodListener oldl)
        Removes the old input-method-listener from input-method-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - input-method-listener-l
        oldl - the input-method-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static HierarchyListener remove(HierarchyListener l,
                               HierarchyListener oldl)
        Removes the old hierarchy-listener from hierarchy-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - hierarchy-listener-l
        oldl - the hierarchy-listener being removed
      • remove

        public static MouseWheelListener remove(MouseWheelListener l,
                                MouseWheelListener oldl)
        Removes the old mouse-wheel-listener from mouse-wheel-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
        l - mouse-wheel-listener-l
        oldl - the mouse-wheel-listener being removed
      • addInternal

        protected static EventListener addInternal(EventListener a,
                                EventListener b)
        Returns the resulting multicast listener from adding listener-a and listener-b together. If listener-a is null, it returns listener-b; If listener-b is null, it returns listener-a If neither are null, then it creates and returns a new AWTEventMulticaster instance which chains a with b.
        a - event listener-a
        b - event listener-b
      • removeInternal

        protected static EventListener removeInternal(EventListener l,
                                   EventListener oldl)
        Returns the resulting multicast listener after removing the old listener from listener-l. If listener-l equals the old listener OR listener-l is null, returns null. Else if listener-l is an instance of AWTEventMulticaster, then it removes the old listener from it. Else, returns listener l.
        l - the listener being removed from
        oldl - the listener being removed
      • getListeners

        public static <T extends EventListener> T[] getListeners(EventListener l,
                                                 Class<T> listenerType)
        Returns an array of all the objects chained as FooListeners by the specified java.util.EventListener. FooListeners are chained by the AWTEventMulticaster using the addFooListener method. If a null listener is specified, this method returns an empty array. If the specified listener is not an instance of AWTEventMulticaster, this method returns an array which contains only the specified listener. If no such listeners are chanined, this method returns an empty array.
        l - the specified java.util.EventListener
        listenerType - the type of listeners requested; this parameter should specify an interface that descends from java.util.EventListener
        an array of all objects chained as FooListeners by the specified multicast listener, or an empty array if no such listeners have been chained by the specified multicast listener
        NullPointerException - if the specified listenertype parameter is null
        ClassCastException - if listenerType doesn't specify a class or interface that implements java.util.EventListener

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Document créé le 29/08/2006, dernière modification le 04/03/2020
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